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A solar panel powering a light bulb in the bush is not solar power Mrs. Harper are you a friggin dunce?


Do you understand what is meant commercial solar power or what is meant by at scale?


This woman is an idiot on the same level as Rohee. Watching this video there is nothing but outrage when you watch and listen to the shit this woman has to say.




You see I don't have your problem and don't get enraged at the stupid things she say because I set the bar low; I have low expectations.


Please feel sorry for her rather than getting enraged.


Woman has never been involved in politics or does not know much, is an unknown in Guyana until her surprise announcement.


So just ignore her.  She is helping the Coalition very much.  We need Jagdeo to talk more too. (Don't know why Ram is trying to muzzle the man?).


They should ask her to explain what assets she has to guarantee that $3 Million loan.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

This interview wasn't scripted like when Granger/Nagamootoo were interviewed on Caribbean Spotlight by Tanuja Raghu. This Jagdpatt guy gave Mrs. Harper all the tough questions unscripted and she answer them very well.

She is chosen because she is supposed to  be possessed of the intellect and the communication facility to respond to hard questions. That the ordinary lay person is able to see through to her incapacity to address issues known to them speaks to the fact she is chosen for her status as "stand in black" vs her aptitude. Surely they have hundreds of people among the rank  of their young (which they want to use as a selling point), who can do better!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

This interview wasn't scripted like when Granger/Nagamootoo were interviewed on Caribbean Spotlight by Tanuja Raghu. This Jagdpatt guy gave Mrs. Harper all the tough questions unscripted and she answer them very well.

Overall the interview was a failure both from the person who did the interview and Ms Harper.

Who is this Jagopat? He look and sound more like a Jankilar.


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