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Ensure freedom fought for is not lost come November 28 - President Jagdeo - at Parika Public meeting

Georgetown, GINA, November 19, 2011
Source - GINA

PPP/C supporters gathered at the Parika meeting

Supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic PPP/C) along with residents of the Parika area, Region Three heard of the major development initiatives that region has benefitted from along with further plans for the continued development of the region and the country at a public meeting this evening.

President Bharrat Jagdeo said that under the current administration the entire country has benefitted from many development initiatives which have transformed the lives of countless Guyanese countrywide.

This revolution has been experienced by residents of Region Three, many of whom can now boast of owning their own homes, accessing quality primary and secondary education without having to travel to Georgetown, improved roads and drainage.

The Head of State also said that elections is not just about competing with someone, but it is about showing what was accomplished, towards this end, the PPP/C’s track record demonstrates significant development countrywide, nevertheless “ our best years are still ahead of us,” the Head of State said.

“We have travelled a long road, a road when children of immigrants and slaves, in this country they call home, did not have the dignity or the rights enjoyed by others- I speak about the era of colonial rule… we did not have the right to vote along with many other rights, such as the right to access quality health care and education…It was Dr Cheddi Jagan who formed the PPP/C and struggled for the establishing of those rights…We have to ensure that the freedom fought for is not lost come November 28,” the Head of State said.

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking to PPP/C supporters gathered at the Parika meeting

He also said that the PNC has not changed its stripes although it has changed its names, referring to the incident of PNC supporters of A Partnership for National Unity who broke the barricades and stormed the compound of the City Council, along the many disruptions to the PPP/C public meetings and rallies by many such supporters, which saw supporters of the PPP/C being accosted at a Victoria meeting recently.

“They are doing this because they know they are going to… another defeat and they cannot handle it…One would think that they have changed but they cannot change… they still believe that they can bully people to support them, and steal votes…Therefore every Guyanese has to be the guardian of the democracy now being enjoyed by coming out in numbers come November 28 and vote for the ruling PPP/C party… If we ever allow that behaviour to rule our country again none of us will have a future that we deserve,” the Head of State said.

Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali speaking to PPP/C’s supporters gathered at the Parika meeting

Notwithstanding that, the Head of State said that progress will continue in the country, as its future will be brighter under the ruling administration, moreso a future development plan is already in place and will be executed under the presidency of Donald Ramotar.
Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali informed those gathered that when comparing the development that took place under the People’s National Congress to that which occurred under the current administration it’s like “comparing chalk to cheese”. This Government has invested billions of dollars since it took office to improve the quality of education, health care services and ensuring citizens have access to potable water, he said.

Ali told them that billions were invested under government’s housing drive to ensure every citizen owns a home. This he said did not exclude low income earners, as the commercial Banks have been working in tandem with government’s policies and as such individuals can access loans to build their own homes whilst enjoying an interest rate of 4.25% per annum, a thing that never existed in the PNC era.

He also alluded to the fact that government’s Second Low Income Settlement Programme that caters for the execution of a “Core Home Pilot” will allow low income earners who were awarded land and are not financially sound to own a home constructed by Government to the tune of $2M.

This, Ali said, is only one aspect of the major transformational development that has taken place under the PPP/C administration, which has brought relief to countless Guyanese.

Senior Health Officer Region Three, Ameena Hinds- Murell speaking in support of PPP/C’s platform at the Parika meeting

Other investment initiatives that Region Three has benefitted from includes, the construction of a Technical Institute which will be completed shortly, an athletic track which will host track and field sporting events, improved standard on the delivery of primary and secondary education, which saw the best Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) student for the Caribbean coming from Region 3 in 2011, access to treated water, upgrade to the sea defence structures and an improved road networks. Several large housing schemes such as Tuschen and Belle West were established by the PPPC Government at great cost.

Senior Health Officer Region Three, Ameena Hinds-Murell in her continued support for the PPP/C’s platform said that much has been done to improve drainage and irrigation and public and environmental health for the region, something everyone in the region should be proud of.

“Hadn’t the government invested millions of dollars to ensure the proper drainage and irrigation of the region, there would have been massive outbreaks of mosquito related illnesses throughout the region,” she said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Who the hell cares if it is rented for one persons life time if it is "forever" or not?

Only a Marxist system allows an executive body to dispense national territory as if it is their own. That is not capitalism. In Capitalism it has to go through a commission or the legislative body ( a representative one and not an ethnic actualized totalitarian one)
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Who the hell cares if it is rented for one persons life time if it is "forever" or not?

Only a Marxist system allows an executive body to dispense national territory as if it is their own. That is not capitalism. In Capitalism it has to go through a commission or the legislative body ( a representative one and not an ethnic actualized totalitarian one)

We got rid of the buracrats.

we do have a free market enterprise system.

The national territory was not dispenced with.
You should go back and read the caontract that was drawn by Hoyte and Jagdeo..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Who the hell cares if it is rented for one persons life time if it is "forever" or not?

