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Enough is enough … Opposition to table motion to restore ‘Garden City’ … says M&CC unable to perform


February 2, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned.

Garbage, blocked canals and alleyways and abandoned vehicles are all health hazards and eyesores.

Next Thursday, during a sitting of the National Assembly, at least one Parliamentarian wants something done.

Member of Parliament for A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), Volda Lawrence, is tabling a motion to have Government pull out all stops and use all resources to restore Georgetown to its original splendor of being the “Garden City”.

According to the motion to be tabled by Lawrence, Government will have to “utilize every machinery, work force, and agencies at its disposal and command in conjunction with the Georgetown City Council, members of the National Assembly, the business and commercial sector, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), clubs and citizens in the removal of garbage, abandoned vehicles and builders waste as well as the de-siltation of canals and alleyways over the next three months in an effort to “Restore Georgetown to the Garden City of the Caribbean.”

She is asking the National Assembly to also establish a committee consisting of MPs, officials of the Georgetown City Council, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Ministry of Transport and Hydraulics to monitor the progress of the restoration.

This special committee will have to report to the National Assembly within four months of its establishment.

In her arguments for the motion, Lawrence noted that the expanded boundaries of Georgetown have placed severe strain and pressures on the drainage systems.

“In addition, the heavy siltation of canals, the dumping of refuse and various other kinds of items which block drains, and the lack of maintenance of the outfall channels have all led to poor drainage of the city.”

The MP made it clear that garbage collection and disposal have reached a critical point where there is dumping on street corners, open spaces and canals, creating public nuisance and health hazards.

She also said that many construction sites continue to block drains and dispose of waste on city parapets and in many instances create stagnant pools of water that encourage the breeding of mosquitoes.

According to the proposed motion, the Georgetown City Council is unable to carry out its mandate as prescribed in the Municipal and District Councils Act of 1969 and the Local Democratic Organs Act of 1980, due to the severe under-collection of taxes, rents and fees as well as the miserly subvention received from Central Government.

By way of the motion, she wanted the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana to commit its support towards the restoration of the capital city, Georgetown.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
According to the proposed motion, the Georgetown City Council is unable to carry out its mandate as prescribed in the Municipal and District Councils Act of 1969 and the Local Democratic Organs Act of 1980, due to the severe under-collection of taxes, rents and feesas well as the miserly subvention received from Central Government.


Enough is enough … Opposition to table motion to restore ‘Garden City’ … says M&CC unable to perform

February 2, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source

Were Georgetown City Council vigilant in collecting the taxes, rents and fees, it would not be in this dire situation.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
According to the proposed motion, the Georgetown City Council is unable to carry out its mandate as prescribed in the Municipal and District Councils Act of 1969 and the Local Democratic Organs Act of 1980, due to the severe under-collection of taxes, rents and feesas well as the miserly subvention received from Central Government.


Enough is enough … Opposition to table motion to restore ‘Garden City’ … says M&CC unable to perform

February 2, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source

Were Georgetown City Council vigilant in collecting the taxes, rents and fees, it would not be in this dire situation.

sooo . . . a lack of "vigilance" is the problem, eh?


checked basic common sense @ the door . . . i seee

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
According to the proposed motion, the Georgetown City Council is unable to carry out its mandate as prescribed in the Municipal and District Councils Act of 1969 and the Local Democratic Organs Act of 1980, due to the severe under-collection of taxes, rents and feesas well as the miserly subvention received from Central Government.


Enough is enough … Opposition to table motion to restore ‘Garden City’ … says M&CC unable to perform

February 2, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source

Were Georgetown City Council vigilant in collecting the taxes, rents and fees, it would not be in this dire situation.

sooo . . . a lack of "vigilance" is the problem, eh?


checked basic common sense @ the door . . . i seee

I will leave DG to deal with you but I just wanted to Chuckle.


Addressing the garbage problem


Written by Chamanlall Naipaul, Friday, 01 February 2013 21:47, Source


It is refreshing news to learn that the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development recently convened a meeting with the Georgetown City Council, the private sector, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) to collectively discuss the way forward with regard to the garbage situation in the City.

So it seems finally that the seriousness of the matter of garbage disposal is acknowledged fully but, more importantly, the urgency for mapping out a long term and permanent solution to this persisting problem.

