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City Engineer Colvern Venture

City Engineer Colvern Venture

June 1 ,2021


While saying that flooding could not have been avoided in Georgetown due to the amount of rainfall that has occurred, City Engineer Colvern Venture has maintained that the City Council did not neglect its responsibilities in minimizing the impact.

Speaking at a press conference held at City Hall yesterday, Venture noted that the rainfall ranged from 40mm to 80mm and added that this was compounded by the aged design of the city as well as the change in its dynamics.

His comments came on the heels of criticism by President Irfaan Ali, who visited several drainage pumps in and outside of Georgetown on Sunday night and said he found pumps off, koker doors closed, and workers asleep during the late-night inspections.

President Irfaan Ali during his visit to one of the city drainage sites on Sunday night (Photo from the Office of the President’s Facebook page)

A statement posted to the Office of the President’s Facebook page said Ali discovered that the pumps at Riverview were off, the koker doors were closed and the worker was asleep.

“This is what we are talking about. I came out here myself to verify tonight. The main pump to drain the city is turned off. Up to today, we said that the pumps need to be on 24 hours… while we have to deal with the heavy rainfall we have to deal decisively with the irresponsibility and negligence,” he was quoted as saying.

The statement said Ali was shocked at the lackadaisical approach by some pump attendants when he assessed several drainage pumps in and outside of Georgetown.

At Lombard Street, it noted, the President also questioned why the pump was not on.  Another stop was made at the Kitty pump station, where two of the city’s most important pumps were not working. However, minutes after Ali arrived, one of the pumps was turned on.

Heavy rainfall on Saturday night left many parts of the city flooded and the President was adamant that all efforts should be made to get the water pumped out.

But Venture said the sluices were opened from Saturday up until the early hours of Sunday and based on the information received from officers on the ground he said all pumps were operational, except for the one at Cowan Street that developed mechanical issues.

He disclosed that the sluices along the Demerara River were opened except for the sluice at  Lamaha Street but informed that the pump compensated in its absence.

Venture said the records show that the sluices were opened during the course of the weekend.

He also shared that a pump located at Sussex Street also encountered some difficulties while in operation yesterday morning.

Venture explained that the switching off of the pumps just before or in preparation for the opening of the sluices is a normal procedure.

To the allegation of the person sleeping on the job, Venture said an investigation was launched and a report on findings will follow upon the completion of investigations.

He added that an investigation is also being done as it relates to the absenteeism of staff.

Meanwhile, the engineer in relation to the Kitty pump station noted that challenges are being encountered with the two pumps there as they cannot operate for long periods. He said it is suspected that the situation may be due to an overload on the pumps. He said there is an automatic system that shuts the pump off if it becomes overloaded or if it is not receiving enough water.

It is believed that it was during the time that president Ali and a representative from the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) visited when one of the pumps was off. However he noted that the council is working with the Ministry of Agriculture to rectify the issue.

He added that it might require them to remove the pumps so as to further investigate what is happening.

Still addressing the Kitty system, Venture explained that without sufficient water in the basin the pump cannot be run. He said that the council has been working feverishly over the past few days to ensure there is less water in the city, bringing it back to a state of normalcy.

He added that while there is still a high level of water in the canals, it is due to the interlinked drainage system.

Mayor Ubraj Narine in a brief address called on the government to work with the council rather than taking a blame-trading approach.

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@Django posted:

Engineer denies council negligent in draining city

City Engineer Colvern Venture

City Engineer Colvern Venture

June 1 ,2021  --  Source

While saying that flooding could not have been avoided in Georgetown due to the amount of rainfall that has occurred, City Engineer Colvern Venture has maintained that the City Council did not neglect its responsibilities in minimizing the impact.

Speaking at a press conference held at City Hall yesterday, Venture noted that the rainfall ranged from 40mm to 80mm and added that this was compounded by the aged design of the city as well as the change in its dynamics.

His comments came on the heels of criticism by President Irfaan Ali, who visited several drainage pumps in and outside of Georgetown on Sunday night and said he found pumps off, koker doors closed, and workers asleep during the late-night inspections.

