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Elections will be held when GECOM is fully prepared

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President David Granger (fifth from right) during discussions between government and the opposition on Thursday. (MoTP photo)

General and regional elections will be held when the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has the administrative capability to do so.

This is according to President David Granger who noted that it was one of two outcomes which came to the fore following a meeting with the Opposition on Thursday. Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo led an opposition delegation to the meeting with the President at the Ministry of the Presidency.

Led by the President and several government ministers, the President said that the two sides discussed the functioning of the Legislative and the Executive arms of governance.

He said neither of the two branches of government “could be allowed to fail” as he noted that public services must be delivered and public order must be maintained. He said the two sides reached “broad agreement” on how the two branches function.

The President noted that the government has made legal recourse to the courts following the outcome of last month’s no confidence motion vote.

He deemed the move “quite legitimate” and according to him, government has no intention to derail constitution and legislative process.

The President noted too that the two sides agreed that GECOM will continue to be engaged to ensure elections are held when that body is able to undertake same.The President assured the public that a satisfactory solution is being pursued.

“The public interest is our paramount concern,” the President said.

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To start, Granger appointed a dead man who shame to close his eyes to chair GECOM. He is sick, that's no excuse to delay the election, many others can do his job, but you see he specialize in Rigging, tuff to replace.


Did the Opposition not press the President for a time frame rather than leave it open ended until thy kingdom come for GECOM to be ready for election? This gives the APNU/AFC and its handpicked GECOM Chairman to set up their rigging machine. Don’t forget that Patterson can claim that he will be sick for a long time and no GECOM meetings can be held without him.

i am waiting to hear the Opposition Party response to their view of the meeting.

I am also curious to know why the DAG did not include Basil Williams to the meeting?


Gail Teixeira, Amna Ally to meet with GECOM on election readiness


Opposition PPP Leader Jagdeo flanked by his party executive members

Top representatives of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the government are to meet with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to determine its readiness for general elections, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said Wednesday.

About two and a half hours after meeting with President David Granger, Jagdeo said Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and government Chief Whip Amna Ally are due to meet possibly on Thursday before meeting with GECOM to “determine its readiness”. Ally, who is also General Secretary of the People’s National Congress Reform, and Teixeira were also part of the Jagdeo-Granger meeting.

“Elections have to be held this year. The constitution says that,” said Jagdeo, ahead of a joint communiqué.

Granger earlier Wednesday said elections would be held when GECOM is prepared.

Jagdeo declined to infer whether government has conceded that Guyanese would have to go back to the polls this year following last November’s local government elections . “I don’t want to be accused of breaching the spirit of the talks” he said while noting that it was President Granger who placed the operational readiness of GECOM on the agenda.

Jagdeo said among the issues that the PPP would be interested in is the time frame for nomination day which could be in February if elections are to be held by March 21, the end of the 90-day period following the National Assembly’s passage of the no-confidence motion on December 21. He cited other issues as the printing of ballots and the generating of a voters’ list. The Opposition Leader noted that the current list of registrants is valid until April 30, 2019.

GECOM Chairman James Patterson remains on medical leave, and Jagdeo said the possibility of appointing a temporary chair was not discussed.

Insisting that the National Assembly should reconvene only for elections-related matters, Jagdeo said it was possible the lawmaking body could reconvene to provide funds to GECOM or extend the life of the House by a couple of weeks. He noted that GYD$3 billion has been set aside for house-to-house registration this year but which could now be used for something else.

Jagdeo said the President committed to asking his party faithful to “tone down” their rhetoric and he committed to doing likewise. “Toning down means toning down on both sides” Jagdeo said.

Meanwhile, Jagdeo said his 35-member PPP Central Committee would Thursday hear presentations from the five presidential hopefuls and if there is no consensus it would be taken to a secret ballot. The quintet is made up of Anil Nandlall, Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali, Vindhya Persaud and Gail Texeira.

Jagdeo said the Central Committee would decide whether to enter the elections with an ‘A Team’ made up of the presidential candidate, prime ministerial candidate and someone else. He is said to highly favour Ali, while the Central Committee old guard has picked Anthony ahead of Nandlall.


kp posted:

Gail Teixeira, Amna Ally to meet with GECOM on election readiness


Opposition PPP Leader Jagdeo flanked by his party executive members

He is said to highly favour Ali, while the Central Committee old guard has picked Anthony ahead of Nandlall.



