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Originally Posted by Stinger:
Woman quit inciting racial disharmony Your kind of people are the sole reason why GY is in such sad state Get over whatever pain & discomfort Blacks may have caused you people or jus tighten de noose rung yuh neck

Not an issue of "blacks", more an issue of the PNC.  If the average Afro is not led up with promises of a false utopia, they will not fall for such indecencies.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

race hate as politics [as lang as abee in de majority, dat is] is all dem low-functioning Freedom House bais gat . . . THIS is what the PPP working class party of Cheddie Jagan has degenerated to circa 2013


pity them

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem c00l1es" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

dis is all dem low-functioning Freedom House bais gat . . . THIS is what the PPP working class party of Cheddie Jagan has degenerated to circa 2013


pity them

And the PNC have remained unchanged, true to their values!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

race hate as politics [as lang as abee in de majority, dat is] is all dem low-functioning Freedom House bais gat


THIS is what the PPP working class party of Cheddie Jagan has degenerated to . . . circa 2013


pity them

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem ******s" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

I don't need to go back to the drawing board. When I was lining up for kero at Esso gas station on D'urban amd Louisa Rowe or at tangs bakery for bread 6 'o' clock in the mornings, where were you?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem c00l1es" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

convenient 'avoidance' of reality . . . racism is amped up by those who benefit from it . . . cui bono?


simple understanding of a piece of logic that has been validated by common sense

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem ******s" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

I don't need to go back to the drawing board. When I was lining up for kero at Esso gas station on D'urban amd Louisa Rowe or at tangs bakery for bread 6 'o' clock in the mornings, where were you?

What year?


Some of you guys are conviently forgetting that not only indos were affected, there were blacks Amerindian, chinese, douglas and portuguese who felt the squeeze as well.
But naturally, I suppose the indos emerged more brutalized than eveyone else.
So. leh abee sell out abee combine, tractah an rice field an gaan merica an kyanada. Abee nah guh come back yasso namo namo.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem ******s" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

I don't need to go back to the drawing board. When I was lining up for kero at Esso gas station on D'urban amd Louisa Rowe or at tangs bakery for bread 6 'o' clock in the mornings, where were you?

What year?

Let's try early eighties uo to when  fatboy died

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem ******s" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

I don't need to go back to the drawing board. When I was lining up for kero at Esso gas station on D'urban amd Louisa Rowe or at tangs bakery for bread 6 'o' clock in the mornings, where were you?

What year?

Let's try early eighties uo to when  fatboy died

I left in the dark days of 1982.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul really needs to stop his nonesense. He needs to stop reflecting on the past and strive for racial harmony for the benefit of all guyanese.

Those who remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  Remember that "enough of dem ******s" chant on nomination day 2011.  The PNC conducted an openly racist campaign and no one will forget.  PNC racism have pushed race relation back 20 years.  Go back to the drawing board bai.

I don't need to go back to the drawing board. When I was lining up for kero at Esso gas station on D'urban amd Louisa Rowe or at tangs bakery for bread 6 'o' clock in the mornings, where were you?

What year?

Let's try early eighties uo to when  fatboy died

I left in the dark days of 1982.

Well buddey, got fuh you. I had it rough. wasn't a cake walk at all.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I don't need to go back to the drawing board. When I was lining up for kero at Esso gas station on D'urban amd Louisa Rowe or at tangs bakery for bread 6 'o' clock in the mornings, where were you?

What year?

Let's try early eighties uo to when  fatboy died

I left in the dark days of 1982.

Well buddey, got fuh you. I had it rough. wasn't a cake walk at all.

Banna, my parents suffered a lot.  Listen banna, I know these PPP boys need to clean up their act, but if the PNC get back there, there will be no end in sight and they have the GDF to back them up.  We have a choice of the lessor of two evils and I'm not sure which side you want to err, but I will to caution.


