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Suicide continues in Guyana.


…4 suicides recorded in 10 days

A post mortem is to be done on the body of a 63-year-old labourer which was found hanging from the ceiling of a dwelling house at La Belle Alliance on the Essequibo Coast.
Based on reports reaching this publication, the lifeless body was discovered on May 1, 2017 at about 19:00 hrs, and the dead man has been identified as Govin Narine.
Narine’s neighbour, Geeta Ramesh, related that she used to cook for the deceased, and she had not been aware that he was battling problems of any kind.
The woman said she called for the deceased when heading home at about 19:00 hrs. She went to the backyard after she did not receive a response, and then she saw the ghastly sight of Narine hanging from the roof of the shed. Shaken, she then raised an alarm and alerted the police.
The body was taken to the Suddie Hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem.
This episode follows two other incidents of suicide occurring within a short span of 10 days. Chovindra Lall of Pomona Housing Scheme succumbed reportedly from injecting poison to his hands, while Shalini Danpat ingested a carbon tablet. Both victims were 22 years old.
A security guard attached to the Caricom Rice Mill reportedly shot herself to the throat only a few days ago. The body of Special Constable #15117 Shendal George of Lima, Essequibo was discovered on May 4 in the washroom of the business entity.

Source: inewsguyana.

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An independent country with all Indians will not make us any happier than to coexist with other race. Indian will fight against Indian, and politicians with find ways to pull against each other for various reasons. 

There is no perfect nation in this world that is without challenges.


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