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Thats my prediction....I dont see how this is possible, or why it will be allowed....except for the PPP, which seems best prepared to run an election now....there are a number of issues that have to be resolved. I am sure this will be discussed when the President and Opposition leader meet:

1. There is the challenge to the NO Confidence many votes makes it legal...? It does not matter whether we believe that 1 from 10 is O, what Highes has done is to open the door for a challenge....the PNC or AFC will challenge this in the a delaying tactic...they already put a legal team together....that will take time.

2. Logistics may not be in place ( Bibi Haniffa and Bibi Shaddiq believe otherwise) or updated election list may be needed, GECOM has an ailing Chairman, if he resigns, it will take time to replace him (the back and forth will repeat itself), inviting observers takes time because laws have to be in place, etc. 

3. Politics at play in full swing. The party at a disadvantage will find delaying tactics: for example, they may find reasons to delay the vote to give the NEW parties time to form and organize (hoping they will take votes away from the other parties). 

jes my 2 cents.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Despite what the President and ministers say publicly, they're scouting for legal and other ways to buy time and delay the elections. Granger may make a pitch to Jagdeo to provide the two-thirds majority in parliament to extend the 90-day deadline. PNC can twist GECOM's arm to claim it's not ready for elections. Why else is the government consulting lawyers? Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?

ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Salaam bro:

This is no ordinary is going to be the Mother of All Elections

....National elections are different from LGEs. are underestimating the cunningness of knave politicians from all sides.

Mitwah posted:

Vish, will they reverse the raise they gave themselves? That bill was passed by 1 majority. 

How about the recent budget? 

Absolutely not. Then they would have to reverse everything done under the one party majority under Ramotar...

But Demerara-Guy can give a proper explanation for this...he seem like he he knows the laws well

Gilbakka posted:

Despite what the President and ministers say publicly, they're scouting for legal and other ways to buy time and delay the elections. Granger may make a pitch to Jagdeo to provide the two-thirds majority in parliament to extend the 90-day deadline. PNC can twist GECOM's arm to claim it's not ready for elections. Why else is the government consulting lawyers? Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?




VishMahabir posted:

Thats my prediction....I dont see how this is possible, or why it will be allowed....except for the PPP, which seems best prepared to run an election now....there are a number of issues that have to be resolved. I am sure this will be discussed when the President and Opposition leader meet:

jes my 2 cents.

The Government set the date for Elections, the Election Commission run and manages the elections.

VishMahabir, take note.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Tola posted:

The government is in control of the election process and could create all kinds of delayed tactics. Even the courts by the PPP can be delayed. 

Be careful with a wounded animal. 

The Government set the date for Elections, the Election Commission run and manages the elections. Two different entities Bhai.

But who appoints GECOM chair  and has Guyana ever been  a place of 'going by the book'. Who influence who ? 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

I was not considering rigging. I was considering that they should have almost everything in place since they just had the LGE

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

I was not considering rigging. I was considering that they should have almost everything in place since they just had the LGE

Everything should be in place,voters list ok, only ballots need to be printed which is done overseas.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:

Elections will NOT be held in 90 days

Thats my prediction....I dont see how this is possible, or why it will be allowed....except for the PPP, which seems best prepared to run an election now....there are a number of issues that have to be resolved. I am sure this will be discussed when the President and Opposition leader meet:

1. There is the challenge to the NO Confidence many votes makes it legal...? It does not matter whether we believe that 1 from 10 is O, what Highes has done is to open the door for a challenge....the PNC or AFC will challenge this in the a delaying tactic...they already put a legal team together....that will take time.

2. Logistics may not be in place ( Bibi Haniffa and Bibi Shaddiq believe otherwise) or updated election list may be needed, GECOM has an ailing Chairman, if he resigns, it will take time to replace him (the back and forth will repeat itself), inviting observers takes time because laws have to be in place, etc. 

3. Politics at play in full swing. The party at a disadvantage will find delaying tactics: for example, they may find reasons to delay the vote to give the NEW parties time to form and organize (hoping they will take votes away from the other parties). 

jes my 2 cents.

1. The law states that, under the specific circumstances, elections MUST be held within three months .. i.e., by March 2019. =PERIOD=

2. Questions on the legality, votes needed or logistics; to name a few; are  of no consequence to the issue of the elections by March 2019.

