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Enterprise PPP group hosts grand social for 300 community elders

Written By Savitri Laikram, Thursday, 19 December 2013, Source


THE People’s Progressive Party group of Enterprise, East Coast Demerara, Sunday hosted a splendid social for the elders of the community. The event was kept at the auditorium of the Enterprise Primary School and saw the attendance of approximately 300 persons from the community and surrounding areas.


Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee delivering his remarks.

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee delivering his remarks.

Prime Minister Sam Hinds, General Secretary of the PPP, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Anil Nandlall, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony and Minister in the Agriculture Ministry, Mr. Ali Baksh were among those who graced the occasion.


Minister Rohee in his remarks said that the PPP is always happy to be associated with the annual activity where guests can come and be treated to an enjoyable time, especially the elders.


He highlighted the fact that there has always been a strong presence of the PPP in Enterprise, and he is confident that the community will continue to support the party.


He observed that there have been lots of challenges and persons go around making false promises to mislead and misinform the community. However, Rohee asserted that the PPP remains faithful to the same programmes and policies that Dr Cheddi Jagan had stood for.


He pointed out that today persons need to realize that they are living in difficult and somewhat trying times, but nevertheless the policies remain the same although the party faces the same enemy in different forms.


Minister Rohee referred to the persons who mislead, misinform and make fake promises, and he apologized on their behalf for the promises they will not fulfill, noting that the PPP will try their  best to make those promises that can be fulfilled. “When we say we will do something, we make it our best to do it,” he said.


He noted the help of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) and the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) who walk around the communities meeting and interacting with people, adding that they know the extent of the promises that can be fulfilled and for them to be fulfilled they need to be budgeted for.


Minister Rohee noted that it is a constant fight, both in and out of parliament, but the PPP has always been fighters as they have fought to get into government and are fighting to remain there.


He asserted that those in the opposition have been using all sorts of tricks and games to fool persons, noting that they are “born again democrats who want to make persons believe that they are fighting for them, when in truth they are nothing but wolf in sheep’s clothing.”


A section of the crowd at the social.

A section of the crowd at the social.


He posited that as long as the PPP is in government, they will always fight for betterment and improvements for the young and old. He also encouraged persons to contribute to the party in a positive manner and to help to make 2014 a better year than 2013.


Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sam Hinds reminisced on his childhood days and reminded persons of the way Christmas was celebrated back then.


He told the gathering of washing salted butter to use in baking black cake, specially-made drinks such as sorrel, mauby and ginger beer and going about in groups caroling from house to house.


He noted that today those who have served the government over the years can look back with satisfaction that their community, and all of Guyana, is better than it used to be.

Prime Minister Hinds said also that as the year concludes, one can say that there have been many challenges but also many successes, including record breaking rice and gold production and on the whole there has been a lot more money around.


He added that growth and development bring about changes and while the older persons have worked continuously and tirelessly in the fields, they have built a better Guyana for the present generation, whose task is to build a more improved Guyana for the new generation.


He also addressed the challenges that are faced in the sugar industry and noted that with unity, these can be overcome and the transformation can be made for a more improved and rewarding sugar industry.


Prime Minister Hinds concluded that as the government continues to work for a better Guyana, Dr Cheddi Jagan’s aim and his programmes and policies are kept in mind as everyone strives for a more improved country.


He then wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all the best for the season.


General Secretary Rohee, Ministers Baksh, Nandlall and Anthony also wished those present Happy Holidays.


As they made their way through the crowd, they interacted with the residents, and listened to their concerns and promised them further advancement to make their lives more comfortable.


As they promised the elders and other residents of the community a more improved living environment, they left them with warm wishes for the upcoming holidays.


The elders were treated to a delicious lunch provided by the PPP group along with entertainment by E-Networks Orchestra and their singers doing various renditions of yesteryear music.


Minister Nandlall also did song renditions to spice up the event with hits such as Suhani Raat, Kya hua tera vaada and Avast mein natun ga.


Persons who contributed in both cash and kind were also acknowledged for making the event a success. And residents were also given plaques and awards for their outstanding community services over the years.


The elders left looking quite happy and they were also given grocery hampers to take home as a token of appreciation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is what you call show off by the PPP/Crooks and publicity stunt.


Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.


Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.


The lie about a pension book

December 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Some measure of slackness which needs to be addressed is very evident at the Anna Regina office of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. That office cannot be exonerated from blame for me not being provided with my pension book for seven months now. During the very next month after completing 65 years, having been born on 1948-04-29, my form as a requirement was filed up at this office in order to get my book which had to be processed at the Headquarters in the city before being sent back to the district for me to collect. From then and on to now, I visited this office no less than 20 times on the advice given, “Come back next week. You book ain’t come yet”. Out of curiosity, a few days ago, I contacted the Head Office where the shocking revelation was made that nothing was sent from Anna Regina office for me which points to a pellucid situation of where nothing could have come back when nothing was sent. Someone was just making a fool of me all the time. With my frustration and stress mounting after wasting so much time, getting money to travel there seems to be no certainty when I would get my book. But what now seems likely is that it may now be made available after my death when it would be just useless as no benefit could then be derived. When coupled with the suffering and inconvenience endured, the protracted delay is unacceptable when better needs to be done for the elderly. Budhanie Ramroop


Supporting your supporters, Amral, Toronto's mayor and brother were handing out $20.00 bills to their supporters last week on Dixon road housing project.What is new, election is far away.


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