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Rice farmers on the Essequibo Coast on Wednesday began receiving outstanding payments for paddy from Golden Fleece Rice Investment, even as government hoped that commercial banks would provide advances to the millers.

Demerara Waves Online News was told that GUY$250 million were provided last week and GUY$150 million were disbursed on Tuesday to facilitate the payments.

Asked whether government was providing advances to the farmers, Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy said government has approached commercial banks.  β€œGovernment is trying to get bankers to loan the millers. We are working on it,” he told Demerara Waves Online News in a brief comment.


Essequibo Coast sources said several farmers were given cheques and others were told to return on Friday.

Those receiving payments had sold paddy to the mill owned by Nazeemul Hakh.

 Ramotar has promised the farmer that everything would be done to help farmers and the Ministry of Agriculture through Guyana Rice Development Board was working with the millers.

He met with the rice farmers several days after a number of them had staged a protest and burnt tires on the Essequibo Coast public road to protest the non-payment.


Several of them have been charged with riot-related offences.  Government has suggested that the protest was politically motivated by the smaller opposition Alliance For Change (AFC).

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan has called for a special fund to be established and dropping of the criminal charges against the farmers.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Essequibo rice farmers achieved this victory through vibrant AFC leadership on the ground who spearheaded the protest and gave meaning and substance to the farmer's cause.

Without such AFC-led protest action, those farmers would still be waiting for overdue payments today.

This is an example of what street action can accomplish.

The rest of Guyana should emulate rice farmers and protest for local government elections.


This is so stupid. The government can put up millions of US to bootstrap the Chinese at the Marriott and their cronies on the Berbice river bridge yet the are sending the millers to banks ( what happened to GUYOIL money)! That will increment the cost to farmers some 10 to 14 percent since the millers will definitely pass that down.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Essequibo rice farmers achieved this victory through vibrant AFC leadership on the ground who spearheaded the protest and gave meaning and substance to the farmer's cause.

Without such AFC-led protest action, those farmers would still be waiting for overdue payments today.

This is an example of what street action can accomplish.

The rest of Guyana should emulate rice farmers and protest for local government elections.

I believe in democracy, and I believe in peaceful protests. I don't believe in riots and willful disobedience to break the law and attack police officers. Think about a country without law enforcement and you will see a society in constant chaos. I am happy that the PPP met with the rice farmers and offered a peaceful solution.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Essequibo rice farmers achieved this victory through vibrant AFC leadership on the ground who spearheaded the protest and gave meaning and substance to the farmer's cause.

Without such AFC-led protest action, those farmers would still be waiting for overdue payments today.

This is an example of what street action can accomplish.

The rest of Guyana should emulate rice farmers and protest for local government elections.

I believe in democracy, and I believe in peaceful protests. I don't believe in riots and willful disobedience to break the law and attack police officers. Think about a country without law enforcement and you will see a society in constant chaos. I am happy that the PPP met with the rice farmers and offered a peaceful solution.

Assalamu alaikum. You are an ass!
I am pretty sure, the good people of essequibo did not  meant to engage in any form of disorderly conduct. They were pushed to that stage. Look how long it took, before they finally decided that enough is enough.
If the Govt. had given the people their money when it was due, none of this would have happened.
Sometimes it is necessary to put your foot down. Only then can results be achieved. I'm willing to wager, that were you, as a rice farmer placed in the same situation, you too would have cracked at some point and possibly expose your buktah as well. A known fact.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Essequibo rice farmers achieved this victory through vibrant AFC leadership on the ground who spearheaded the protest and gave meaning and substance to the farmer's cause.

Without such AFC-led protest action, those farmers would still be waiting for overdue payments today.

This is an example of what street action can accomplish.

The rest of Guyana should emulate rice farmers and protest for local government elections.

This is the crux of the matter, the PPP FEARS street protest and Granja FEAR the PPP.


When what de rass, we stuck with the pensioner as the opposition leader.


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