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Former Member

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(CNN) Donald Trump has surpassed the necessary 270 votes in the Electoral College, the next step in the official process to become President. He was put over the top by electors in Texas. The Electoral College results will be officially certified January 6 during a joint session of Congress.

In Washington state, four electors opted for other candidates, instead of backing Hillary Clinton. Three cast ballots for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and one backed Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American activist who's been involved in the North Dakota pipeline fight.
This is the first US presidential election since 1872 with more than one "faithless elector."

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Prince posted:
caribny posted:

Lord help- the United States of Trump & Goldman Sachs.

the USA no longer exists. Trump is the CEO and Putin the Chairman.

If you are saying this while you are here, you definitely need the KKK treatment. 

Prince if you lived in the USA during Jim Crow and the KKK landed on your behind you would be blaming Martin Luther King, screaming that he is stirring up trouble.   You would further wail that MLK was a traitor because he didn't endorse the status quo.

Cheddi was very aware of the activities of white supremacists while studying in the USA, so don't think that only blacks were impacted.

And yes when a cabal of billionaires conspire to take over the USA for their own private gain it will be the PATRIOTS who will seek to prevent them.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Even today some hedge fund guys were sent to jail for engaging in grand theft.

Move forward to Jan 21, 2017 and it will be the president and his crew who will be engaging in this behavior. And there will be no consequences for this.

Trump said he will select successful people in his cabinet.  That he is doing.  I heard he has big plans to organize the Black community as part of his Urban renewal initiative!  To that end he will be looking for some Community Organizers.  Is your Grand Oba available to work for the Donald?


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