It is public knowledge that the deplorable state of Georgetown with respect to the garbage situation cannot get much worse and if decisive and drastic measures are not taken to deal with it then in a few years the city could become virtually covered with garbage.

Of course if this monster was nipped in the bud we would not have reached this current crisis level. But instead of focusing on managing and administering the affairs of the city in an efficient and effective manner, City Hall was mired in its own internal trappings and politics. Thus more energy was expended on resolving internal matters instead of being expended managing the affairs of the city - once regarded as the ‘Garden City’ but today is referred to as the ‘garbage city’. This is a most unfortunate development.

However, the reality is that we have to place less focus on how and why we arrived at this deplorable situation and concentrate our efforts on putting an end to it.

Whatever solutions, strategies or systems we come up with must include a preventative component because in the first place if garbage was being properly disposed of by individuals we would not have arrived at such an acute situation.

For too long enforcing of littering laws were neglected and so it has become the “culture” to dump our garbage through the minibus window, into the drains and streets, etc. As such, this culture has become ingrained and acceptable.

Also little attention has been placed on education and public awareness as regards littering and proper disposal of garbage. On this note, it would be useful if such topics are included in the curriculum of our school system for if we inculcate the right attitude in the young minds it is most likely to remain with them when they become adults.

Sometime ago, the Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon announced that the government intends to clamp down on the use of Styrofoam products but since then there seems to have been no further movement or perhaps the government is working quietly on how this can be implemented.

But certainly this would be one of the measures to curb the current critical littering and garbage disposal problem.

It is logical that with economic growth business, commercial and industrial activities will correspondingly increase and naturally the amount of garbage produced will rise appreciably. In the last five years Guyana’s economy has been showing steady growth and likewise there have been  an upsurge in business and commercial activities, construction, etc, and so too has been the garbage produced.

Therefore, the issue of littering and garbage disposal cannot be treated as a trivial one. On the contrary, we need to find a visionary and permanent solution now. If we do not do so now then it may become an insoluble one in the future because it may reach overwhelming levels.


The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned

Only now?. what were they doing all these years, finger pointing? Nevertheless, Im' glad this matter is going to be addressed. It's about time. Which brings me to something else; whatever happen to the incinerator on princess street?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned

Only now?. what were they doing all these years, finger pointing? Nevertheless, Im' glad this matter is going to be addressed. It's about time. Which brings me to something else; whatever happen to the incinerator on princess street?

Bhai, GT always stunk.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned

Only now?. what were they doing all these years, finger pointing? Nevertheless, Im' glad this matter is going to be addressed. It's about time. Which brings me to something else; whatever happen to the incinerator on princess street?

Bhai, GT always stunk.

Thank god the east coast clean as a whistle

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned

Only now?. what were they doing all these years, finger pointing? Nevertheless, Im' glad this matter is going to be addressed. It's about time. Which brings me to something else; whatever happen to the incinerator on princess street?

Bhai, GT always stunk.

Thank god the east coast clean as a whistle

Yuh gat dat right, except for when Burnham Motorcade used to run over dogs and Donkeys on the road and leave them to Rot.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned

Only now?. what were they doing all these years, finger pointing? Nevertheless, Im' glad this matter is going to be addressed. It's about time. Which brings me to something else; whatever happen to the incinerator on princess street?

Bhai, GT always stunk.

Thank god the east coast clean as a whistle

Yuh gat dat right, except for when Burnham Motorcade used to run over dogs and Donkeys on the road and leave them to Rot.

You make it sound as if anything has changed. There're dead animals all over the place. But from the comfort of your living room in R\H, you wouldn't know these things.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

The state of the country’s capital city has Parliamentarians concerned

Only now?. what were they doing all these years, finger pointing? Nevertheless, Im' glad this matter is going to be addressed. It's about time. Which brings me to something else; whatever happen to the incinerator on princess street?

Bhai, GT always stunk.

Thank god the east coast clean as a whistle

Yuh gat dat right, except for when Burnham Motorcade used to run over dogs and Donkeys on the road and leave them to Rot.

You make it sound as if anything has changed. There're dead animals all over the place. But from the comfort of your living room in R\H, you wouldn't know these things.

Comfort?? Place cold like Rass and I have no Likka.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yo Sheik, WI out for 70 in a 50 Overs. Pakistan out for 49 in a TEST. Is what going on Bannas. I man from albouystown Rasta.

Yeah, go see what S.A did to pakistan



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