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According to the CCJ wherever order 60 does not conflict with the constitution it is valid. However, any article of the order that conflicts with the constitution is invalid. That is why they demoted the word ‘credible’ in order 60 and ruled that the recount order can not accommodate qualitative but is no more than a quantitative process. They went on to rule that any claims to fraud can only be addressed by an elections petition AFTER the declaration is made. The Coalition are looking foolish with all these baseless claims. While GECOM is within its remit to order a quantitative recount of all votes it does not have the authority to order any qualitative examination of the votes. Only an elections court can make such an order. The Chief Justice was quite clear on all these matters. She went to great length to point out to the Coalition that they were abusing the judiciary and they still shamelessly went and filed an appeal. One would think by now they would have learned that the reason they are losing every case is because they are on the wrong side of the law.

@Ace posted:

Have any of these observations been vetted properly.The answer is no!.

This team wasted a lot of time using raw data that is not credible. Case close

All irregularities found in the ballot boxes was recorded on the observation reports in the presence of all concerned parties.

Your last sentence is typical cop out.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

According to the CCJ wherever order 60 does not conflict with the constitution it is valid. However, any article of the order that conflicts with the constitution is invalid. That is why they demoted the word ‘credible’ in order 60 and ruled that the recount order can not accommodate qualitative but is no more than a quantitative process.

They went on to rule that any claims to fraud can only be addressed by an elections petition AFTER the declaration is made.

The Coalition are looking foolish with all these baseless claims. While GECOM is within its remit to order a quantitative recount of all votes it does not have the authority to order any qualitative examination of the votes.

Only an elections court can make such an order. The Chief Justice was quite clear on all these matters. She went to great length to point out to the Coalition that they were abusing the judiciary and they still shamelessly went and filed an appeal. One would think by now they would have learned that the reason they are losing every case is because they are on the wrong side of the law.

Please point to where that is said ,in your first paragraph.

Regarding the second paragraph ,which political party approached the court with claims of FRAUD ,before a declaration was made. Bear in mind i don't condone FRAUD.

The rest of your post can be settled by calling New Elections with a sanitized voters list.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

According to the CCJ wherever order 60 does not conflict with the constitution it is valid. However, any article of the order that conflicts with the constitution is invalid. That is why they demoted the word ‘credible’ in order 60 and ruled that the recount order can not accommodate qualitative but is no more than a quantitative process. They went on to rule that any claims to fraud can only be addressed by an elections petition AFTER the declaration is made. The Coalition are looking foolish with all these baseless claims. While GECOM is within its remit to order a quantitative recount of all votes it does not have the authority to order any qualitative examination of the votes. Only an elections court can make such an order. The Chief Justice was quite clear on all these matters. She went to great length to point out to the Coalition that they were abusing the judiciary and they still shamelessly went and filed an appeal. One would think by now they would have learned that the reason they are losing every case is because they are on the wrong side of the law.

You are saying that the CCJ said that "wherever order 60 does not conflict with the constitution it is valid".   That's simple enough.  However, you go on to say that the CCJ signalled that the quantitative aspects of the order were fine but the qualitative aspects weren't.  The problem that arises is that the order was a holistic instrument with the quantitative and qualitative aspects interconnected.  Some court ruling after the fact that only parts of the order were valid in essence should invalidate the entire order.  Does anyone really believe that all Pres. Granger was after is a simple recount of the ballots ?  Recounting fraudulent ballots will only result in another fraudulent outcome hence the qualitative provisions.  

@Django posted:

All irregularities found in the ballot boxes was recorded on the observation reports in the presence of all concerned parties.

Your last sentence is typical cop out.

Please explain how only the APNU agents discovered these so called irregularities? They were so  good that they even found that some of their own supporters committed fraud. Furthermore, any audit must be conducted by via an election petition and not by some APNU fantasy audit team. 

@Ace posted:

Please explain how only the APNU agents discovered these so called irregularities? They were so  good that they even found that some of their own supporters committed fraud. Furthermore, any audit must be conducted by via an election petition and not by some APNU fantasy audit team. 

Beating around the bush.

Try to get on top of the Electoral events since March 2,2020. Hint start with Court  matter blocking Mingo first fraudulent declaration for Region 4 ,then proceed from there.

Sorry to remove your post ,there are additions above.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Please point to where that is said ,in your first paragraph.

Regarding the second paragraph ,which political party approached the court with claims of FRAUD ,before a declaration was made. Bear in mind i don't condone FRAUD.

The rest of your post can be settled by calling New Elections with a sanitized voters list.

When you consider all the arguments made in the Eslyn David case to the COA and its rulings followed by the arguments made to the CCJ and its rulings you will arrive at that conclusion which is the same conclusion reached by the Chief Justice in her ruling in the Jones case when she allowed some Coalition arguments regarding the recount orders and GECOM's actions and disallowed some.

