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Government has expressed its shock at the court’s decision to free the three persons accused of treason and vows to pursue further action.

This is as Major Bruce Munroe, his wife Carol Munroe and a former Reserve Officer, Leonard Wharton were today acquitted on charges of treason after appearing in the Georgetown Magistrates Court. However, Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon says government vows to pursue the matter further.

Appearing before Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine Beharry in the Georgetown Magistrate Court, the trio was told there was insufficient evidence for them to face trial by a judge and jury. Defense Lawyer, Nigel Hughes noted that the deciding factor for the case was that the charge was unlawful. On December 27, 2010, the trio was arrested after being accused of between December 1, 2009 and December 16, 2010 intending to level war within Guyana to force the president out of his office, in order to compel the government of Guyana to change its measures, at Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara.

The trio on Tuesday December 28 was charged with treason after police claimed they have video and audio evidence to prove they were involved in the July 2009 fire that completely destroyed the Health Ministry headquarters on Brickdam.  They were arrested and charged with attempting to overthrow the government. Four persons were initially arrested, the fourth Wharton’s Wife, Fay, a manager at the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph company, was subsequently released.


~Courtesy NCN News

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is a good thing that these persons were released.  This is the reason why.  If they were given long prison sentences then they would have become a rallying cause for young military soldiers and officers to unite and organize around.  They would have become a rallying cause for junior ranks to organize a coup to free them.  By letting them go it prevents this from happening.  A good strategic move.


Nehru, the government has it's right to appeal. We are building a new Guyana here. And have to look towards a just Guyana. The courts have spoken.


We will never have a Lusignan Massacare again in Guyana. As I said, they should be dealt with very seriously if they attempt to try this again.


Old style politics must end if we are to move Guyana forward.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This decision like many in the past, serves only to incite more violence against the state and those who share a different political belief. Our justice system has failed to dispense justice in this case.

The justice system is broke. Locking people for 3 years without trial is a travesty. Another rather odious habit is placing prosecution of criminals in t he hands of untrained police with the title prosecutor and hope they can prevail against the well honed stratagems of a good attorney.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why don't you speak the dam truth about the racial biasness of people in the judiciary?

If it is a truth then you should highlight it as a means to initiate reform. I am speaking in general terms of the necessity for comprehensive reform. One cannot tell a person not to be racist. One can at least create systems where racism has limited chance to intervene.Do not miss the forest for the trees.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Reforms involve cleansing the system of biggoted individuals or those who are politically biased. Any system will fail if people within the system collude with others to defeat very the purpose it was set up for.




Reforms need to start with removing the axis of coke - champ, commish, goat and 'business' people. Many things will correct themselves after. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Reforms involve cleansing the system of biggoted individuals or those who are politically biased. Any system will fail if people within the system collude with others to defeat very the purpose it was set up for.


You can start by ridding the PPP of the Cabal who have hijacked the party and become blood sucking pests to the Guyanese populace.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Government has expressed its shock at the court’s decision to free the three persons accused of treason and vows to pursue further action."



Treason is a serious offence.....this case should be re-examined

Treason is indeed a serious offense and if in three years the accusers are unable to build a case it then continual accusations become a frivolous is not pointless  exercise.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Government has expressed its shock at the court’s decision to free the three persons accused of treason and vows to pursue further action."



Treason is a serious offence.....this case should be re-examined

What happened to  "The courts decision is final........lay it to rest"


or that just goes for PPP supporters that is freed after committing crimes


Originally Posted by Conscience:

This is shockingly outrageous in-light of such incriminating evidence against these three treason accused, I cant believe they were able to walk free, smh, How can the citizens of this country feel safe and be able to rest at nights knowing that they are anti national extremist in there midst.


The people already know of the PPP anti national extremists and they are watching dem. Be scared, be veryyy scared

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This a good move. These folks were just blowing hot air and posed no real threat to the Government. They should be dealt with very seriously if they attempt to try this again.


The government should put this matter to rest since the court has made it's decision.


I'm actually agreeing with you for once.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The GOVT has a RIGHT to Appeal the decision. Is seems some of you would love to have another "LUSIGNAN MASSACARE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You gotta be stupid just like your handlers. The Judge threw out the case due to insufficient evidence to prosecute them and now they want appeal. That gotta be the stupidst thing I ever heard. You don't have eveidence for the last 2+ years but you appealing. What a waste of taxpayers dollars. Buy uniforms or food for poor people so they could get an education and not be dunces like you guys.


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