President Irfaan Ali during his visit to one of the city drainage sites on Sunday night (Photo from the Office of the President’s Facebook page)

He added that while there is still a high level of water in the canals, it is due to the interlinked drainage system.

Georgetown City Council and administration is responsible for operation, maintenance and upgrading of the facilities to meet the needs of the City.

There is always a life-time for the existence of works and this has shown that City Council and staff are negligent in its focus on these matters.


If koker wuk good, yuh nah need pump

Jun 01, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source - Kaieteur News - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...d-yuh-nah-need-pump/

Dem Boys Seh…

Kaieteur News – Nuff ah we like cuss we colonial masters but dem people used to mek running a country look simple. All dis confusion about koker door and pump would ah never happen in colonial Guyana.

Dem colonial masters bin know de importance of dem koker opening and closing at de right time. Dem nah had too much pump in dem days because dem used to keep de outfalls clear and dem trench had nuff water wah used to flush out dem outfall.

And dem used to send around a man pun a bicycle fuh mek sure dat dem kokers open and close pun time. De man used to have he raincoat at hand because no matter if is drizzle or storm, he gat fuh ride around and mek sure dem koker open.

We tun Independent and we abandon all dem systems. We full up canal and leff de 40-foot trench fuh get silt up. Tall man could not touch bottom standing up in de middle of de 40-foot canal in de ole days. But these days, crab crass growing in de 40-foot trench.

Prezzie decide fuh tek over de role of de man pun de bicycle. He tun up fuh see if dem open de koker door or de pump wukkin. But he nah know dat if pump tun on dem man can’t sleep. Pump and pillow nah does gree. If de pump mekking noise dem man can’t sleep so some of dem does tun off de pump fuh nod off.

But long ago yuh nah had dat problem because dem had a man riding around pun bicycle fuh ensure when koker door open and when it close.

Talk half and nah cuss dem ole people and dem systems!

@Former Member posted:

Georgetown City Council and administration is responsible for operation, maintenance and upgrading of the facilities to meet the needs of the City.

There is always a life-time for the existence of works and this has shown that City Council and staff are negligent in its focus on these matters.

Yeh mon! I agree wid yuh.  Thumbnail

@Mitwah posted:

Guyana is flooded and Brazil has a drought.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! What you don't know, and knew, would.scare the shit out of you, Mits! The US set out on having the.power to control the weather by 2025! They can already determine where the rain falls! And when! But go on and join the scoffers! One more would make no difference to me!

Famine, crop failure, drought anyone? Step right up and get yours! It's FREE! Whether you want it or not!

All alien tech!

We, energies or spirits, NEVER die! ALL is experience, whether personally acceptable or not! Be comforted!

They're only doing population clearances! Like garbage clearance!

Covid19, 20, 21... All good! Vaccine even better! Go get fked!

Last edited by Former Member

Shally, I grow what I eat. dah lil cold weather was lil set back but dem plants doing good. Meh grow enough to last me more dan a year. Anyway dem seh coffee price going up due to dought in Brazil. Meh luv meh chai but dah cardamom which is good for blud pressure and erectile function gone up too. LHM. We spirits were here before.

@Mitwah posted:

Shally, I grow what I eat. dah lil cold weather was lil set back but dem plants doing good. Meh grow enough to last me more dan a year. Anyway dem seh coffee price going up due to dought in Brazil. Meh luv meh chai but dah cardamom which is good for blud pressure and erectile function gone up too. LHM. We spirits were here before.

You have nothing to fear, Mits, as you're in Canada, the unacknowledged part of the US! Unless any.Canadian PM pisses them off!

Russia and China are working on weather control, too, to a weapon! Of intimidation and coercion!

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

The people should make a small flat bottom boat to get around, Like they do in Venice.

It's easy to make and it's a cheap way of getting around.

Great experience being in a gondola on the Grand Canal.

With global warming, Guyana will get worse. They need to consult the Dutch and so something soon.

@Mitwah posted:

The people should make a small flat bottom boat to get around, Like they do in Venice.

It's easy to make and it's a cheap way of getting around.

Yeah! Tear down all unsightly buildings and make boats!

But iz weh yuh guh stan hup.fuh mek dem? Inn de.wata?

Last edited by Former Member

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