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Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 

wally, i remind u that Eric Holder is the AG of the United States, not Secretary of State or President . . .


it would be useful to hear something grounded in reality beyond the hobbled, no-nothing screed born of ignorant fantasy u post here


sometimes i wonder about your sanity

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 

wally, i remind u that Eric Holder is the AG of the United States, not Secretary of State or President . . .


it would be useful to hear something grounded in reality beyond the hobbled, no-nothing screed born of ignorant fantasy u post here


sometimes i wonder about your sanity

Wait until those racists start attacking you on the streets then you will see what your idol has done.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 

wally, i remind u that Eric Holder is the AG of the United States, not Secretary of State or President . . .


it would be useful to hear something grounded in reality beyond the hobbled, no-nothing screed born of ignorant fantasy u post here


sometimes i wonder about your sanity

Wait until those racists start attacking you on the streets then you will see what your idol has done.

fool, what's your dystopic fantasy got to do with Eric Holder?


Ediot its people like you who cannot see that the strategic interests of people of color have been undermine all around the world that allowed this fool and his pal to do the damage that they did.  In today's world thanks to this fool and his pal countries such as France can walk into any Africian country and take anything that they want.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Ediot its people like you who cannot see that the strategic interests of people of color have been undermine all around the world that allowed this fool and his pal to do the damage that they did.  In today's world thanks to this fool and his pal countries such as France can walk into any Africian country and take anything that they want.

again . . . what's all this stuff in our head got to do with AG Eric Holder?

Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 

It is unfortunate that you have this position. It is clear you are talking about the fictive person you heard of from fox news. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

This man was more than just an AG.  He was his pal's closest advisor and Confidant.  I hope you notice how close his leaving is to the trip that he made to Ferguson to speak to that community's elders.  Only he knows what the elders of that community told him.  But it was not something good.

this is the best u got . . . huh?


i suggest u retire to some random closet and quarantine your shame for a while



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

This man was more than just an AG.  He was his pal's closest advisor and Confidant.  I hope you notice how close his leaving is to the trip that he made to Ferguson to speak to that community's elders.  Only he knows what the elders of that community told him.  But it was not something good.

 I do not know why his visit to Furguson matters and not his trip elsewhere in official capacity where of course he would have spoken in confidence to others. He is leaving because he wants to leave. It happens all the time. Why would the people tell him something bad?

Originally Posted by Wally:

The two of you innocents should go back to Sunday school where you belong.  It is very clear that the two of you were born yesterday.

You do not know me so I will leave it at that. I can say with clarity that when it comes to american progressive politics I had a front row seat these part 30 years.


Stormborn I know who you are and I have a lot of respect for you; particularly, your service to a Guyanese opposition party in the past.  We do not have to agree on everything.


In my opinion  Bill Clinton remains the first and only Black President elected by the American people.  Holder is playing his political cards now. He may be working to get a Vice President position but I hope Bill and Hill choose someone like Harold Ford Jr or Mike Espy over this fool.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
In my opinion  Bill Clinton remains the first and only Black President elected by the American people.  Holder is playing his political cards now. He may be working to get a Vice President position but I hope Bill and Hill choose someone like Harold Ford Jr or Mike Espy over this fool.

dude, seriously . . .?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn I know who you are and I have a lot of respect for you; particularly, your service to a Guyanese opposition party in the past.  We do not have to agree on everything.


In my opinion  Bill Clinton remains the first and only Black President elected by the American people.  Holder is playing his political cards now. He may be working to get a Vice President position but I hope Bill and Hill choose someone like Harold Ford Jr or Mike Espy over this fool.

Bro I have not done anything for the opposition. I actually would not speak to non US politicians.  You are going to make the PPP come after me more than they are.


Holder is not a politician and will not go into politics. That is certain. Harold ford does not have a ghost of a chance nor does Espy. The former has too much baggage the latter no different. Hilliary, if she runs will chose a safe white politician

Mr Wally?
What exactly are you rambling about?
Get specific
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 


Vish M

Eric Holder - the US Top Cop - was basically the Bad Cop to Obama's Cop. He played the role brilliantly. Contrary to what Fox noise and the lunatic right are saying Holder is not political. For an Attorney General who was political see JFK's RFK, Nixon's Ed Meese and others. Holder said and did the things that Obama wanted to (in the name of civil rights, equality, and race rights) but couldn't.


Holder indeed is not aiming for political office. Speaking of which, if Elizabeth Warren enters the ring Hillary Clinton is toast. Elizabeth (you didn't build that that Obama borrowed in 2012) represents the dominant wing of the party. With the Wall St angst and the Iraq war Hillary has a lot of skeletons to carry around. And if anyone believes that Bill Clinton was the first and only Black President then you do not know American politics.


Another strong candidate who may enter the race is Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.  She would be a good candidate from the South.  If the Republicans have a strong moderate candidate like a George HW Bush or Rudy or Arlen Spector then I am voting for that person.  After all of the silver tongue tommy tricks over the last 6 years it would take something like an FDR or LBJ to make me ever vote democrat again.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr Wally?
What exactly are you rambling about?
Get specific
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 


Ask the innocent women of Sirte who are struggling to find and provide drinking water for their children to be more specific.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr Wally?
What exactly are you rambling about?
Get specific
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 

Ask the innocent women of Sirte who are struggling to find and provide drinking water for their children to be more specific.

again, u hallucinating moron . . . what "specific[ally]" has Sirte got to do with the "accomplishments" of AG Eric Holder?

