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Ethnic Conflict Threatens Democracy in Guyana

The country’s simmering ethnic tensions threaten to undermine a fragile democratic system and bring on the resource curse before the proceeds from massive offshore oil discoveries arrive.

It has been more than three weeks since Guyana’s March 2 elections, and there is still no final result. The process has become mired in controversy over the final tabulation of the votes in the most populous electoral district, which encompasses the capital of Georgetown.

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity-Alliance for Change (APNU-AFC) coalition claimed victory on the back of vote margins from this district, which were thrown out once by the High Court for not following lawful tabulation procedures and then officially announced again following procedures international observers maintain are still not credible. The opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP), which APNU-AFC ousted in 2015 after 23 years in power, and other political parties claim that transparent final tabulation of results will show that the PPP won.

Jason S. Calder

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@Ramakant-P posted:

The conflicts only happen at Election times.

It happens all the time more times than you think. You see the male PNC supporters abusing the Indians with vulgar language and showing their genitals to the women. There are widespread and daily occurrences of bullying, all because the PNC police turn a blind eye.

@Former Member posted:

It happens all the time more times than you think. You see the male PNC supporters abusing the Indians with vulgar language and showing their genitals to the women. There are widespread and daily occurrences of bullying, all because the PNC police turn a blind eye.

well!   The police now will have to do their jobs or get fired..   There is a new sheriff in town.  


An independent sovereign country for East Indians of Guyana, Douglas who love their East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana. This is the only workable solution for our people.


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