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Former Member

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it has observed a recent racist rant of Eric Phillips, an employee of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) based at the Ministry of the Presidency, in which Mr. Phillips has published on his Facebook page, a threat to kill members of the PPP Cabinet and their families “bar none.”

The PPP, in a statement, said this irrational publication has placed the lives of every former PPP Cabinet member and every current PPP Parliamentarian and their respective families, in jeopardy.

The PPP said it takes this threat most seriously and is considering a number of courses of actions, upon which it will embark to address it. “We will inform the public accordingly, in due course,” the party said in its statement.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 This man is a racist to the core. No wonder that Dumbger being the chief has a lot of racist working for him - David Hinds, Lincoln lewis, Tackuma. Thomas, all ex - Army officers and the whole black intelligentsia.

randolph posted:

 This man is a racist to the core. No wonder that Dumbger being the chief has a lot of racist working for him - David Hinds, Lincoln lewis, Tackuma. Thomas, all ex - Army officers and the whole black intelligentsia.

Can you please post the rants...thanks.


When you are fighting to rule Africans expect more of this. I have already made it very clear that the only workable solution is the peaceful fight for an independent sovereign country in east Berbice and the Essequibo islands.

Last edited by Prashad

Cain you are a Portuguese brother of Eric Phillips and the anti-koolie Jranger so you have nothing to fear. East Indians of Guyana are viewed as at the same level as human excrement. The so called chitagongs that anti-koolie racists use to describe East Indians of Guyana.

cain posted:

No did? I musta missed it. 

Cain, you did not miss anything; this Prashad guy is nothing but a blow-blow; a fully certified/complete ass ! He tries to give others the impression that he knows much but he is really an idiot who posts garbage ! Chittagong is a city in Bangladesh. I am willing to bet that very few people in Guyana know where Chittagong is. The more I see/read his posts, the more convinced I am that he is nothing but a blo-blo who is seeking attention!

Prashad posted:

The word Chitagongs is used online by anti-koolie racists from Guyana to describe East Indian people of Guyana. It is all about dehumaning East Indian people.

Totally Fake!

You cannot be from Guyana

RiffRaff posted:
Prashad posted:

The word Chitagongs is used online by anti-koolie racists from Guyana to describe East Indian people of Guyana. It is all about dehumaning East Indian people.

Totally Fake!

You cannot be from Guyana

He pretends to be knowledgeable about everything but is in fact a liar who is clearly in dire need of psychiatric attention ! I am willing to bet that he cannot show a single instance in which this word was used as he claimed above ! What an idiot !! 


Chittagong is a city in Bangladesh but the word is used by anti-koolie racists from Guyana which I saw in the past to describe East Indians of Guyana because it rhyme with sh-t. It is a way of saying East Indians are excrement by anti-koolie posting on the internet. For example statements would be " these Chitagongs did this" or "these Chitagongs did that"

Last edited by Prashad

Bring us one of dem postings nuh...right after you typed it. Dunno about chittagonga but dem boy say you is full ah you is a blow not even a real one rass. Is like one from Walmart.

Last edited by cain
Keffer posted:
cain posted:

No did? I musta missed it. 

Cain, you did not miss anything; this Prashad guy is nothing but a blow-blow; a fully certified/complete ass ! He tries to give others the impression that he knows much but he is really an idiot who posts garbage ! Chittagong is a city in Bangladesh. I am willing to bet that very few people in Guyana know where Chittagong is. The more I see/read his posts, the more convinced I am that he is nothing but a blo-blo who is seeking attention!

Careful there, Keff. Prash is me virtual jahaji bhai. We're shitmates sailing to our promised land, a westernized Hind, against stormy wind.

Last edited by Former Member

U joinin him on that quest for a new piece ah land Gilly? You better not or it will be heralded Gilly joinin the family of chits and that would be a chitty choice on your part.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

U joinin him on that quest for a new piece ah land Gilly? You better not or it will be heralded Gilly joinin the family of chits and that would be a chitty choice on your part.

I repeat: Prash is me virtual jahaji bhai. We're shitmates sailing to our promised land, a westernized Hind, against stormy wind.


I saw it being written several times. We need a deep search. These racist bums probably delete the word to cover their tracks that is why they are so eager to find it.





Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

I saw it being written. We need a deep search. These racist bums probably delete the word to cover their tracks that is why they are so eager to find it.






Ron rubbin off on you deh probably something fo do with the IT ..hahahaaa ..dem boys delete it thats why they tryin to find it..heheheee

Last edited by cain
Gilbakka posted:
Keffer posted:
cain posted:

No did? I musta missed it. 

Cain, you did not miss anything; this Prashad guy is nothing but a blow-blow; a fully certified/complete ass ! He tries to give others the impression that he knows much but he is really an idiot who posts garbage ! Chittagong is a city in Bangladesh. I am willing to bet that very few people in Guyana know where Chittagong is. The more I see/read his posts, the more convinced I am that he is nothing but a blo-blo who is seeking attention!

Careful there, Keff. Prash is me virtual jahaji bhai. We're shitmates sailing to our promised land, a westernized Hind, against stormy wind.

Only a westernized Hind that embrace our Guyanese East Indian muslim brothers and sisters. Prashad is very proud of Guyana East Indian Islam. The only one of it kind in the world. It is true Islam because it shows true kindness and peace to others.

