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Former Member

The community of Bush Lot, on the Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) was left in shock after a 19-year-old hung herself on Sunday – it was her birthday.

Dead is Verona Gowkharan. The teen left a note for her mother saying, “I’m disappointed and imperfect.”

Verona Gowkharan
Verona Gowkharan

Reports are that the teen was discovered hanging from her bedroom rafter by her mother. The incident occurred at about 22:00h on Sunday.

Reports are the teen and her family went on an outing to Capoey Lake to celebrate her birthday and upon returning home, she went into her room and locked the door.

A few hours later her mother went to check on her and it was then she discovered the teen hanging. An alarm was raised and the Police were called. The Police subsequently found the suicide note.

Her parents were interviewed by detectives. They told the Police they had no disagreement with the teenager and they did not know if she had any problems.

A memory card along with flash drive which was found with the suicide note was lodged with the Police as investigations continue.

A close relative however told this publication that the teen was involved in a relationship with another teen in her community but relatives had disapproved.

Gowkharan’s body was taken to the Suddie Hospital mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Really sad. One has to act very cautiously when dealing with their young kids. Can't be my way or the highway attitude because ultimately our kids are better any way other than dead. Time heals all wounds and parents giving their kids some leeway while may not produce the desired result will definitely not produce the worst possible result as in this sad case. May her soul rest in peace.


The daughter of an Indian friend of mine married a Greek guy on Sunday. I knew when they started dating all of four years ago. But she asked me to keep quiet just in case her parents disapproved. I can understand the pressure though. Only my brother attended my wedding from my family side. Not everyone in my mainly Indian family circle approved of my relationship with someone from a different background.

Mr.T posted:

The daughter of an Indian friend of mine married a Greek guy on Sunday. I knew when they started dating all of four years ago. But she asked me to keep quiet just in case her parents disapproved. I can understand the pressure though. Only my brother attended my wedding from my family side. Not everyone in my mainly Indian family circle approved of my relationship with someone from a different background.

This story is not about you. Stop craving for attention. Don't try to grab attention when a family suffers a tragedy.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

The daughter of an Indian friend of mine married a Greek guy on Sunday. I knew when they started dating all of four years ago. But she asked me to keep quiet just in case her parents disapproved. I can understand the pressure though. Only my brother attended my wedding from my family side. Not everyone in my mainly Indian family circle approved of my relationship with someone from a different background.

This story is not about you. Stop craving for attention. Don't try to grab attention when a family suffers a tragedy.

Everyone here knows that the story is not about me. But you should respect the situation that many of us Guyanese have to face or had to face when it comes to interracial relationships. Your eagerness to write something derogatory in the face or a tragedy just shows you up for what your really are. I doubt that anyone else on GNI would sink so low as to make a scene of a matter that  does not concern you.

Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

The daughter of an Indian friend of mine married a Greek guy on Sunday. I knew when they started dating all of four years ago. But she asked me to keep quiet just in case her parents disapproved. I can understand the pressure though. Only my brother attended my wedding from my family side. Not everyone in my mainly Indian family circle approved of my relationship with someone from a different background.

This story is not about you. Stop craving for attention. Don't try to grab attention when a family suffers a tragedy.

Everyone here knows that the story is not about me. But you should respect the situation that many of us Guyanese have to face or had to face when it comes to interracial relationships. Your eagerness to write something derogatory in the face or a tragedy just shows you up for what your really are. I doubt that anyone else on GNI would sink so low as to make a scene of a matter that  does not concern you.

Don't blame me. Check all the "I's and my's in you response. This article is not about you. Show me where you mentioned the family or the deceased in your response.


It is with a very sad heart that I read this today.  We East Indians of Guyana cannot afford to lose our young sons and daughters in this way because it is as if we are losing the future right in front of our eyes. 

Last edited by Prashad
Prince posted:

I need a nice rope for my next birthday.  

Dont worry. I can supply that free of charge and a mango tree too if u need. The thing with u is u cant help being a jackass. Show some respect for the deceased, please. 



Mr.T posted:

The daughter of an Indian friend of mine married a Greek guy on Sunday. I knew when they started dating all of four years ago. But she asked me to keep quiet just in case her parents disapproved. I can understand the pressure though. Only my brother attended my wedding from my family side. Not everyone in my mainly Indian family circle approved of my relationship with someone from a different background.

Nowhere in this story did it mention race,but like a bottom feeder, you continue to inject it into the matter based on your own sordid experiences. In fact I believe your family shunned away from your marriage not because of race but because of your own shortfalls in intellect. 

Drugb posted:
Mr.T posted:

The daughter of an Indian friend of mine married a Greek guy on Sunday. I knew when they started dating all of four years ago. But she asked me to keep quiet just in case her parents disapproved. I can understand the pressure though. Only my brother attended my wedding from my family side. Not everyone in my mainly Indian family circle approved of my relationship with someone from a different background.

Nowhere in this story did it mention race,but like a bottom feeder, you continue to inject it into the matter based on your own sordid experiences. In fact I believe your family shunned away from your marriage not because of race but because of your own shortfalls in intellect. 

They knew they should have planted a coconut tree rather than giving birth to this attention hog.

Last edited by Former Member

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