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who love to bandy around phrases that you think sound impressive without know what you're talking about.


Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous.[1] The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), intimidation, as well as mass murder.


Where is there evidence of ethnic cleansing in Guyana?

Was Burnham a tyrant? Yes.

Did the PNC rig elections prior to 92? Most likely.

Was there discrimination under the PNC? Most likely, although I never personally experiences any.

Where was the forced migration and mass murder?

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They're not interested. The game plan is underway. Scream from the rooftops that Indians are being ethnically cleansed, raped, murdered, brutalized and exterminated.Next dey gon send General Shitty to appeal to the US for a flotilla of battleships to sail up the Demerara river and rescue them from black man..



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:

They're not interested. The game plan is underway. Scream from the rooftops that Indians are being ethnically cleansed, raped, murdered, brutalized and exterminated.Next dey gon send General Shitty to appeal to the US for a flotilla of battleships to sail up the Demerara river and rescue them from black man..


Is there a special reason why you've appointed me the leader of the "I hate Black People" GNI Brigade?


Do I spend all day here complaining about "evil" Black people? To arrive at the conclusion you have to really twist my comments.


P.S...jokes don't count. I've read plenty of awful awful jokes about Indos on GNI and other places.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Is there a special reason why you've appointed me the leader of the "I hate Black People" GNI Brigade?


Do I spend all day here complaining about "evil" Black people? To arrive at the conclusion you have to really twist my comments.


P.S...jokes don't count. I've read plenty of awful awful jokes about Indos on GNI and other places.

It don't tek no twisting fuh figure out your intentions bai. None at all. Now run along to your hindutva class, don't want you to be late.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Is there a special reason why you've appointed me the leader of the "I hate Black People" GNI Brigade?


Do I spend all day here complaining about "evil" Black people? To arrive at the conclusion you have to really twist my comments.


P.S...jokes don't count. I've read plenty of awful awful jokes about Indos on GNI and other places.

It don't tek no twisting fuh figure out your intentions bai. None at all. Now run along to your hindutva class, don't want you to be late.


Ok so it's my intentions. What pray tell are my intentions? Seriously. What are these "racist" intentions?


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