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Former Member

here is the latest klown being provided headline space in the 'independent' media for this mau-mauing farce:

how the freak can the Gov't "resign" twice?

Guyana has a written Constitution for a reason

Article 106 (6) spells out the consequences of a successful NC motion which includes new elections and resignation of the incumbent Gov't

Article 106 (7) spells out the timetable for that "resignation"!

how difficult is this to understand?

much EVIL afoot in Guyana 'civil' society in the age of OIL


Replies sorted oldest to newest

skeldon_man posted:

The government shall resign and call elections within 90 days. What part of RESIGN don't you understand? They should resign and be a caretaker government for the 90 says.

NO such thing in the Constitution!

your STUPIDITY would have them "resign" twice (see 106 (7))

g'wan dahside moron

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The government shall resign and call elections within 90 days. What part of RESIGN don't you understand? They should resign and be a caretaker government for the 90 says.

NO such thing in the Constitution!

your STUPIDITY would see them "resign" twice

g'wan dahside moron

You must have been educated at Congress Place near Buxton. Is that where you obtained your legal training? Kunta boy, dummy your stupidity is evident. You will go at all lengths to keep your slave masters in power.

skeldon_man posted:

You must have been educated at Congress Place near Buxton. Is that where you obtained your legal training? Kunta boy, dummy your stupidity is evident. You will go at all lengths to keep your slave masters in power.

yaaaawwn . . . your cussing and reflexive racist outpourings do not change any of the FACTS searing your diseased ass

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The government shall resign and call elections within 90 days. What part of RESIGN don't you understand? They should resign and be a caretaker government for the 90 says.

NO such thing in the Constitution!

your STUPIDITY would see them "resign" twice

g'wan dahside moron

You must have been educated at Congress Place near Buxton. Is that where you obtained your legal training? Kunta boy, dummy your stupidity is evident. You will go at all lengths to keep your slave masters in power.

This Nincompoop would be braying if PPP did what APNU/ AFC is doing. 

He has a difficulty understanding why the constitution dictates a “ care taker government “ until after the next President is elected. 

Dissolving of parliament and resignation of the government after defeat at a NCM, prevents the government  from fully acting in the capacity as a legal government .


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