Prashad posted:

I saw it being written several times. We need a deep search. These racist bums probably delete the word to cover their tracks that is why they are so eager to find it.





What a liar you are; if you saw it several time why don't you provide the reference .... if you have balls ! You ought to be kicked out of this forum for posting such bilge.

Prashad posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Keffer posted:
cain posted:

No did? I musta missed it. 

Cain, you did not miss anything; this Prashad guy is nothing but a blow-blow; a fully certified/complete ass ! He tries to give others the impression that he knows much but he is really an idiot who posts garbage ! Chittagong is a city in Bangladesh. I am willing to bet that very few people in Guyana know where Chittagong is. The more I see/read his posts, the more convinced I am that he is nothing but a blo-blo who is seeking attention!

Careful there, Keff. Prash is me virtual jahaji bhai. We're shitmates sailing to our promised land, a westernized Hind, against stormy wind.

Only a westernized Hind that embrace our Guyanese East Indian muslim brothers and sisters. Prashad is very proud of Guyana East Indian Islam. The only one of it kind in the world. It is true Islam because it shows true kindness and peace to others.

Here we go again ...what the hell does this mean: 

"Only a westernized Hind that embrace our Guyanese East Indian muslim brothers and sisters. Prashad is very proud of Guyana East Indian Islam. The only one of it kind in the world. It is true Islam because it shows true kindness and peace to others." 

....and this: 

'Prashad is very proud of Guyana East Indian Islam. The only one of it kind in the world.

... and this:

'It is true Islam because it shows true kindness and peace to others.'

This fool is either drunk or he is floating in the air on something !


Stormborn aka keffer seeing that you want me to be kicked out I instead would like to welcome you back. Seeing that you cannot kill the message you are trying to kill the messenger. But I will tell you this just like how you love your people I love my people. I refuse to see them being abused, fooled and used by others. My aim is to ensure my people have a stable and secure place on the South American continent into the future. If you don't like it then too bad.


Prashad posted:

Keffer is Stormborn and D2.

KEFFER is Canadian,bhai.

He is doing some good humanitarian work,that is what i found out by using Google and putting the pieces together.

Maybe i am wrong,

Public figure and the Internet is good and also bad,same with myself one piece of info and you can find everything about me.

Last edited by Django
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Keffer is Stormborn and D2.

...and you must be a Bacoo !


hide your email on GNI profile,unless if you feel comfortable for it to be seen.

Last edited by Django

Guys, have some empathy for Prashad. He is an Original Thinker. Many Christians dream of a Second Coming of Christ; that is not original. Gilbakka dreams of the replacement of global capitalism by world socialism; that too is not original. On the other hand, Prashad dreams of a new Indo homeland in East Berbice. THAT is original. Last night I noticed he added Essequibo Islands to East Berbice; THAT TOO is original. GNI ought to honor Prashad for his unique vision and persistence in the face of noxious ill-winds blowing against his sails. Prash has a platform in this forum to preach his message. Please, y'all don't pelt ganda egg pon de man. He harmless like an earthworm.


"Gilbakka dreams of the replacement of global capitalism by world socialism; that too is not original."

Nothing wrong to dream.

Only prablem,big fight between abhee two,which i don't wish suh the ley the sleeping daags lie.

Django posted:

"Gilbakka dreams of the replacement of global capitalism by world socialism; that too is not original."

Nothing wrong to dream.

Only prablem,big fight between abhee two,which i don't wish suh the ley the sleeping daags lie.

Hey you money-grabbing capitalist rass, working-class Gilbakka would be outa he mind to glorify your ilk. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

"Gilbakka dreams of the replacement of global capitalism by world socialism; that too is not original."

Nothing wrong to dream.

Only prablem,big fight between abhee two,which i don't wish suh the ley the sleeping daags lie.

Hey you money-grabbing capitalist rass, working-class Gilbakka would be outa he mind to glorify your ilk. 

Bhai,i despised the Colonial Masters in the homeland when passing Leonora Compound the feeling was rebellious,truthfully i like a mixture of both.

Django posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Keffer is Stormborn and D2.

...and you must be a Bacoo !


hide your email on GNI profile,unless if you feel comfortable for it to be seen.

That's okay, Bro; I have nothing to hide. The work that I do is purely humanitarian and, in terms of both policy and practice, my organization provides support to people all around the world. We operate with close linkage to several United Nation bodies. It has been a privilege in many ways because I travel frequently and have ongoing opportunities to assist people in numerous countries and political climates.  

Django posted:


That's so great of you keep it up,

I found the org. on line.

Thank you, Django. Human Concern International (HCI) is a registered Canadian humanitarian charity that functions on the principles of Islam so a significant portion of our donation intake comes from the Muslim community in Canada. Our work, however, is focused on improving the lives of any/all people, wherever they are, and therefore has no religious bias whatsoever. We collect charitable contributions from individuals, corporations and other organizations to support the various perpetual programs which are designed to alleviate human suffering from poverty, natural disasters/catastrophes, political upheaval, etc. Our annual intake of funds depends on events around the world and fluctuates between US$90million to US$150million. I was Chairman of the HCI board of directors for four years and, now that my term has ended, I am back to being a humble volunteer again as required under the organization's constitution.   


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