So we will see who controls the PPP.   Jagdeo might find that Guyanese will be more comfortable with Anthony than with Irfaan.  I have never heard a bad word said about Anthony and there are others who seem to agree that he carries the least baggage of those who have some experience.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Gail Teixeira, Amna Ally to meet with GECOM on election readiness


Opposition PPP Leader Jagdeo flanked by his party executive members

He is said to highly favour Ali, while the Central Committee old guard has picked Anthony ahead of Nandlall.



So we will see who controls the PPP.   Jagdeo might find that Guyanese will be more comfortable with Anthony than with Irfaan.  I have never heard a bad word said about Anthony and there are others who seem to agree that he carries the least baggage of those who have some experience.

Anthony is getting more support by the local group.


Granger looking good in the video....why is he not looking straight at the camera???

But this is a good start...90 days for election preparation is not enough...I am sure a 2/3 support for an extension will be in order...

Dondadda posted:

Did the Opposition not press the President for a time frame rather than leave it open ended until thy kingdom come for GECOM to be ready for election? This gives the APNU/AFC and its handpicked GECOM Chairman to set up their rigging machine. Don’t forget that Patterson can claim that he will be sick for a long time and no GECOM meetings can be held without him.

i am waiting to hear the Opposition Party response to their view of the meeting.

I am also curious to know why the DAG did not include Basil Williams to the meeting?

Specific issues ...

1. No-confidence passes in December 2018.

2. Election must be held within three months from that date.

3. It is not an open-ended process.

Now with the information from the meeting today, there are indications that considerations are given to Patterson's illness.

It is possible that as time progresses, there might be a legislative session to specifically extend the election date with the approval of the opposition party for a minimum of two-thirds of the MPs are needed.

VishMahabir posted:

Granger looking good in the video....why is he not looking straight at the camera???

But this is a good start...90 days for election preparation is not enough...I am sure a 2/3 support for an extension will be in order...

There should not be any extension. Hoyted asked for a 2 year extension to get his polling list right. He was trying mightily to fix the game. These fellows will pad their votes if given time.

D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Granger looking good in the video....why is he not looking straight at the camera???

But this is a good start...90 days for election preparation is not enough...I am sure a 2/3 support for an extension will be in order...

There should not be any extension. Hoyted asked for a 2 year extension to get his polling list right. He was trying mightily to fix the game. These fellows will pad their votes if given time.

Trust me...they gon pad it whether the election is in 90 days or in 2 years...


The whole country had local elections only two months ago and Granger acting like GECOM isn't fully prepared to hold the general elections. Is he suggesting that GECOM did not conduct a real local elections or is he saying that old man Patterson isn't fit to do so. What happens if old man Patterson drop dead tomorrow, does GECOM come to a standstill?

ksazma posted:

The whole country had local elections only two months ago and Granger acting like GECOM isn't fully prepared to hold the general elections. Is he suggesting that GECOM did not conduct a real local elections or is he saying that old man Patterson isn't fit to do so. What happens if old man Patterson drop dead tomorrow, does GECOM come to a standstill?

correct!  I think the list should be up to date!  BJ also knows that!

The great USA had to carry on after JFK assassination.  They picked a walking dead, they must have an eye on the ball!

Dem people tink abie coolie stcupit!!

VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Granger looking good in the video....why is he not looking straight at the camera???

But this is a good start...90 days for election preparation is not enough...I am sure a 2/3 support for an extension will be in order...

There should not be any extension. Hoyted asked for a 2 year extension to get his polling list right. He was trying mightily to fix the game. These fellows will pad their votes if given time.

Trust me...they gon pad it whether the election is in 90 days or in 2 years...

yuh really believe we Guyanese are a hopeless ppl.


I remember saying back in 2015 before the elections that the PNC will return to their old wicked ways if they become the government. In less than four years, they prove how correct I was. Every day they are coming up with a new excuse. The trouble is when they run out of all excuses, they will resort to their trademark slo fiah mo fiah campaign.

ksazma posted:

I remember saying back in 2015 before the elections that the PNC will return to their old wicked ways if they become the government. In less than four years, they prove how correct I was. Every day they are coming up with a new excuse. The trouble is when they run out of all excuses, they will resort to their trademark slo fiah mo fiah campaign.

PPP or PNC, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

seignet posted:
VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Granger looking good in the video....why is he not looking straight at the camera???

