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December 10 ,2020


The European Union (EU) this afternoon announced the release of $19.8b in budgetary support for Guyana.

Declaring itself as the most important grant donor in Guyana, the EU said in a statement today that both sides have arrived at a “consolidated, privileged partnership” for development cooperation in the form of budgetary support.

The EU statement said that budget support  is a true partnership as the funds are channelled through the national treasury and utilised by the Government of Guyana, under agreed indicators.

“The EU and the Government of Guyana have reached a milestone in the implementation of the current budget support through the payment of GYD 19.8 Billion announced today. This should provide a major contribution to the inclusive and sustainable development of the country, and substantial fiscal space for the country(‘s) finances, in the context of an unprecedented COVID 19 crisis.

“The overall amount of the EU budget support for the Integrated Coastal management (2017-2021) is GYD 74. 5 Billion. This latest payment brings the total grant funds released since 2017 to GYD 51. 6 Billion. This payment is made possible by the fulfilment by Guyana of a comprehensive and demanding set of requirements”, the statement said.

Details on the Integrated Coastal management project follow:

Budget support in Guyana – Integrated coastal management, 2017-2021

1.     Project title: Integrated coastal zone management, duration: 2017-2021, budget: GYD 74. 5 Billion

2.     The overall objective of the assignment is to support climate change adaptation through an integrated coastal zone management approach and thereby protect the population in vulnerable, flood prone areas under sea level.

3.     The government of Guyana has benefitted from a number of EU support projects and programmes in the sea and river defence sector since the late 1970s. The objective of the current budget support, with a budget of GYD 74. 5 Billion entirely funded by the European Union, is to promote climate change adaptation through a sustainable integrated coastal zone management.

4.     The main activities are to develop, reinforce and improve:

·       An integrated coastal zone management legal framework

·       The implementation of disaster risk management and resilience policy at regional and community levels

·       Preventative maintenance and risk management of the sea defence

·       The urban storm water drainage management

·       The consolidation of mangrove defences and monitoring of protected areas.

5.     The programme is also contributing to progress in gender equality as a targeted cross-cutting issue. Women’s increased participation in decision-making processes on climate and environmental issues has been achieved through enlarged representation on the sea and river defence board. Additionally, measures to promote girls and women in science, technology and engineering have been undertaken.

6.     Since 2017 these major achievements have been reached:

·       Women’s representation in the sea and river defence board has been increased to at least 33%        

·       8.3 km of sea defence has been constructed, 10.30 km of sea defence has been rehabilitated, and 59 km of sea defence has been maintained

·       Six new mangrove sites have been constructed

·       33% of the selected industrial attachment internships have been women

·       Increase in drainage pumping capacity in coastal locations and Georgetown: Total newly installed capacity of 4m3/s , and upgrading of outfall channels

·       A comprehensive awareness campaign for girls and women to study science, engineering and technology has been implemented:

            – 10 video ads per year have been disseminated on TV

            –  Social media, including department of public information channels

– 10 radio ads per year, to mirror the video ads, and disseminated on radio network

            – 6 print ads, based on the top 10 video ads each year

            – 100 posters disseminated in schools, communities, regional government offices            – One public forum presentation

         – One radio panel discussion

·       Regional multi-hazard preparedness and response plans have been completed for different regions

·       24 community based disaster risk management plans have been completed

·       Updates of the sea defence bill and disaster risk management bill have started

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@Django posted:

EU releases $19.8b in budgetary support to Guyana

December 10 ,2020,  Source

The European Union (EU) this afternoon announced the release of $19.8b in budgetary support for Guyana.

Declaring itself as the most important grant donor in Guyana, the EU said in a statement today that both sides have arrived at a “consolidated, privileged partnership” for development cooperation in the form of budgetary support.

5.     The programme is also contributing to progress in gender equality as a targeted cross-cutting issue. Women’s increased participation in decision-making processes on climate and environmental issues has been achieved through enlarged representation on the sea and river defence board. Additionally, measures to promote girls and women in science, technology and engineering have been undertaken.

Excellent initiatives for girls/females to focus on engineering and other science related fields.


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