3. The pending discussions between the Opposition Leader and President are simply procedural steps for the election by March 2019.

4. It simply requires, at least, one vote more than the other(s) for the no confidence motion to pass.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:

Vish, will they reverse the raise they gave themselves? That bill was passed by 1 majority. 

How about the recent budget? 

Absolutely not. Then they would have to reverse everything done under the one party majority under Ramotar...

But Demerara-Guy can give a proper explanation for this...he seem like he he knows the laws well

Revision/amendment of past issues are inconsequential at this moment.

New election is the focus for all political organizations.

Should the PPPC win this election, it is conceivable that they-PPPC will indeed review issues and make adjustments as needed.

Gilbakka posted:

Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?

what is your motivation in characterizing Nigel Hughes as engaging in "asinine arithmetic" when that very same arithmetic was actually thrust into the public domain 3 weeks before the no-confidence vote by Ralph Ramkarran/Cameron & Shepherd?

i didn't hear anybody call it ANYTHING but sage advice then

yes, why didn't you and the rest call Ralph an ass THEN?

just my small part in underlining y'all lil hustle to plug dem holes in alyuh 'narrative' with dog dung

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

I was not considering rigging. I was considering that they should have almost everything in place since they just had the LGE

Everything should be in place,voters list ok, only ballots need to be printed which is done overseas.

They should not delay the elections given that almost is in place. Anyway, the dude I mentioned earlier say that he thinks the PPP will win. Because this guy’s father was so big in the government back in the 70s I cannot name him.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

I was not considering rigging. I was considering that they should have almost everything in place since they just had the LGE

Everything should be in place,voters list ok, only ballots need to be printed which is done overseas.

They should not delay the elections given that almost is in place. Anyway, the dude I mentioned earlier say that he thinks the PPP will win. Because this guy’s father was so big in the government back in the 70s I cannot name him.

Agreed abide with the law. Regarding the PPP win, that  depends on how APNU/AFC will able to convince their supporters to come out to the polls.My assessment is based on results of the 2015 Regional and General Elections.

Last edited by Django
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?

what is your motivation in characterizing Nigel Hughes as engaging in "asinine arithmetic" when that very same arithmetic was actually thrust into the public domain 3 weeks before the no-confidence vote by Ralph Ramkarran/Cameron & Shepherd?

i didn't hear anybody call it ANYTHING but sage advice then

yes, why didn't you and the rest call Ralph an ass THEN?


Ramkarran has since corrected his own asinine arithmetic which I overlooked 3 weeks ago. My bad.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

I was not considering rigging. I was considering that they should have almost everything in place since they just had the LGE

Everything should be in place,voters list ok, only ballots need to be printed which is done overseas.

They should not delay the elections given that almost is in place. Anyway, the dude I mentioned earlier say that he thinks the PPP will win. Because this guy’s father was so big in the government back in the 70s I cannot name him.

the ppp has lost 2 times in a row. Each side have a safe bet. If Shuman comes on and Ramkarran's party also we may have some  watering down of the votes. Shuman will mainly weaken the PNC...Rankarran will steal urban Indians from the PPP. We may once again end up with a minority government and a quick do over by 2021. Minority governments may be here to stay.

D2 posted:

the ppp has lost 2 times in a row. Each side have a safe bet. If Shuman comes on and Ramkarran's party also we may have some  watering down of the votes. Shuman will mainly weaken the PNC...Rankarran will steal urban Indians from the PPP. We may once again end up with a minority government and a quick do over by 2021. Minority governments may be here to stay.

That's right more smaller parties will shake up the two major parties.

P.S. Found an online free PDF to XL converter,works great.

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Conducting an election in 90 days should be no problem. They just had the LGE so the infrastructure is already there. Voting lists shouldn't need to be redone, just verified. If you have the voting list then just get a copy machine to print ballots and you have your elections.

Taking in to consideration the distrust and ballot box tampering, the ballot boxes will be stuffed.

I was not considering rigging. I was considering that they should have almost everything in place since they just had the LGE

Everything should be in place,voters list ok, only ballots need to be printed which is done overseas.

