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EU observer mission wants to examine Mingo’s statements of poll for Region Four

Clairmont Mingo
Clairmont Mingo

This story is developing and will be updated.

The European Union (EU) Election Observation Mission has written to the Returning Officer of Region Four, Clairmont Mingo asking to see the Statements of Poll that he used to prepare a spreadsheet of results which is intended to be utilised  for the declaration of results for Demerara-Mahaica.


The EU observer mission signifies the growing concerns among observers about the manner in which the process for Region Four has gone.

The letter of today’s date to Mingo signed by Deputy Chief Observer Alexander Matus said that the request was being made pursuant to Section 4 (1) and (3) of the general Elections (Observers) Act, as well as section 6,7, 8 and 9 of the Administrative Arrangement between the Delegation of the European Union in Guyana and GECOM.

Matus wrote “I am hereby requesting to examine the Statements of Polls based on which you have prepared the spreadsheet of results before the ascertainment of results for Region Four is completed”.

Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire yesterday ordered that the tabulation process for Region Four resume. When it did, Mingo presented a spreadsheet which had earlier caused controversy. The process has since been suspended until tomorrow.

The EU fielded an observer mission of over 50 persons.

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US official warns of consequences for those who take part in electoral fraud here

Michael G Kozak
Michael G Kozak

This story is developing and will be updated.

Acting US Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Michael G Kozak today said that it is vital that the High Court mandated tabulation for Region Four be done in a fair and transparent manner and he also warned of consequences for those who benefit from electoral fraud and impede a peaceful transition of power.


In a series if tweets today, Kozak said “ We join the Guyanese people and the international community in calling for Guyanese election authorities to follow accepted procedures and allow international election observers to verify the results…

“It is essential that the High Court-mandated elections tabulation in #Guyana be concluded in a free, fair, and transparent manner”.

He also said “Under U.S. law and practice those who participate and benefit from electoral fraud, undermine democratic institutions and impede a peaceful transition of power can be subject to a variety of consequences.


“De facto regimes do not receive the same treatment from us as democratically elected governments”.



This letter from EU will be ignored by GECOM and this is the letter which will be used to proved that MIngo and GECOM acted illegally and should be held responsible for electoral fraud. 
It’s the international observers PNC death announcement in response to GECOM’s evil acts. 


You speak to any PNC Guyanese, specially the Afro followers, then you have the Totarams and Djangos, they talk all powerful. They respect no limits on what they think they can do. Please remember, Hoyte reluctantly conceded in 1992 after Jimmy Carter threatened all out embargo on a nation already on its back.

Today’s PNC inherited a vibrant economy and now oil, they will be as belligerent as ever.  I remember Sadaam Husain was that way!

This is going to end bad, real bad. The PNC, from Politician to civil service to the military have circled the wagons.  We are entering a doomsday scenario and the PNC will lose.  The PNC is making a strategic miscalculation.


@Totaram, true GECOM can decide what info the observer missions get or not get. The observer missions can decide to believe or not believe in the authenticity of the outcome. What happens thereafter will not be up to GECOM or the PNC to decide.

And at this juncture, the world is being flooded with cheap oil!


Base, I have been preaching the RACISM of most AdroGuyanese. I went further and proved my case beyond a reasonable doubt BUT the ass kissers will remain in their demented and Slavish condition to death!!


@Totaram, true GECOM can decide what info the observer missions get or not get. The observer missions can decide to believe or not believe in the authenticity of the outcome. What happens thereafter will not be up to GECOM or the PNC to decide.

And at this juncture, the world is being flooded with cheap oil!

By tomorrow, it is likely the PPP will be the next government. If the SOPs reported are true, the PNC cannot make up the advantage the PPP already has. If that is the case, where are we going to be with them?

Do you think they have the ability to mend our ethnic fault lines and make Africans feel they are included in the country in which a significant number would have ancestors who were slaves? How about Amerindians? They had 23 years and failed; do you think they will be better this time around?


Base, I have been preaching the RACISM of most AdroGuyanese. I went further and proved my case beyond a reasonable doubt BUT the ass kissers will remain in their demented and Slavish condition to death!!

It is not easy to grasp how rabidly racist indians are as well. We cannot blame the other side alone for the sins we commit as well. One need not prove Africans are racist or Indians are racist. Those are well established facts. Where do we go from here is what matters. 


D2, there is absolutely no boubt that their are Racists Indians BUT Indian Intellectuals and many ordinary Indians know Right from Wrong and did/do speak out against PPP blunders/mistakes. Indians  DO NOT GO OUT RAMPAGING, MISBEHAVING, THREATENING, DISRESPECTING IN THE MOST UNCIVILIZED MANNeR!!


D2, there is absolutely no boubt that their are Racists Indians BUT Indian Intellectuals and many ordinary Indians know Right from Wrong and did/do speak out against PPP blunders/mistakes. Indians  DO NOT GO OUT RAMPAGING, MISBEHAVING, THREATENING, DISRESPECTING IN THE MOST UNCIVILIZED MANNeR!!

When your back is against the wall and you know complying with what is asked of you may be correct from a systemic understanding but you know logically you are screwed you go with your heart. It is what people do. I guess then they are called uncivilized...a word used throughout history to rationalize genocide. 


If the PPP are to assume the seat of government I hope that they have learned their lesson of how their support diminished over the past decade and be a government for all of Guyana. I hope they include some minsters from other parties including the PNC but they should not share their parliamentary with others. Each parliamentary seat should represent the votes casted. They are sounding like they want to be inclusive but people usually change with a little bit of power. But as seen in the past decade, power in Guyana is very elusive and hopefully the PPP and the PNC for that matter has learnt a valuable lesson. But the PNC still need to do the right thing today.



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@Former Member, the PPP have to make some overtures to the Afro community. Some key persons who were not part of this attempted heist should be retained.  The PPP should also establish a bipartisan oversight committee and invite the PNC to participate.  This committee should be charged with ensuring equitable resource allocation to the various communities.


What refreshing evidences displayed. See how many people who support the PPP or for me who just oppose the PNC are already making suggestions where the PPP can be inclusive? Where are the talks from the supporters of the PNC who made similar suggestions when the Coalition assume office in 2015?



Base, that is all well and long overdue. The second act is to make GECOM an impartial constitutional body. An accredited international accounting firm should be in charge of the counting and securing of ballots and SOP's. 

Last edited by Former Member


Yes, Where were they ?

Where are the Mitwahs who fought tooth and nail for the AFC ? Why were they silent when granger raped the AFC and the constitution ?

Why did fail to hold Moses and Ramjattan accountable for selling out their party ?

Had Moses and Ramjattan taken a stand, we would not have seen a public rape of democracy in Guyana !


Last edited by Former Member

The trouble Lena is that the PNC did the same thing back in 1964. I used to support the AFC because it provided a check to the PPP, However, I sounded my first alarm about their grave mistake when they exchanged that valentine's day kiss of death with the PNC in 2015. The rest is history.


True Base. It is more accurate to say that Jagdeo outsmarted Nagamootoo when Nagamootoo dared Jagdeo to bring on the NCV. Now Granger bullying the consequences of the NCV is a totally different issue.


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