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Finally, Hillary agrees with Trump that Islamic Terrorism is real and must be stopped.  I am no fan of Trump but he is on to something. You cannot solve a problem without first identifying the problem. These Sickos are not born with so much hate. That kind of hate is preached to them from a very young age.

Another problem is the Mosques being built with Foreign Funds ( Iran, Saudi Arabia). When thay finance these Mosques, they dictate who the lead Imam will be, the very person that trained other Imams. So the cycle of HATE is being preached over and over.

I would like to know who is financing All Abdin on Liberty Ave and hope authorities are taking a close look at who will be Leading the management.\

Enough is enough and as Trump said, these people hate the way of life of Americans and are hell bent on destroying America.

May the victims and their Families be blessed.

God Bless America.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hee hehehe

Ask the Feds to go open up the books for all the Guyanese Masjids that was built in NY in the past 3 years. It is all from our hard earned dollars from our pockets.

I understand how you and millions out there feel when there is a hate crime or a mass shooting.But please come to our Mosques or further yet land listen to our sermons, our doors are wide open.



Nehru posted:

Finally, Hillary agrees with Trump that Islamic Terrorism is real and must be stopped.  I am no fan of Trump but he is on to something. You cannot solve a problem without first identifying the problem. These Sickos are not born with so much hate. That kind of hate is preached to them from a very young age.

Another problem is the Mosques being built with Foreign Funds ( Iran, Saudi Arabia). When thay finance these Mosques, they dictate who the lead Imam will be, the very person that trained other Imams. So the cycle of HATE is being preached over and over.

I would like to know who is financing All Abdin on Liberty Ave and hope authorities are taking a close look at who will be Leading the management.\

Enough is enough and as Trump said, these people hate the way of life of Americans and are hell bent on destroying America.

May the victims and their Families be blessed.

God Bless America.

Millions are being spent on that fabulous marble building.  Slated to be the most expensive building in Richman Hill when it is completed.

The FBI will have hidden cameras in there before long.

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:

Hee hehehe

Ask the Feds to go open up the books for all the Guyanese Masjids that was built in NY in the past 3 years. It is all from our hard earned dollars from our pockets.

I understand how you and millions out there feel when there is a hate crime or a mass shooting.But please come to our Mosques or further yet land listen to our sermons, our doors are wide open.



It is not what is preached in the mosques; it's what is secretly discussed after the sermons. Dem Imams nah schupit.

Chief posted:

Hee hehehe

Ask the Feds to go open up the books for all the Guyanese Masjids that was built in NY in the past 3 years. It is all from our hard earned dollars from our pockets.

I understand how you and millions out there feel when there is a hate crime or a mass shooting.But please come to our Mosques or further yet land listen to our sermons, our doors are wide open.



I will NOT be contaminated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I personally and let me repeat personally and this is something I hope I did not ever had to say but unfortunately I must say it.

I personally walk door to door on hot summer days to collect five, ten, twenty, fiftties, hundreds and thousands to build Masjids here in NYC. i TRAVELLED TO Maryland  AND Florida ON MY OWN EXPENSE AND WENT DOOR TO DOOR AT Guyanese Muslims homes and collected funds.

As for Abidin other that donating my own contribution I did not do any collections for them because they have thier own fund raising committee.

Nehru it is easy for you and others to make wild statements but remember that every time an idiot with a Muslim name commit a mass murder, we muslims are automatically become victims as well.

What is sad is that people like you and Cobra who knows so many of us Muslims, are questioning your Guyanese muslim friends.  

Nehru posted:

And there is a bloody good reason for that. many Guyanese Muslims are not the same any longer.  Many are captivated by the preaching of Foreigners!!!


I do not think that you a bigot or racist like some of your other comrades but in this instance you are clinging to straws to try to make a case against Muslims more so Guyanese Muslims.


In your mind only I am trying to make a case against Guyanese Muslims, all I am saying is that the negative preaching has to stop, integration into the wider Society must be enhanced, incorporating the American way into our lives is necessary, Religion must preach ONLY love, compassion and caring. Each Religion must respect each other and dont try to make it like it is a race to get to the moon.

There are other Religions who have people preaching Hate but not in the scale of the Mullahs(in my opinion).  I am not against anyone nor their Religion. I am saying the Hate, madness and insincerity must stop.

Nehru posted:

Finally, Hillary agrees with Trump that Islamic Terrorism is real and must be stopped.  I am no fan of Trump but he is on to something. You cannot solve a problem without first identifying the problem. These Sickos are not born with so much hate. That kind of hate is preached to them from a very young age.

Another problem is the Mosques being built with Foreign Funds ( Iran, Saudi Arabia). When thay finance these Mosques, they dictate who the lead Imam will be, the very person that trained other Imams. So the cycle of HATE is being preached over and over.

I would like to know who is financing All Abdin on Liberty Ave and hope authorities are taking a close look at who will be Leading the management.\

Enough is enough and as Trump said, these people hate the way of life of Americans and are hell bent on destroying America.

