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 Why should Liz Harper be criticized for being ambitious?


She was a mature woman, a mother  of three. She is both qualified and competent to function as Guyana's Prime Minister should the PPP/C wins the next general Election.


The Coalition Group is unable to make constructive criticism of Harper's selection as the PPP/C candidate.  It cannot criticize her qualifications, moral stock or her integrity  when compared to Nagamootoo.


When compared to Nagamootoo, she is seen as as a cut above the edge and someone with the ability to move Guyana away from the politics of revenge, hate and vendetta, which have been endorsed by Nagamootoo when one considers his actions and utterances in the past.


She is similar to janet jagan and just like janet she may be able to cause a major upset at the upcoming elections.


have a nicer day.










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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Uncle Rama, you forgot to mention that she is Burnham's cousin.

l wouldn't hold that against her.  jesse was Burnham's sister.


Please stay focused on Elizabeth Ann harper, who has been selected by the PPP/C, not by the colour of her skin , nor the desire of a party to appeal to appeal to race.  There is no record, public or otherwise, that Harper was brought on board by the PPP/C because she was never affiliated with it's bureaucracy.  She could swing more non traditional support towards the PPP/C. She is seen as an  appealing candidate to women of all walks of life.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Uncle Rama, you forgot to mention that she is Burnham's cousin.

l wouldn't hold that against her.  jesse was Burnham's sister.


Please stay focused on Elizabeth Ann harper, who has been selected by the PPP/C, not by the colour of her skin , nor the desire of a party to appeal to appeal to race.  There is no record, public or otherwise, that Harper was brought on board by the PPP/C because she was never affiliated with it's bureaucracy.  She could swing more non traditional support towards the PPP/C. She is seen as an  appealing candidate to women of all walks of life.

How come she was never a minister?

What happened to Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, an Amerindian herself, to have fitted the bill, this appointment has to come as sheer disappointment and insult?


They are both unqualified.


Burkett is a social worker pretending to be Foreign Affairs minister, and Harper has a degree in French. Harper worked her way up and learned on the job.


Our foreign affairs ministry is a failure because they have failed to bring in much investment and assistance into the country.  Let them provide a spreadsheet of which embassies have brought in what.


The Embassy system functions more as a paper work/documents agency.


It is so comical when the President or PM shows up to open up some cake shop or restaurant as "investor confidence in the economy" while the key pillars of the economy (rice and sugar) keep dying. What a bunch of jokers.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


 Why should Liz Harper be criticized for being ambitious?


She was a mature woman, a mother  of three. She is both qualified and competent to function as Guyana's Prime Minister should the PPP/C wins the next general Election.


The Coalition Group is unable to make constructive criticism of Harper's selection as the PPP/C candidate.  It cannot criticize her qualifications, moral stock or her integrity  when compared to Nagamootoo.


When compared to Nagamootoo, she is seen as as a cut above the edge and someone with the ability to move Guyana away from the politics of revenge, hate and vendetta, which have been endorsed by Nagamootoo when one considers his actions and utterances in the past.


She is similar to janet jagan and just like janet she may be able to cause a major upset at the upcoming elections.


have a nicer day.










The lady was a ghost her entire life. Not a scintilla of evidence exist that she ever did a thing on behalf of the nation. She was not even delegated to represent her foreign ministry as second in command when the Minister was unavailable. She was passed over for Priya and Rohee. Her presence there is not to represent the nation but be the face of the PPP "diversity" program.


She will never be allowed to be the president per the constitution if Romatar is unable to perform his duty. The PPP will force her  to resign and install another Indian in her place.


Note, her exalted work supposedly is in her former role. In that role she presided over a department that did not see fit to have one black face representing a nation where blacks are some 50 percent ( blacks and mixed).


She may be a good capable woman but her entire life was spent kow towing to a PPP party that marginalized her race in every area of society.


"PPP party that marginalized her race in every area of society."


I am not holding the brief for the PPP but that's a dishonest statement. The PPP did not practice racial and discrimination the way the PNC Burnhamite did.


As someone has pointed out Afros dominate everything except the Presidency.


You cannot compare a nonentity such as Harper to Nagamootoo, a hero of the working class, grounded in the masses. WE want to be polite but not saying nonsense that Nagamootoo can't be compared to Harper (whom no one knows about until now).


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