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Originally Posted by Wally:

Lucas I am not picking sides here.  Putin turned a blind eye and his back while Russian neo Nazis murdered or tried to murder every colored person in Russia that they could get their hands on.


This is an extraordinary statement, it sound the same as to say that Russians enslaved Africans and then the Anglos liberated them and for this noble action the French donated the Statue of Liberty to New York


Lucas, I saw with my own eyes the head wounds inflicted on the head of one of my African students who was on a visit to St Petersburg by 20 armed Russian neo-nazis.  If it were not for a large Russian sailor out for a walk then my student would have been killed.  Putin was President then.  What did he do.  Absolutely nothing.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

They caught Canadians trying to kidnap 600 ethnic Russian children from Ukraine ...  they are not the only ones trafficking children. What make them think that these Children want to be parented by their parents' enemies?

get off the bull crap. These kids are whorehouse in awful condition. Without western adoption they are doomed. Most are handicapped or victims of horrible miss treatment.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Why not to allow Russia to adopt them? After all the kids are ethnic Russians? Perhaps we want to rise them feeling hatred against Russia and use them as spies later on. 

Russia has the same where housing problem. They have thousands of kids in institutions and Putin has done very little to change the conditions of these kids. By some estimates some 600k of these institutionalized kids exist.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Don't be ridiculous... the main reason kids are smuggled by anglos is to sexually abuse them ..there is no better life for them in any English speaking is just sex slavery

No one is smuggling these kids. They were Adopting into families. I guess you were an abused adopted child to state categorically that these adoptions were for the sex trade. Tell that to my neighbor two kids who are now 20 and 23 who were adopted out of Russia and now are   fully functioning adults with loving parents.


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