But this is a good start...90 days for election preparation is not enough...I am sure a 2/3 support for an extension will be in order...

There should not be any extension. Hoyted asked for a 2 year extension to get his polling list right. He was trying mightily to fix the game. These fellows will pad their votes if given time.

Trust me...they gon pad it whether the election is in 90 days or in 2 years...

yuh really believe we Guyanese are a hopeless ppl.

Everyone I meet have good memories about "back home".

However, the history of this country does not offer much to hope for....the country is compared to Haiti and suffers a massive brain drain...its been a divided country since independence.

The hope was that the oil money will bring some hope....but its not going to happen unless politicians seriously address the racial problem...instead of ignoring it. 

VishMahabir posted:
seignet posted:
VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Granger looking good in the video....why is he not looking straight at the camera???

But this is a good start...90 days for election preparation is not enough...I am sure a 2/3 support for an extension will be in order...

There should not be any extension. Hoyted asked for a 2 year extension to get his polling list right. He was trying mightily to fix the game. These fellows will pad their votes if given time.

Trust me...they gon pad it whether the election is in 90 days or in 2 years...

yuh really believe we Guyanese are a hopeless ppl.

Everyone I meet have good memories about "back home".

However, the history of this country does not offer much to hope for....the country is compared to Haiti and suffers a massive brain drain...its been a divided country since independence.

The hope was that the oil money will bring some hope....but its not going to happen unless politicians seriously address the racial problem...instead of ignoring it. 

The history of the country has nothing to do with memories of one's childhood and family experiences. Even growing up there were apprehensions of lots of things wrong. Everyone spoke of the politics of the era and one saw the repression. 

BTW Lips think you are me...My regrets...she does not appear to be too bright. 

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

I remember saying back in 2015 before the elections that the PNC will return to their old wicked ways if they become the government. In less than four years, they prove how correct I was. Every day they are coming up with a new excuse. The trouble is when they run out of all excuses, they will resort to their trademark slo fiah mo fiah campaign.

PPP or PNC, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That said, while the PPP had issues regarding some ballot recounts and challenged it in court, they did not anchor down in the government and wait for the case to be adjudicated. They surrender their governmental posts. That seems very difficult for the PNC to adopt.

ksazma posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

I remember saying back in 2015 before the elections that the PNC will return to their old wicked ways if they become the government. In less than four years, they prove how correct I was. Every day they are coming up with a new excuse. The trouble is when they run out of all excuses, they will resort to their trademark slo fiah mo fiah campaign.

PPP or PNC, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That said, while the PPP had issues regarding some ballot recounts and challenged it in court, they did not anchor down in the government and wait for the case to be adjudicated. They surrender their governmental posts. That seems very difficult for the PNC to adopt.

The PNC are at a disadvantage of numbers and fear a perpetual PPP rule. Motivations for actions are self evident. The PPP has always been vile to black peopel so they are reluctant to be lorded over by them. As our society is about ethnic nepotism the know giving up the state as a prize to the PPP means their social, cultural and economic marginalization. One just has to look at the Biafra for a parallel. Igbos, similarly marginalized sought to secede.   

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

I remember saying back in 2015 before the elections that the PNC will return to their old wicked ways if they become the government. In less than four years, they prove how correct I was. Every day they are coming up with a new excuse. The trouble is when they run out of all excuses, they will resort to their trademark slo fiah mo fiah campaign.

PPP or PNC, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That said, while the PPP had issues regarding some ballot recounts and challenged it in court, they did not anchor down in the government and wait for the case to be adjudicated. They surrender their governmental posts. That seems very difficult for the PNC to adopt.

The PNC are at a disadvantage of numbers and fear a perpetual PPP rule. Motivations for actions are self evident. The PPP has always been vile to black peopel so they are reluctant to be lorded over by them. As our society is about ethnic nepotism the know giving up the state as a prize to the PPP means their social, cultural and economic marginalization. One just has to look at the Biafra for a parallel. Igbos, similarly marginalized sought to secede.   

Not withstanding that, the PNC does not have the right to illegally enforce their will just because they are at a disadvantage. They should have done the honorable thing and truly began the process for elections within 90 days from 12/21/2018. They had an opportunity to make their numbers advantageous but were too busy focusing on themselves. What the PPP did, they paid for with the loss in 2015. The ball is now in the PNC court and it seems like they are afraid to shoot it.


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