The PPP went to the High Court for an injunction to block Mingo from using totals that did not correspond to the totals on the SOPs. It was a quantitative complaint which was blatantly obvious to all. Quantitative issues are permissible prior to a declaration hence recounts which are solely the remit of GECOM. That recount was completed and its quantitative element was upheld by the CCJ as well as the CJ. Both the CCJ and the CJ ruled that any qualitative complaints can only be addressed by an elections petition after the declaration.

Elections are not redone because one or some parties don't like the result. Their record remains and that record has to be declared. One cannot pretend that March 2, 2020 didn't exist. The PNC has a right to be disappointed in the result. They also has a right to make an objection to it as well as seek a new election. But they have to do so by an elections petition after the declaration of this one is made.

This sanitized voters list is a pipe dream. No country has a sanitized voters list. It is the process on elections day which has to be sanitized to ensure that all inactive names on any voters list remain inactive on elections. GECOM received some C$40M from the Canadian government to help them conduct the elections. CEO Lowenfield was chiefly responsible for utilizing those funds to execute the entire process. Now he is arguing that he was perhaps the most incompetent CEO in world history. He should be fired for his gross incompetency and jailed for his illegal behavior following elections day.

@Totaram posted:

You are saying that the CCJ said that "wherever order 60 does not conflict with the constitution it is valid".   That's simple enough.  However, you go on to say that the CCJ signalled that the quantitative aspects of the order were fine but the qualitative aspects weren't.  The problem that arises is that the order was a holistic instrument with the quantitative and qualitative aspects interconnected.  Some court ruling after the fact that only parts of the order were valid in essence should invalidate the entire order.  Does anyone really believe that all Pres. Granger was after is a simple recount of the ballots ?  Recounting fraudulent ballots will only result in another fraudulent outcome hence the qualitative provisions.  

The CCJ ruled that because the recount order is subsidiary law it cannot be in conflict with the higher law with the highest law being the Constitution. Therefore, any aspect of the recount order that are at variance with the constitution cannot be upheld while still allowing for those aspects which are not at variance with the constitution. The quantitative aspect in the recount order is supportive by article 162 while article 163 prohibits the recount order from indulging in any qualitative processes. The recount order may have conceived a holistic instrument the legal challenges pertaining to it since the conclusion of the recount has determined that some aspects of it are constitutional while others are not. Unfortunately for the Coalition, both the CCJ and the CJ did not see it fitting to throw out the baby with the bath water. They threw out only the aspects that are at variance with the constitution. It matter none what Granger or any other party member were after. What matters is what the voters want. That according to both the CCJ and the CJ are clearly demonstrated through the quantitative exercise of the national recount. Granger and fraud are synonymous. Clearly proven again by his most recent position on accepting a declaration which includes Mingo's bogus tabulation of the SOPs. The ONLY proven case of fraud so far in the March elections. Figures don't lie. Liars sometimes try to figure. The PNC liars got caught in March. That is the unassailable record.


It is now nearly six weeks since the CEO issued in his June 13th summation to GECOM that there were missing documents uncovered during the recount. While he and the Coalition are lost in a maze arguing over what is constitutional and what is not and how much power he has as CEO, none of the ROs or their elections day employees have any such perceived protections. If he is so concerned about the events which occurred on elections day why hasn't he done anything to get to the bottom of those claimed anomalies? While one can fault the Chairperson for dragging her feet and not addressing the issues which begun in the Ashmins Building in March she seems to have finally saw the light and demanded that the CEO prepare his report based only on the figures of the national recount. Yet this 'omnipotent' and 'omniscient' CEO has done nothing other than present several fraudulent reports when he is not hiding from the courts. But he has another date with the court tomorrow so we will see where that goes.


It is laughable that the party notoriously known for rigging elections after elections is now accusing another party of elections fraud. And while they had party representatives at every polling station on election day, they never made any statement of any elections frauds until after their co-conspirator, Mingo was caught red handed trying to rig this year's elections. Now that their cries of fraud isn't getting any traction, they have resorted to their primary inclination of making veiled threats of violence.

@Former Member posted:

It is laughable that the party notoriously known for rigging elections after elections is now accusing another party of elections fraud. And while they had party representatives at every polling station on election day, they never made any statement of any elections frauds until after their co-conspirator, Mingo was caught red handed trying to rig this year's elections. Now that their cries of fraud isn't getting any traction, they have resorted to their primary inclination of making veiled threats of violence.

The AFC should disengage themselves from APNU due to this kind of behavior. 


I also think the AFC should walk away from the APNU because the PNC disease could end up killing them. I am pretty confident that should the Coalition make up the next government, Trotman and not Ramjattan will be picked by Granger to be the PM. Therefore there are not even unscrupulous reasons for the AFC to continue hanging on to the APNU.


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