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December 17,2016

A few years ago, talks started between South American neighbours, Guyana and Suriname, for the construction of a bridge across the Corentyne River in Berbice to increased trade.The bridge is expected to facilitate other mutual developmental initiatives.In 2014, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, the then Foreign Affairs Minister under the previous regime – the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), had stated that the financial affairs of the project were being negotiated between the Suriname and China.She had pointed out, also, that the money would come from the US$3 billion in loans to 10 Caribbean nations – including Guyana – that was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping some time during that period.
In turn, Guyana’s obligation was to construct an approach road to the bridge.
The idea for the bridge was developed by former President Bharrat Jagdeo and Surinamese President Desire’ Bouterse, when the latter visited Guyana in September 2010.
Following yesterday’s discussions held at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown, between Bouterse and President David Granger, the duo held a press conference yesterday where the issue of the bridge came up.Bouterse said that the European Union (EU) and Brazil have both expressed their willingness to fund the construction of the bridge.He stated that both Guyana and Suriname are still interested in the bridge and added that the countries would first have to decide on where the western end of the bridge would be located.
There is no conflict between the two countries over the bridge. In 2013, the Suriname Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the China Railway Construction Company for the construction of the bridge.It received a no objection from the former Government of Guyana.However, he stated that more is yet to be done while pointing out that the design has already been made as well as studies “made and paid for”.
Meanwhile, President Granger stated that Guyana’s emerging oil and gas sector had inevitably come up in the meeting.He noted that the matter was discussed during their previous engagement earlier this year and stated that since Suriname has an oil and gas sector, he is confident that Guyana can rely on Suriname in the future, for their expertise and advice.
Bouterse had also received an update on the process toward the resolution of the Guyana/Venezuela Controversy.

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Nehru posted:

Free flow of DRUGS, GUNS and CRIMINALS!!!!

Come on Nehru. This is a good venture.  It will definitely increase trade and movement of people.  This is the way Guyana should go. All three guyanas should merge together and formed one union. It does not matter who rules, so long as we have god governance. This was my dream.


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