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Elizabeth Warren’s campaign sounds the alarm as fundraising pace slows about 30% in fourth quarter

GP: Democratic Presidential Candidates Participate In Last Debate Of 2019: Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign told supporters in an email on Friday that, so far, it has raised just over $17 million in the fourth quarter, a significant drop from her fundraising haul during the third quarter.

The memo asks backers to step up in giving to the campaign.

“So far this quarter, we’ve raised a little over $17 million. That’s a good chunk behind where we were at this time last quarter,” it says.

Warren finished the third quarter bringing in $24.6 million, which was much more than most of the other Democratic primary contenders, including former Vice President Joe Biden and Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

If the $17 million total stands that would represent a 30% drop from the previous quarter. The quarter ends in four days.

The development comes after Warren’s momentum in the Democratic primary race slowed down in recent months. At one point she was virtually neck-and-neck with Biden at the top of national polling averages.

A spokesperson for Warren did not return a request for comment.

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I like Buttigieg but still like Bernie's dreams to help college students with their college loans.

There are just too many old folks running for president. We don't want another old cranky president like Trump.


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