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr Wally?
What exactly are you rambling about?
Get specific
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 

Ask the innocent women of Sirte who are struggling to find and provide drinking water for their children to be more specific.

again, u hallucinating moron . . . what "specific[ally]" has Sirte got to do with the "accomplishments" of AG Eric Holder?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Another strong candidate who may enter the race is Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.  She would be a good candidate from the South.  If the Republicans have a strong moderate candidate like a George HW Bush or Rudy or Arlen Spector then I am voting for that person.  After all of the silver tongue tommy tricks over the last 6 years it would take something like an FDR or LBJ to make me ever vote democrat again.

I went into the river parishes to hang out as  my wife helped with grass root organizing for her first run...mary landrieu....she is opportunistic and vote with the changes in the wind so had her seat not been a necessary one for the remaining term of the president I would not be sad to see her lose. My view is not a lonely view. She will never hold nationwide office if my assessment of the progressive viewpoint holds. 


Specter, now there is a man who came to an independent position at the end of his career.


Bush was silly to rely on the neo cons for their advice on foreign policy and we are still recovering from the mess Bolton, Wolfowitz, Chaney et al did to the reputation of the US. Their view of laissez faire or Adam Smiths unregulated  economic markets was also scary. It has allowed a shift of some 4 trillion dollars from the hands of the middle class into the hands of the one percenters. That is not my kind of world. The one Obama inherited was one of the scariest one economically and politically and he is still dealing with both against the racist ( lets say it plainly) opposition of the republicans.


Rudy was a failure in everyday and would have been remembered as such had he not been rescued by the unfortunate circumstance of 911. His racist stop and frisk, bullyism and fascistic police tactics led to the deaths of amadou diallo, and Sean Bell. The cops treated Guyanese. They were on Queens and Hillside for example every weekend simply stopping anyone brown or black and treating them as crap. A president like Rudy would be the most scary thing for people of color.


I can say Fox News and its cadre at righting bobblehead pontificators do seem to get across to some of you. You and I are on very extreme ends of political views on american politics.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr Wally?
What exactly are you rambling about?
Get specific
Originally Posted by Wally:

Its good to see this fool go.  This fool and his buddy did more to undermine the worldwide interests of people of color than anyone in recent memory.  I hope no apartheid or jim crow system comes back soon. Because then you will see the true accomplishments of this fool. 


Ask the innocent women of Sirte who are struggling to find and provide drinking water for their children to be more specific.

Holder did not assault Sirte. Gaddafi chose to hide out there as his "custer's last stand" and NATO assisted the rebels in taking him out.  I liked Gadaffi until I began to see he like all dictators become rather petty. He and his sons were as Saddam and his sons. They cultivated a friends and family hegemony and kept the tribal peoples of the nation at odds with each other.


Libya was for all intents and purposes many exclusive tribal enclaves run by a hand picked crony of Gadaffi. He never set out to cultivate nationalism. He cultivated tribalism. When he could not hold his tribal warlords together they  began top cannibalize each other. Sirte was a circumstance created by these tribal factionalism.


Even in the end he could have saved his nation and himself and he refused! But that is what dictators do. They never give up because the fear retribution for their crimes more than death. Assad, sad to say is going the same way and for the same reasons.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Another strong candidate who may enter the race is Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.  She would be a good candidate from the South.  If the Republicans have a strong moderate candidate like a George HW Bush or Rudy or Arlen Spector then I am voting for that person.  After all of the silver tongue tommy tricks over the last 6 years it would take something like an FDR or LBJ to make me ever vote democrat again.

I went into the river parishes to hang out as  my wife helped with grass root organizing for her first run...mary landrieu....she is opportunistic and vote with the changes in the wind so had her seat not been a necessary one for the remaining term of the president I would not be sad to see her lose. My view is not a lonely view. She will never hold nationwide office if my assessment of the progressive viewpoint holds. 


Specter, now there is a man who came to an independent position at the end of his career.


Bush was silly to rely on the neo cons for their advice on foreign policy and we are still recovering from the mess Bolton, Wolfowitz, Chaney et al did to the reputation of the US. Their view of laissez faire or Adam Smiths unregulated  economic markets was also scary. It has allowed a shift of some 4 trillion dollars from the hands of the middle class into the hands of the one percenters. That is not my kind of world. The one Obama inherited was one of the scariest one economically and politically and he is still dealing with both against the racist ( lets say it plainly) opposition of the republicans.


Rudy was a failure in everyday and would have been remembered as such had he not been rescued by the unfortunate circumstance of 911. His racist stop and frisk, bullyism and fascistic police tactics led to the deaths of amadou diallo, and Sean Bell. The cops treated Guyanese. They were on Queens and Hillside for example every weekend simply stopping anyone brown or black and treating them as crap. A president like Rudy would be the most scary thing for people of color.


I can say Fox News and its cadre at righting bobblehead pontificators do seem to get across to some of you. You and I are on very extreme ends of political views on american politics.

Storm, I see you have learned a thing or two from the Obama squad.  Nice attempt in painting me as a right wing racist fox viewer. I do not watch Fox news.  George HW Bush (not George W Bush), Rudy and Spector were all moderate Republicans on social issues. In fact it was George HW Bush who spoke about Voodoo Economics to describe Reagan's economic plans.  But I do support your views that Guyanese and other people of color were victims of police racism when Rudy was the Mayor


I was thinking that you were trying to get a place on the Holder plantation to live but it looks like you already live comfortable on the Obama plantation.

Last edited by Former Member

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