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Cobra posted:
Drugb posted:

This was his last post, could be seen as racist:

 Linden needs street lights, only DARK people live there.

Linden is predominantly Afros who are black/dark in complexion. Should members describe them as white? 

The point is that it that the statement itself is inherently racist. Implying that dark people require street lights because of their darkness, a racist throwback from bollywood. What lights have to do with the color of skin?

Last edited by Former Member

Kudos to Amral for posting KP's email.

Is the PNC not a government with a Majority of Blacks ?

Carib uses the term Blackman in a majority of his posts.

Or is the PNC a white government ?

Is the PPP not a party of a majority of Indos ?

Amral, please exercise an unbiased judgement and free KP. Ray is biased on this ruling.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in complete shock.  There are people who say much worse than that and they are allowed to continue with their rants.

I am of the opinion that Ray is now acting like a dictatorial representative of the PNC on GNI.

How about members using the C  word (Ray Included) to describe Indos ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


Carib uses the term Blackman in a majority of his posts.


Just writing down what you all Indo KKK types scream at your nightly hate "blackman" events.  Working yourself up with wails about "blackman a kill ahbe".

Now poor VishMah is all bent out of shape that the image of Indians is that of a coward. Instead blaming the Indo KKK of course he strikes out at a non Indian.

Last edited by Former Member

This guy should have been sanctioned along the likes yugi, cobra, skeldon who are consumed by racism. They make no effort to discuss/debate issues but prefer to launch racial attacks/taunts against blacks.  This behavior is offensive and should not be condoned in a civilised society.  Their IP addresses should be blocked.

FC posted:

This guy should have been sanctioned along the likes yugi, cobra, skeldon who are consumed by racism. They make no effort to discuss/debate issues but prefer to launch racial attacks/taunts against blacks.  This behavior is offensive and should not be condoned in a civilised society.  Their IP addresses should be blocked.

What is the problem if one likes his own race first, the same with religion, one religion come first, the same with politics their party is the best. But you are spreading HATE.

kp posted:
FC posted:

This guy should have been sanctioned along the likes yugi, cobra, skeldon who are consumed by racism. They make no effort to discuss/debate issues but prefer to launch racial attacks/taunts against blacks.  This behavior is offensive and should not be condoned in a civilised society.  Their IP addresses should be blocked.

What is the problem if one likes his own race first, the same with religion, one religion come first, the same with politics their party is the best. But you are spreading HATE.

Nothing at all. It is what you say about other races. Go check your posts. Show me where I am spreading hate old chap.

I don't see race. I am Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in complete shock.  There are people who say much worse than that and they are allowed to continue with their rants.

Bibi, Amral was quite clear, he said he had the radar gun, only who get catched pays.


Fair in my books.


You play and get catch - you get fined.


You play and get away  - live to play again.



KishanB posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in complete shock.  There are people who say much worse than that and they are allowed to continue with their rants.

Bibi, Amral was quite clear, he said he had the radar gun, only who get catched pays.


Fair in my books.


You play and get catch - you get fined.


You play and get away  - live to play again.



By the way, who fooled you Bibi that life was fair?


It isn't but you still have to play.


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