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Grove woman robbed, raped in home invasion

… shootout ensued as bandits escape


A mother of two of Section C Block Y, Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) was attacked, robbed and raped by two armed bandits after they broke into her home at around 04:00h on Friday morning.

The bandits carted away with some $50,000 in cash, a large quantity of jewellery, a cellular phone, a laptop, among other valuables.

After noticing the perpetrators jumping the fence to escape around 04:45h, the victim’s landlord who resides in the upper flat of the house immediately rushed to his vehicle to chase after them.

However, the bandits opened fire, discharging about five rounds in his direction – awakening neighbours. The bandits escaped by fleeing into the burial ground where they darted to the nearby village of Kaneville, EBD.

Subsequently, the landlord went to Grove Police Station where he summoned ranks who arrived on the scene to investigate the matter.

By that time, neighbours had familiarised themselves with the situation and were consoling the mother who was weeping bitterly as she fumbled to relate the series of events that had just transpired.

When Guyana Times arrived on the scene, the stay-at-home mother explained that she was sound asleep when the bandits entered her bedroom and pointed a gun to her head.

“I feel something cold pressed to my forehead and so I woke up and the man was there,” she related. Her two sons, aged five and nine, were also awoken. She explained that the bandits demanded gold, jewellery and other valuables.

“My husband does work in the interior so I guess they knew that, because they were asking ‘where the gold, where the gold’,” she weakly stated. After bagging all the valuables the men then raped her, she said.

Meanwhile, according to the landlady, she heard a commotion in the lower flat and consequently called out to the woman.

“I heard a noise and so I called down to she. But she came to the window and said everything was all right. But I told her, watch, the window got a pane missing, but she said everything all right and that she husband came home. So I didn’t want to push anymore so I left it as that,” she explained.

However, little did she know, the bandits were holding the woman at gunpoint, telling her to act normal.

“Then some minutes passed and I went in the kitchen cooking and look through the window and I see the two boys jumping the fence, so right then I knew is what happened. So I tell me husband and he jump in he car and went after them but then they start shooting at he,” she related.

However, in their haste to escape, the bandits left their cellular phone. The device will be submitted to the Police to aid in the investigations.

Meanwhile, since the Grove Police Station is not equipped with rape kits, the distraught mother will have to visit the Brickdam Police Station to make her report there.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan remains clueless.


The award for a Clueless Minister goes to Ramjattan. 

since is Golden Grove, disappointed antiman got no race angle to pursue


no opening for fulminations of genocide, ethnic cleansing or worse due to the rape


is just garden variety crime now

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Escalating Crime is a PNC problem with a useless Minister to deal with crime.


Useless post by a useless person. Yuji.

Yuji is a typical antiman.

Are you his girlfriend? drunkie?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Escalating Crime is a PNC problem with a useless Minister to deal with crime.


Useless post by a useless person. Yuji.

You should take the rose colored glasses from your eyes and read the article.  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Escalating Crime is a PNC problem with a useless Minister to deal with crime.


Useless post by a useless person. Yuji.

Yuji is a typical antiman.

Are you his girlfriend? drunkie?

Rama, like Mits woke up drunk again this morning. He will head off to sing Bahajans at somebody's dead wuk after taking a third drink.

Last edited by Former Member

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