They should not delay the elections given that almost is in place. Anyway, the dude I mentioned earlier say that he thinks the PPP will win. Because this guy’s father was so big in the government back in the 70s I cannot name him.

the ppp has lost 2 times in a row. Each side have a safe bet. If Shuman comes on and Ramkarran's party also we may have some  watering down of the votes. Shuman will mainly weaken the PNC...Rankarran will steal urban Indians from the PPP. We may once again end up with a minority government and a quick do over by 2021. Minority governments may be here to stay.

They lost in 2015. If you count the shortened term of the PPP, then your PNC never won an election.

ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?

what is your motivation in characterizing Nigel Hughes as engaging in "asinine arithmetic" when that very same arithmetic was actually thrust into the public domain 3 weeks before the no-confidence vote by Ralph Ramkarran/Cameron & Shepherd?

i didn't hear anybody call it ANYTHING but sage advice then

yes, why didn't you and the rest call Ralph an ass THEN?

just my small part in underlining y'all lil hustle to plug dem holes in alyuh 'narrative' with dog dung

You clutching at straws here bro...

If Ramkarran and Nigel are both saying the same thing, then both of them are wrong....the fuzzzy math does not add up.

The fact that Ramkarran has now declared his intention to form a party days after the NC vote is an indication of his implicit admission that his logic was faulty.

Ramkarran must have been trying to meet the deadline and grab reader's attention by his article.

I am not one who is saying that Guyana should rush into the election (most PPP supporters here seems giddy because they already feel its a shoe in for the PPP), but there are a lot of factors...with politicians being politicians... that will go into play, given the high stakes.

Hughes (and Ramkaran) has given the government another reason to push for an extension...frankly I think the PNC and coalition know that they will not be ready to campaign and win an election in 90 days...

...everyone, regardless of which party they represent, are sitting in the war room contemplating their next move.... 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?

what is your motivation in characterizing Nigel Hughes as engaging in "asinine arithmetic" when that very same arithmetic was actually thrust into the public domain 3 weeks before the no-confidence vote by Ralph Ramkarran/Cameron & Shepherd?

i didn't hear anybody call it ANYTHING but sage advice then

yes, why didn't you and the rest call Ralph an ass THEN?

just my small part in underlining y'all lil hustle to plug dem holes in alyuh 'narrative' with dog dung

You clutching at straws here bro...

sir, where exactly do you see making a case for one side or the other?

y'all tend to the stupid habit of posting before you think

the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

nothing to do with the Will of The People

therefore, a challenge is not tampering with Guyana's democracy, just as the scampishness of Charandaas did NOT trample on Guyana's democracy, such as it exists

did you stop to think that a decision by the Courts may be beneficial in settling this thing once and for all since, obviously, the articulation in governing law is poorly written?

the Coalition may decide for all kinds of good reasons not to challenge and proceed to elections by March . . . that is their right

but they may decide otherwise; that "otherwise" is NOT frivolous . . . this is also their right

watching y'all . . . i happen to have a vantage point above and away from the stampeding herd with their 'tactics'

poor you

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why else is Kathy Hughes's husband indulging in asinine arithmetic?

what is your motivation in characterizing Nigel Hughes as engaging in "asinine arithmetic" when that very same arithmetic was actually thrust into the public domain 3 weeks before the no-confidence vote by Ralph Ramkarran/Cameron & Shepherd?

i didn't hear anybody call it ANYTHING but sage advice then

yes, why didn't you and the rest call Ralph an ass THEN?

just my small part in underlining y'all lil hustle to plug dem holes in alyuh 'narrative' with dog dung

You clutching at straws here bro...


the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

This technicality may ultimately have to be settled by the courtsâ€Ķbut there is still no denying that this is as much of a political decision as it is a legal oneâ€Ķwhether to challenge the NC or not.

 nothing to do with the Will of The People

The business of Parliament has everything to do with the will of the peopleâ€Ķthe will of the people is expressed by their representatives in Parliamentâ€Ķthis is why the person in question presented a series of political reasons for taking the action as he did

â€Ķone person’s hero is a villain for the otherâ€Ķ

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

Django posted:
D2 posted:

the ppp has lost 2 times in a row. Each side have a safe bet. If Shuman comes on and Ramkarran's party also we may have some  watering down of the votes. Shuman will mainly weaken the PNC...Rankarran will steal urban Indians from the PPP. We may once again end up with a minority government and a quick do over by 2021. Minority governments may be here to stay.

That's right more smaller parties will shake up the two major parties.

