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Enmore Polyclinic records success

September 12, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

Some of the staff at the EPC, Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, Chief Executive Officer, Georgetown Public Hospital, Michael Khan and others.

Six months after a project was embarked upon at the Enmore Polyclinic (EPC), East Coast Demerara (ECD), to pilot the integration of HIV care and treatment services into primary care services there has been much success recorded.

An appreciation ceremony was held at the clinic on Friday, last, for the staffers of the EPC and authorities who were the ‘driving forces’ behind the initiative.

Nicole Jordan-Martin, Country Director of the Francois Xavier Bagnoud Center (FXB Guyana) on Friday at the EPC stated that the purpose of such an initiative was to reduce the stigma of HIV, increase job satisfaction while rationalizing training of health workers, making HIV related care more accessible to the community, and more.

According to Jordan-Martin, there was a ‘four stage plan’ during the six month stint where a lot of work was done. Research was conducted to ascertain the position of the integration of HIV care and treatment services in other settings after which a comparison was done with the situation in Guyana.

Dr. Nichole Nedd-Jerrick, General Medical Officer (GMO) of the EPC explained that the overall goal of the project was met since it aimed at developing, piloting and supporting the integration of HIV care into services being provided at the centre.

During the implementation and mentoring periods which were set on specific dates, officials were able to have ‘one on one’ sessions with staff and presentations were also demonstrated on community sensitization.

Within the following week the EPC will benefit from a variety of essentials such as soap dispensers, gallons of liquid soap, paper towels for the EPC’s dressing room, a Public Address (PA) System and more from the FXB.

Covering for two of the doors will also be donated by the group. Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, told the gathering that while the ultimate goal of the health system has not been yet achieved, his ministry along with other organizations is working to ensure that health care services are better in Guyana.

He explained that while progress is continuously being recorded in the health sector, the EPC stands as testimony to the work that has been done, and should be regarded as a symbol since it is considered one in the top 10 of the ‘top notch health facilities’ throughout Guyana.

While all of the required services are not available at the EPC, there is still more being executed to ensure that the centre will become operational in a variety of services in due time, allowing the neighbouring communities to benefit from quality health care.

A fully functional laboratory and x-ray department is expected to be completed at the EPC within the following year and the centre is geared to be the ‘proto-type’ for other centres which will be established shortly after in various regions throughout the country.

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