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Former Member

Essequibo man, reported to US Embassy as terrorist, granted $400,000 bail for ammo possession


A 20-year-old Essequibo man was today placed on $400,000 bail by city magistrate Leron Daly for illegal possession of ammunition.

The court heard that Ishan Alli of Riverstown, Essequibo was a victim of rumours spread against his family by a man who once dated his cousin.

Alli’s lawyer, Jerome Khan, told the court the cousin’s former lover had made malicious reports to the United States Embassy that Alli and his entire family, all holder of business visas, were terrorists.

Khan told the Court Alli, a student at the Essequibo Technical Institute, was eventually called in to the Embassy to answer to the claims.

Khan also told the court the ammunition had been brought to the house by the cousin’s former boyfriend, and it was these bullets which were found by police on February 4, during a search of the property which includes three houses.

Alli was placed on $500,000 bail, but after request by Attorney Khan, bail was reduced to $400,000.

Alli must return to court, but before doing so, he will report to the Suddie Police Station every Monday. The matter is expected to be transferred to the Essequibo magisterial district, but only Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan can transfer such matters.

McLennan is believed to be out of the city on official business.

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Prince posted:

Please pray that this is not true. If it is, Guyana cork duck. 

Let's hope it isn't. How do you prove it isn't? The US doesn't take terrorist claims easily. I can pretty much guess what happened. His cousin broke up with the guy and the guy concocted a story out of anger completely disregarding the ramifications. If Guyana suffers as a result, he should be HUNG preferably by his testicles first for a few days then by the neck.

Last edited by GTAngler
Prince posted:

Please pray that this is not true. If it is, Guyana cork duck. 

I have always wondered about that, "Cork duck". When I fish in freshwater with a cork (float) and it duck (goes down) it means a fish has taken the bait which is a good thing.


I want to believe that this guy is innocent for the sake of Guyanese and Donald Trump. To know that this was reported to the U.S. Embassy, is even worse. We have to look at all the facts surrounded this case and evaluate them before making judgement. I am sure there will be an update on this story.

Last edited by Former Member
warrior posted:

the police is a waste they have time to search a man house but no time to respond to a robbery 


I thought you had high regards for the police under the coalition. You guys are really playing the fool now. This is like selling pyar-pyar pattie to a Jamaican woman. 

warrior posted:

the police is a waste they have time to search a man house but no time to respond to a robbery 


Looks like you spent some time in Guyana and experienced the PNC police operations. Were you caught in any net?

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:

the police is a waste they have time to search a man house but no time to respond to a robbery 


Looks like you spent some time in Guyana and experienced the PNC police operations. Were you caught in any net?

not me bai you know i call it as i see it i always say the police is a waste 


Prince posted:
warrior posted:

the police is a waste they have time to search a man house but no time to respond to a robbery 


I thought you had high regards for the police under the coalition. You guys are really playing the fool now. This is like selling pyar-pyar pattie to a Jamaican woman. 

i never had respect for the guyana police i have respect for the law 


I hope this is just revenge by the ex boyfriend. That black muslim convert from Guyana that had the jfk terror news a few years ago had Us immigration officers questioning Guyanese at remote Us immigration border crossings


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