P.S. Found an online free PDF to XL converter,works great.

I run Linux ( ubuntu 18.04) so I have lots of free tools. Check PM for a link


VishMahabir posted:

[Ronan:] the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

This technicality may ultimately have to be settled by the courtsâ€Ķbut there is still no denying that this is as much of a political decision as it is a legal oneâ€Ķwhether to challenge the NC or not.

[Ronan:] nothing to do with the Will of The People

The business of Parliament has everything to do with the will of the peopleâ€Ķthe will of the people is expressed by their representatives in Parliamentâ€Ķthis is why the person in question presented a series of political reasons for taking the action as he did

â€Ķone person’s hero is a villain for the otherâ€Ķ

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

my first sentence cited contextualizes the second . . . your decoupling is illiterate

"political" . . . duhhh

thanks Captain Obvious

what exactly are you rebutting?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

[Ronan:] the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

This technicality may ultimately have to be settled by the courtsâ€Ķbut there is still no denying that this is as much of a political decision as it is a legal oneâ€Ķwhether to challenge the NC or not.

[Ronan:] nothing to do with the Will of The People

The business of Parliament has everything to do with the will of the peopleâ€Ķthe will of the people is expressed by their representatives in Parliamentâ€Ķthis is why the person in question presented a series of political reasons for taking the action as he did

â€Ķone person’s hero is a villain for the otherâ€Ķ

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

my first sentence cited contextualizes the second . . . your decoupling is illiterate

"political" . . . duhhh

thanks Captain Obvious

what exactly are you rebutting?

I don’t think see the legal technicality   33 > 32.  The coalition was ruling on that margin. And what is win by deceit?

How is the will of the people demonstrated in an off election period?

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

[Ronan:] the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

This technicality may ultimately have to be settled by the courtsâ€Ķbut there is still no denying that this is as much of a political decision as it is a legal oneâ€Ķwhether to challenge the NC or not.

[Ronan:] nothing to do with the Will of The People

The business of Parliament has everything to do with the will of the peopleâ€Ķthe will of the people is expressed by their representatives in Parliamentâ€Ķthis is why the person in question presented a series of political reasons for taking the action as he did

â€Ķone person’s hero is a villain for the otherâ€Ķ

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

my first sentence cited contextualizes the second . . . your decoupling is illiterate

"political" . . . duhhh

thanks Captain Obvious

what exactly are you rebutting?

I don’t think see the legal technicality   33 > 32.

that is a function of your blind spots and political yearning

and that's OK

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

[Ronan:] the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

This technicality may ultimately have to be settled by the courtsâ€Ķbut there is still no denying that this is as much of a political decision as it is a legal oneâ€Ķwhether to challenge the NC or not.

[Ronan:] nothing to do with the Will of The People

The business of Parliament has everything to do with the will of the peopleâ€Ķthe will of the people is expressed by their representatives in Parliamentâ€Ķthis is why the person in question presented a series of political reasons for taking the action as he did

â€Ķone person’s hero is a villain for the otherâ€Ķ

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

my first sentence cited contextualizes the second . . . your decoupling is illiterate

"political" . . . duhhh

thanks Captain Obvious

what exactly are you rebutting?

I don’t think see the legal technicality   33 > 32.

that is a function of your blind spots and political yearning

and that's OK

I expected as much!   And that’s OK!!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

[Ronan:] the no-confidence vote win by deceit is a legal technicality as much as the challenge to the winning margin is a legal technicality

This technicality may ultimately have to be settled by the courtsâ€Ķbut there is still no denying that this is as much of a political decision as it is a legal oneâ€Ķwhether to challenge the NC or not.

[Ronan:] nothing to do with the Will of The People

The business of Parliament has everything to do with the will of the peopleâ€Ķthe will of the people is expressed by their representatives in Parliamentâ€Ķthis is why the person in question presented a series of political reasons for taking the action as he did

â€Ķone person’s hero is a villain for the otherâ€Ķ

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

my first sentence cited contextualizes the second . . . your decoupling is illiterate

"political" . . . duhhh

thanks Captain Obvious

what exactly are you rebutting?

I don’t think see the legal technicality   33 > 32.

that is a function of your blind spots and political yearning

and that's OK

I expected as much!   And that’s OK!!

yaaayy . . . you copied my one-liner

clap clap clap



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