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Ethnic relations body hands over report on alleged Cathy Hughes post to police cyber crimes unit

The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) on Thursday night said it has handed over its report to the Police Cyber Crimes Unit for action on a dangerous social media post, allegedly made by former Minister and current Member of Parliament, Cathy Hughes on the Facebook page of Nigel Hughes.

A release from the ERC said that the Commission’s investigative team, after concluding its work and exercising due diligence, made the recommendation following efforts to seek the source of the offensive comment.

“The post was made in mid-December, 2020 and promoted an undesirable and dangerous action in the society”, the ERC said. It noted that Mrs Hughes had immediately disassociated herself from the post and indicated that her social media comments on another matter were doctored and the offending remarks inserted.

The ERC reiterated that any form of incitement or race hate, has no place in the society and encouraged all to refrain and be responsible when making public comments.

Cathy Hughes yesterday released the letter that was sent to her by the ERC on the investigation. The letter signed by the ERC Chairman, Reverend Dr John Smith said that quite cognizant of her role in public life it was writing to apprise her of the findings of its investigative team which carried out “due diligence” in relation to the matter.

“As you are aware, the mandate of the Commission is to receive and investigate complaints of racial, ethnic, religious or cultural discrimination brought to its attention. Hence, the complaint falls outside the scope of the Commission”, Smith wrote.

He said that the team has concluded that the offending comment was intended to create mischief in the Guyanese populace.

“In that regard, the Commission recognises that a thorough investigation is imperative to ascertain the source and identity of the individual (s) connected to the comment made. As such, the Commission will be forwarding its findings to the Cyber-Crime Unit of the Police for the necessary action”,  the letter said.

The letter from Smith added: “the Commission wishes to take this opportunity to apologise for any public ridicule which was made against you and is prepared to render any further assistance it deems necessary in assisting with the investigation”.

Cathy Hughes yesterday also released a statement in response to a media report on the ERC press release.  She reiterated what she had said in her defence when the matter first arose.

She said: “On December 15, 2020 I became aware of a fake screen shot of a fake Facebook post alleging  a statement which I did not make. This screenshot was never posted on Facebook but shared in social media groups.

“On December 16, 2020 I received an email from the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) in which they stated that they received a report and wanted my comment on this. I responded firmly that I never made such a post.

“On December 17, 2020 I wrote to the Commissioner of Police reporting this cybercrime and requested that the Police investigate. This correspondence was copied to the Ethnic Relations Commis-sion. I received a response from him confirming that his agency would launch an investigation. As former Minister of Public Telecommunications I am well aware that only the Guyana Police Force can officially investigate cybercrimes in Guyana”.

The former minister added: “I continue to willingly assist the Guyana Police Force with these investigations and patiently await an outcome.  I too would like to see the offending persons brought to the courts”.


Cathy is a good girl give her a break. This ethnic relations bullshit only knows how to go after East Indians and civilized blacks. They dare not go after racist crazy blacks who would take a large stick and go into their office and beat up their backsides.

Last edited by Prashad

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