The PPP could be removed by the ballot if enough Indians switch, but should the PNC regain power, they are NOT dependent of the vote of the people.  The GDF PNC campaigners in 2011 told their people to attend and cheer the AFC, get the Indians over but vote PNC.  They said when they take power, between the PNC and GDF, never again will they leave power.


This is a fact, and they know it.  A few Afro AFC supporters said that on the AFC website, as they seem disgusted.  At first I thought they were just lose cannon, but later it tuned out to be true, 100% true.  One PNC supporter (an insider) told me when they win, they will give the AFC Finance and Economics and they (PNC) will take all other and direct control of the GDF and all security institutions.  It gave me a chilling reminder of the PNC/UF marriage.  This turned me off from the whole third-party solution.


Before this could be accomplished, Guyana needs constitutional reforms placing a Berlin Wall between the GDF and politics.  Until then, you playing with fire.  I know several Indians who voted AFC and told me personally, never again.  One woman called me crying early morn when it looked like the PNC was headed for victory.  She had her kids all packed for the airport, first flight out.  I tell you, 99.9% Indians in Guyana get the shivers contemplating a PNC return to power.  Chant like "we'll feed you collies to the dogs" in the wee hours of the morning speaks a lot.

Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . Guyana needs constitutional reforms placing a Berlin Wall between the GDF and politics.

trying to redeem yuhself thru de back door deh . . . replacing knowledge and ideas with empty rhetoric and sloganeering not-so-artfully designed to give an impression of profundity, and fake a commitment to democracy


what u are telling us about racial attitudes and mistrust in today's Guyana is not news . . . however, trying to create monsters out of Black people with your "insider" information and obvious LIES is beyond the pale


both Black and Indian have their ignar rhetoricians . . . i'm sure the race vomit posted by you and your comrades on GNI (and elsewhere) would give Afro-Guyanese, indeed Black people EVERYWHERE, or any sane democrat pause


u may have rented some new clothes baseman, but the stench of diseased old thinking dominates

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . Guyana needs constitutional reforms placing a Berlin Wall between the GDF and politics.

trying to redeem yuhself thru de back door deh . . . replacing knowledge and ideas with empty rhetoric and sloganeering not-so-artfully designed to give an impression of profundity, and fake a commitment to democracy


what u are telling us about racial attitudes and mistrust in today's Guyana is not news . . . however, trying to create monsters out of Black people with your "insider" information and obvious LIES is beyond the pale


both Black and Indian have their ignar rhetoricians . . . i'm sure the race vomit posted by you and your comrades on GNI (and elsewhere) would give Afro-Guyanese, indeed Black people EVERYWHERE, or any sane democrat pause


u may have rented some new clothes baseman, but the stench of diseased old thinking dominates

It's not an issue of Afros, it's an issue of the PNC, Guyana and mass movement.  Individually, I rarely not get along with Afros, it's the PNC and the mass race ideology is the issue.  I think it's the same of Afros and their relations with Indians.  There are some things of the PNC which are good and many individual attitudes of Afros which I admire.  I mentioned this on several threads.  But I do have an issue with you individually cuz you are a racist.  I actually agree with some of Caribj's peeves though I think he takes an unbalanced position on many issues.  He has more depth and thought than you can ever muster.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 . . . But I do have an issue with you [redux] individually cuz you are a racist . . . 

other than an overwhelming and desperate need to pin something (anything) very very bad on me . . . tell me how so


(calling me a potty mouth doesn't get much traction . . . for all kinds of obvious reasons)


and btw . . . me demonstrating and documenting the overflowing bigotry of u and your cohort doesn't count as a response

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Indo Guyanese has always been the victims of blackman and it continues to this day. 

Here are our new Brahmins reincarnating...of the curse of the sudras! you racist f.@#ks need to come up with better excuses. Alas, being ignorant that is not to be anticipated.

These racists quick to blame others for their own failures...if it wasn't an Afro, then it would be some faith based hatred, if is someone like them, then they revert to caste, if they are the same caste, then it becomes money...and so on and so on

They born that way, they grow up that way...


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