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I hope this will help to stem the flow of illegal drugs. I don't want to hear which party is supporting drug dealers. Guyana ought to do its part and do it properly. Drugs have destroyed the lives of countless people and it continues to be a major problem for the entire continental USA. America is battling this problem from all sides. Lets support them in this fight since they have been helping us and the world in so many other ways. Ramotar must be commended for working with the US ambassador  on establishing an office in Guyana. 


To my fellow Guyanese who have not gone to jail yet, please don't get into this business. It's a loser's game. You might get away once or twice but eventually you will get caught. The price you will have to pay is financially destructive and your freedom will be taken away for many years (prison). Work hard and honest and you will make it. It will take a long time and many sacrifices but you will get there safely. Don't gamble with your freedom. Avoid getting into drugs.

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Originally Posted by ball:

Is a split level no basement

the PPP just opened us up to another potential disease..Chinese criminal gambling triads. The Marriott in the hands of Chinese with a casino and gambling franchise has the potential to bring that evil and all it entails into our backyard. Chinese gambling gambling obsession has lead to all sorts of criminal enterprise from  football match fixing  in China and now Europe.  Presently, gambling is one of the largest income source for the triads exceeding drugs. Watch out for them trying to fix WI cricket.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I hope this will help to stem the flow of illegal drugs. I don't want to hear which party is supporting drug dealers. 

You're blocking yourself off from the truth and source of the problem right there.

The drug-trafficking scourge is thriving in an enabling environment in Guyana. The buck stops with the ruling party.


Before 1992 the narco-trade was far below its current level. The ruling party at that time took decisive measures to stem the flow of illegal drugs.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



If the Gov't. is the source of the problem then why is the U.S ambassador working with the gov't. on fighting the drug problem? I think we better have this ambassador investigated by the FBI. 

"Historically weak law enforcement and judiciary systems coupled with endemic corruption and increasing organized crime activity contribute to a favorable climate for significant money laundering in Guyana. Narcotics trafficking and corruption are alleged to be the primary sources of laundered funds; however, the laundering of proceeds from other illicit activities, such as human trafficking, contraband, kidnapping, tax evasion, and vehicle theft, is substantial.

Guyana’s geographic location makes it an ideal haven for transnational organized crime groups, including human and drug trafficking organizations. There are free trade zones operating in the country. There are no reported hawala or other money or value transfer services. Casinos are legal in Guyana and may pose a risk for money laundering." -- US State Department 2013 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Billy,  Do you have flood insurance for your basement?




You really funny bhai.  I find this very amusing.  

All I am is that you need to get out from your crawl space and get in touch with the real happenings in Guyana. Are you one of 7Dr friends who got prime land cheap cheap like for a 1US dollar? Say Hari Om to fatboy for me.




You have to understand that for anyone to sell an idea he/she must put forward a persuasive argument. The US does this with every country in its fight to put a dent on drug trafficking. It was recently reported that Peru produces more cocaine than Columbia and Bolivia is third largest producer of the illicit substance. 80% of drugs coming to the US travels the South-west border with Mexico.  Trafficking through the Mexican border has decreased because of the war between the cartel and Mexican law enforcement. However, trafficking has increased many folds through Puerto Rico, an American possession. How do you explain the problems of the drug trafficking in Puerto Rico? If an American semi-colony cannot do much to alleviate the problem even with all sorts of laws in place and the presence of the DEA how you think Guyana will fare? I am for the fight against drugs but we must be realistic about its outcome and the political football it has become.




Please tell us how much money the US gives Guyana annually to fight drugs vs. how much they spend in countries like Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Mexico?  The reading audience can look at the figures and make a judgment as why some get more than others. Don't you think the US will pour in more money in countries where the problem is as serious as he stated about Guyana?


Billy Ram Balgobin



I is a poor man who wok and pay my bills. I may live in a basement but that does not handicap me from standing up for what is right. You on the other hand has been running around like a chicken without a head supporting people whose party will soon disintegrate. No hope for the AFC. They are out of favor with the people who voted for them. Good luck with finding new supporters. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I is a poor man who wok and pay my bills. I may live in a basement but that does not handicap me from standing up for what is right. You on the other hand has been running around like a chicken without a head supporting people whose party will soon disintegrate. No hope for the AFC. They are out of favor with the people who voted for them. Good luck with finding new supporters. 

Why no hope for the AFC Billy.


I am asking for 3 solid reason, so Nehru  or Storm Born humty dumty type of answers.


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