May the victims and their Families be blessed.

God Bless America.

God bless Donald Trump, the magnificent and merciful man for America. There is no one above this great soul that came down from heaven to save this great country. Trump will drag them like savage beasts and kick them out one by one.

Nehru posted:

Finally, Hillary agrees with Trump that Islamic Terrorism is real and must be stopped.  I am no fan of Trump but he is on to something. You cannot solve a problem without first identifying the problem. These Sickos are not born with so much hate. That kind of hate is preached to them from a very young age.

Another problem is the Mosques being built with Foreign Funds ( Iran, Saudi Arabia). When thay finance these Mosques, they dictate who the lead Imam will be, the very person that trained other Imams. So the cycle of HATE is being preached over and over.

I would like to know who is financing All Abdin on Liberty Ave and hope authorities are taking a close look at who will be Leading the management.\

Enough is enough and as Trump said, these people hate the way of life of Americans and are hell bent on destroying America.

May the victims and their Families be blessed.

God Bless America.

Trump has gotten nothing. He is a nasty rotten opportunistic demagogue who will grasp any opportunity to elevate  himself even if it means denigrating others.

He will be the worse for us as he comes down with his hateful bilge against Muslims and making enemies of even our closest allies not to mention make muslims at home fearful and distrustful as they are in europe. That alone shuts down many leads to truly bad people.

Obama is killing Muslim terrorists left and right angering the Muslim world with his drone strikes etc and yet this yellow haired blow hard is saying that the President is being a Muslim sympathizer.


Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

Finally, Hillary agrees with Trump that Islamic Terrorism is real and must be stopped.  I am no fan of Trump but he is on to something. You cannot solve a problem without first identifying the problem. These Sickos are not born with so much hate. That kind of hate is preached to them from a very young age.

Another problem is the Mosques being built with Foreign Funds ( Iran, Saudi Arabia). When thay finance these Mosques, they dictate who the lead Imam will be, the very person that trained other Imams. So the cycle of HATE is being preached over and over.

I would like to know who is financing All Abdin on Liberty Ave and hope authorities are taking a close look at who will be Leading the management.\

Enough is enough and as Trump said, these people hate the way of life of Americans and are hell bent on destroying America.

May the victims and their Families be blessed.

God Bless America.

God bless Donald Trump, the magnificent and merciful man for America. There is no one above this great soul that came down from heaven to save this great country. Trump will drag them like savage beasts and kick them out one by one.

 How about ISIS sympathizers like you? Do you think he will hug and kiss you and say you are a good muslim? You said you were converting if I remember well.

Nehru posted:

Ray/Chief, when at Masque have you ever heard anything you feel is not appropriate????/

Nehru, I attended a wake at Al Abidin, and the Imam was preaching hate, not knowing other faiths were in attendance. My friend who is Muslim didn't attend because he restrained himself from cussing them out. He is short tempered. The men are upstairs while all women are on the lower floor, as per their custom. If they recognized anyone from a different faith, they look at them as if they're not welcome.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mr.T posted:

Once again an example of how hindoes are quick off the line to agree with white folks that muslims are dangerous. This is purely an economic argument. Hindoes are lining up to take over muslim businesses if and when a backlash against muslims occur.

You are the most notorious on this forum when with comes to bias. 

So what about the PPP racists who call black people all kind of names, they are not notorious? Come on Billy I expect better from you.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Hee hehehe

Ask the Feds to go open up the books for all the Guyanese Masjids that was built in NY in the past 3 years. It is all from our hard earned dollars from our pockets.

I understand how you and millions out there feel when there is a hate crime or a mass shooting.But please come to our Mosques or further yet land listen to our sermons, our doors are wide open.



It is not what is preached in the mosques; it's what is secretly discussed after the sermons. Dem Imams nah schupit.

Chief think people stupid!!

Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mr.T posted:

Once again an example of how hindoes are quick off the line to agree with white folks that muslims are dangerous. This is purely an economic argument. Hindoes are lining up to take over muslim businesses if and when a backlash against muslims occur.

You are the most notorious on this forum when with comes to bias. 

So what about the PPP racists who call black people all kind of names, they are not notorious? Come on Billy I expect better from you.

PPP is not a religion, well you think it's a Hindu power structure.  You never see/hear PPP people killing Blacks.  Blacks attack Indians and you get a reaction from Indians many of whom are PPP!

Chief, this is very different from the hate you are your cohorts preach at your masjid in Queens against [Chammar] PPPites!

Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mr.T posted:

Once again an example of how hindoes are quick off the line to agree with white folks that muslims are dangerous. This is purely an economic argument. Hindoes are lining up to take over muslim businesses if and when a backlash against muslims occur.

You are the most notorious on this forum when with comes to bias. 

So what about the PPP racists who call black people all kind of names, they are not notorious? Come on Billy I expect better from you.

I guess Hindus like Mitwah are lining up to take over those Halaal Meat Shops in Queens. We are gonna have Halaal Pork if Trump succeeds. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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