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PPP exploring ‘national alliance’

Posted By Staff Writer On August 26, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

Facing possible early general elections, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has announced that it is meeting with various stakeholders to gauge interest in the formation of what it is calling a “National Democratic Front” alliance.

At the party’s weekly press briefing at Freedom House, PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee was not inclined to disclose the extent of the discussions but noted that the party was just speaking to interested parties to test the waters to see the interest, which he noted has been positive.

It is believed that the PPP is readying itself for general elections before the opposition has the opportunity to pass a no-confidence motion against the Donald Ramotar-led administration.

Rohee said that the basis of the idea was to advance the party much like when its Civic arm became an inclusive component

Clement Rohee

Clement Rohee

for the 1992 general elections. He added that the dialogue was in the preliminary stages and assured that it was not a political ploy.

During the press briefing, Rohee stated that the National Democratic Front was a political framework that would advance democracy in Guyana through a partnership of Guyanese who were also committed to the party’s vision.

“The PPP has been meeting with various stakeholders and interest groups to discuss the political situation and the need for more to be done to realise the establishment of this broad National Democratic Front Alliance, which would see Guyanese electors benefiting significantly from higher levels of transparency, accountability, good governance and democratic rule,” he said, while adding that the promotion of democracy would envisage economic gains.

Rohee also accused the opposition and specifically A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) of diminishing the hope of shared governance, while noting that a sense of trust between the parties is crucial.

He said that the PPP was calling on APNU “to stop its pretence of national unity and to join the national conversation towards the establishment of a broad National Democratic Front with the aim of advancing Guyana’s development.” He added, “the PPP maintains that [Leader of the Opposition and APNU David] Granger and his acolytes in the opposition have done all that they could do so far to deepen the differences between political parties and further diminish any hope of shared governance becoming a reality.”

While the party is in the beginning stages of mobilising support, Rohee said that the party’s principles and track record will attract stakeholders. He said that during the informal meetings, a wide range of stakeholders expressed resentment about the opposition’s misuse of its one-seat majority.

Meanwhile, Rohee criticized the Stabroek News, saying that the party was “also appreciative of the fact that contrary to what the Stabroek News described as ‘usual fulminations’ more and more stakeholders are condemning the opposition’s actions to stymie development and cripple progress in advancing the socio-economic growth of Guyana.”

The Sunday Stabroek editorial had charged that the PPP’s new message to its traditional constituency “is that the combined opposition is stymieing everything, and there can be no progress or development unless the ruling party recovers its overall majority.”

It added, “There are, of course, the usual fulminations against the PNCR, but since the ruling party’s constituents have heard it all before, it is perhaps a moot point as to how effective the repetition is nowadays, and how much credibility the PPP/C still retains.”

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By now, it should be clear to keen GNI guests and members that the PPP hacks have been exhibiting sheer hollow bravado and bombast in this Forum. For instance, how does yuji22's "winner takes all" post yesterday square with "alliance"?

The reality is that the PPP is terminally ill and will succumb at the next elections. That is why the PPP is frantically searching for alliance partners.

You bet, if the PPP were supremely confident of majority support it would never have entertained the thought of alliance.



hahahahaha Gilly the biggest dead wood is Fujiyama and Dr. Baseman with their grand predictions.


But I must encourage them to continue in that vain and continue to tell us about how the PPP will win a massive victory or as they claim all AFC supporters going back to the PPP, yeah right!


Clement Rohee

Message from Rohee....

Kwambe, Rev and Yuji do not speak for the PPP

they are just Ordinary Funny Fellas....






For the PPP to Remain in Govt

they must form an alliance

with the PNC or AFC.


The PPP is in a Desperate and weak position

Do not let Dem Crab Louse tell you otherwise...

Last edited by Former Member

Clement Rohee

Let us see how them Crab louse will deal with

"De Rohee"


Rohee looking fuh wuk with AFC

and Hope Moses do not Lock him up

Last edited by Former Member

Facing possible early general elections, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has announced that it is meeting with various stakeholders to gauge interest in the formation of what it is calling a “National Democratic Front” alliance.


PPP exploring ‘national alliance’

Posted By Staff Writer On August 26, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

PNCR has an alliance with political groups.

AFC has an alliance with political groups.

PPP/C has an alliance with political groups.


Political organizations continually seeks alliances with other groups.


The PNCR and AFC may for an alliance for the next election.


This approach is nothing new.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Thereality is that the PPP is terminally ill and will succumb at the next elections. That is why the PPP is frantically searching for alliance partners.

Perhaps, a figment of one's imagination.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Facing possible early general elections,[Not just facing early election.....Facing Early Jail] the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has announced that it is meeting with various stakeholders to gauge interest in the formation of what it is calling a “National Democratic Front” alliance.


PPP exploring ‘national alliance’

Posted By Staff Writer On August 26, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

PNCR has an alliance with political groups.

AFC has an alliance with political groups.

PPP/C has an alliance with political groups.


Political organizations continually seeks alliances with other groups.


The PNCR and AFC may for an alliance for the next election.


This approach is nothing new.


Clement Rohee

Rohee is saying PPP

with all the alliance dem got

da Old Fart in Canada talking about

will not give them 50%

So what poke de PNC Engineer Talking?


It comming from Rohee mouth....

Rohee frighten Jail....

Spending Govt money that is not approved by Parliament = JAIL


Only Hope is to beg AFC and PNC

for Alliance.


Rohee want know if

Dem Guy, Rev or Yuji will tek Jail fuh them?????

If they are not ready to tek Jail...

Rohee say they should shut de $kunt....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Thereality is that the PPP is terminally ill and will succumb at the next elections. That is why the PPP is frantically searching for alliance partners.

Perhaps, a figment of one's imagination.

DG, what your pole is saying? you detecting a win or moisture?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Thereality is that the PPP is terminally ill and will succumb at the next elections. That is why the PPP is frantically searching for alliance partners.

Perhaps, a figment of one's imagination.

DG, what your pole is saying? you detecting a win or moisture?

We all have predictions on elections. However, those tabulated and published for elections are the preferred ones.


Why how you know what I am engrossed with and not engrossed with?


I ask you a very simple question if is like de bisram cack polls all you have to do is say yes or no. Like de question too hot to handle or what?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Your personal choice to be engrossed with such predictions/poles.

This Funny Fella say
PPP getting 55% and more
FOLLOW Dem Guy, REV & Yuji
and you are Guaranteed
55% Larwa in yuh Backside

Clement Rohee

Rohee say

DG can easily tek

a Hydro Pole

in eee Backside


Originally Posted by Django:

Wow....the PPP are cornered now they looking for alliance

so that they can hold on to power,this is going to be


they do not want power only they want to stay out of jail 


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