Only a Marxist system allows an executive body to dispense national territory as if it is their own. That is not capitalism. In Capitalism it has to go through a commission or the legislative body ( a representative one and not an ethnic actualized totalitarian one)

We got rid of the buracrats.

we do have a free market enterprise system.

The national territory was not dispenced with.
You should go back and read the caontract that was drawn by Hoyte and Jagdeo..
The point is not what the PPP did with it but how they did it. They acted like the old communists they are and took it upon themselves to disburse the lands as if they own it with no societal consultation. That is why they are corrupt bastards. Like Marcos, Suharto, et al, they act in their own greedy need for graft and not in the interest of the society.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Who the hell cares if it is rented for one persons life time if it is "forever" or not?

Only a Marxist system allows an executive body to dispense national territory as if it is their own. That is not capitalism. In Capitalism it has to go through a commission or the legislative body ( a representative one and not an ethnic actualized totalitarian one)

We got rid of the buracrats.

we do have a free market enterprise system.

The national territory was not dispenced with.
You should go back and read the caontract that was drawn by Hoyte and Jagdeo..
The point is not what the PPP did with it but how they did it. They acted like the old communists they are and took it upon themselves to disburse the lands as if they own it with no societal consultation. That is why they are corrupt bastards. Like Marcos, Suharto, et al, they act in their own greedy need for graft and not in the interest of the society.

If that is corruption, then they are guilty..

If they try to develop the lands by renting it outb to foreigners and you called that corruption then they are guilty.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Who the hell cares if it is rented for one persons life time if it is "forever" or not?

Only a Marxist system allows an executive body to dispense national territory as if it is their own. That is not capitalism. In Capitalism it has to go through a commission or the legislative body ( a representative one and not an ethnic actualized totalitarian one)

We got rid of the buracrats.

we do have a free market enterprise system.

The national territory was not dispenced with.
You should go back and read the caontract that was drawn by Hoyte and Jagdeo..
The point is not what the PPP did with it but how they did it. They acted like the old communists they are and took it upon themselves to disburse the lands as if they own it with no societal consultation. That is why they are corrupt bastards. Like Marcos, Suharto, et al, they act in their own greedy need for graft and not in the interest of the society.

If that is corruption, then they are guilty..

If they try to develop the lands by renting it outb to foreigners and you called that corruption then they are guilty.
Secret deals with public money or assets to anyone in a democratic society is corruption.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Stop putting you foot in your mouth..

Weren't you the one who said that guyana is not a democratic country.

Rama..yu sure iz ah foot he gat in his mouth?? or a foot long something cheers cheers
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by SuperMike:

Rama..yu sure iz ah foot he gat in his mouth?? or a foot long something cheers cheers

Now, now SuperMike .. be a bit kinder. Smile

dis ass deserves a foot long something in his ole mouth uncle DG cheers
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Stop putting you foot in your mouth..

Weren't you the one who said that guyana is not a democratic country.

Rama, you should give him a foot up his ….. If it is not a democratic society then it is not corruption…..hahahahahahahah

Doubles dumbo D2
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Stop putting you foot in your mouth..

Weren't you the one who said that guyana is not a democratic country.

Rama, you should give him a foot up his ….. If it is not a democratic society then it is not corruption…..hahahahahahahah

Doubles dumbo D2

send him my way...i have something fu put up his rear.. cheers
The freedom Jagdeo is talking about is the freedom of the drug kingpins and members of his criminal enterprise who has plundered and raped the state resources over the last 12 years and those who are fugitives of American Justice. The PPP have the average Guyanese people living in bondage!
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Imagine that! these sutocrats in the PPP telling us we can lose something if they are removed! Yes we will, the dead weight of their corrupt practices. They are not democrats. Which of the "business" dealings from China and the airport, the give away of 4% of our land to an unknown furniture maker in India to the current plans for a Marriott was open for discussion with the people them? None...let me repeat none and none before that. These are curroptoctats not democrats and it would be to the better of democracy not the worse of it if they are gone!

All this pomp and parade in multi colored money suits will do little to make them democrats.

We never give away lands. They are rented.

It seems to me that you are advocating a return to Marxism..
Who the hell cares if it is rented for one persons life time if it is "forever" or not?

Only a Marxist system allows an executive body to dispense national territory as if it is their own. That is not capitalism. In Capitalism it has to go through a commission or the legislative body ( a representative one and not an ethnic actualized totalitarian one)

We got rid of the buracrats.

we do have a free market enterprise system.

The national territory was not dispenced with.
You should go back and read the caontract that was drawn by Hoyte and Jagdeo..
The point is not what the PPP did with it but how they did it. They acted like the old communists they are and took it upon themselves to disburse the lands as if they own it with no societal consultation. That is why they are corrupt bastards. Like Marcos, Suharto, et al, they act in their own greedy need for graft and not in the interest of the society.

If that is corruption, then they are guilty..

If they try to develop the lands by renting it outb to foreigners and you called that corruption then they are guilty.
any shade deals the ppp indians do in guyana is not corruption. is god gift to them to do, as they wish with guyanese people assets

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