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Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

The market reacted to Apple warning and the weakening economic indicators from the USA and China!  

Trump will tweet on Sunday and it will go up next week! every week yuh sayin this

Saying what?  Apple warned this morning!

Americans are no longer conned to replace their iphones every year and Chinese say that they can get better and cheaper phones in China.

Nothing else need be said except that the irrational exuberance of the tax cuts last year are now being replaced by fears of a Trump recession due next year or maybe even this year.

Btw where are the 4% GDP growth. Everyone projects in the 2% range with fears of recession imminent.  Turns out that the guys used their tax cuts, not to invest or employ more, but to buy back stock, some even laying off.

yuji22 posted:

As an iPhone user, I am experiencing iPhone fatigue. As soon as I buy one, another one comes out. 

Carib is right on the money. If only he can be so correct about Guyana’s politics and ease up on his Indo hate. 

He talks a lot of crap, but is still one of the most educated posters on GNI - home of the bluffmasters.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

The market reacted to Apple warning and the weakening economic indicators from the USA and China!  

Trump will tweet on Sunday and it will go up next week! every week yuh sayin this

Saying what?  Apple warned this morning!

Americans are no longer conned to replace their iphones every year and Chinese say that they can get better and cheaper phones in China.

The warning was due to low pick up in China and India.  They ran into a patent problem in China where Qualcom prevailed and blocked certain models.  In India was an entry price issue and they lost share.

Furthermore, Apple is an Iconic American brand in China and one cannot rule out nationalistic boycott given the Tariff issues!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

The market reacted to Apple warning and the weakening economic indicators from the USA and China!  

Trump will tweet on Sunday and it will go up next week! every week yuh sayin this

Saying what?  Apple warned this morning!

Btw where are the 4% GDP growth. Everyone projects in the 2% range with fears of recession imminent.  Turns out that the guys used their tax cuts, not to invest or employ more, but to buy back stock, some even laying off.

American companies who want to expand was never impeded by offshore money.  Debt financing was cheap for the past decade.  So it was expected they would use the funds to pay down debt and buy back stock!

yuji22 posted:

As an iPhone user, I am experiencing iPhone fatigue. As soon as I buy one, another one comes out. 

Carib is right on the money. If only he can be so correct about Guyana’s politics and ease up on his Indo hate. 

Just don't get caught up in the hype.  I upgrade every 3 years, don't matter what's out there!

The issue for Apple is more complicated as they transition to a service revenue dependent company!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

15 Democrats have defected on the Speaker vote to oppose Pelosi. Markets react.  She was confirmed as Speaker.

They have not defected. That is their campaign promise.  Pelosi was sworn in when the market was down over 600 points. I guess it was democrat defection that has it plummeting and losing some 3 trillion of its value in December!

Baseman posted:

The market reacted to Apple warning and the weakening economic indicators from the USA and China!  

Trump will tweet on Sunday and it will go up next week!

He has been tweeting and blaming Powel and not the fact his trade war has everyone confused as to outcome.   I do not know any person who can say definitively what the hell is happening except there is underlying apprehensions with Trump market and  foreign policies.

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

15 Democrats have defected on the Speaker vote to oppose Pelosi. Markets react.  She was confirmed as Speaker.

They have not defected. That is their campaign promise.  Pelosi was sworn in when the market was down over 600 points. I guess it was democrat defection that has it plummeting and losing some 3 trillion of its value in December!

It's a stupidy person's argument. 

Everyone knows she was being sworn in.  That's not news.  However, their statement of aggressive investigation and possible impeachment may have added instability and riled the markets!  This was on top of the main triggers, the Apple news, surrogate for China, and the weak US economic indicators!  You have a recipe for a decline!

Baseman posted:
 However, their statement of aggressive investigation and possible impeachment may have added instability and riled the markets!  This was on top of the main triggers, the Apple news, surrogate for China, and the weak US economic indicators!  You have a recipe for a decline!

Listening to CNBC and Bloomberg all day and its Apple the ISM and the Chinese economy.  In fact if Trump is impeached the market will be quite glad as his unpredictable unsettles them.  It is also apparent that his erratic trade policy is now beginning to adversely impact the global economy.

Baseman posted:
  So it was expected they would use the funds to pay down debt and buy back stock!

This is what the Dems said that they would do. Last year you screaming millions and millions of jobs, based on billions of dollars invested and a GDP growth rate of 4%.

I guess its all the Feds fault.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

The market reacted to Apple warning and the weakening economic indicators from the USA and China!  

Trump will tweet on Sunday and it will go up next week! every week yuh sayin this

Saying what?  Apple warned this morning!

Americans are no longer conned to replace their iphones every year and Chinese say that they can get better and cheaper phones in China.

Nothing else need be said except that the irrational exuberance of the tax cuts last year are now being replaced by fears of a Trump recession due next year or maybe even this year.

Btw where are the 4% GDP growth. Everyone projects in the 2% range with fears of recession imminent.  Turns out that the guys used their tax cuts, not to invest or employ more, but to buy back stock, some even laying off.

Replacing phones conforms to mores law about capacity and performance doubling every two year. I like the advancement in phones. It means I can use my Note 9 similarly as I use my computer for most things. I have a surface book ( 17 inch) and the improvements of this and my phone over previous versions saves a lot of head ache. It is what we do, buy better products when they come out. 

The uncertainty is with trump 

D2 posted:


The uncertainty is with trump 

I am repeating what the tech analysts are saying on CNBC and Bloomberg.  The trigger being that revenue forecasts for iPhone sales came in below expectations in China, its 3rd largest market.

Yes Trump doesnt create uncertainty but that has been obvious for quite a while and so didn't trigger the volatility of the past few days.

caribny posted:
D2 posted:


The uncertainty is with trump 

I am repeating what the tech analysts are saying on CNBC and Bloomberg.  The trigger being that revenue forecasts for iPhone sales came in below expectations in China, its 3rd largest market.

Yes Trump doesnt create uncertainty but that has been obvious for quite a while and so didn't trigger the volatility of the past few days.

I have them on as well and I cannot find anyone who is coherent as to what is happening. Even Kramer is talking nonsense these days. I saw the apple news but the market has been on a downward spiral for over a month now.  No one knows how the trade war will even itself out. The Chinese are not backing down. Trump has few cards to play. He stupidly claims that the tarifs are hurting the Chinese because he is collecting billions and billions in taxes without thinking it is the US consumer who is footing the bill.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
  So it was expected they would use the funds to pay down debt and buy back stock!

This is what the Dems said that they would do. Last year you screaming millions and millions of jobs, based on billions of dollars invested and a GDP growth rate of 4%.

I guess its all the Feds fault.

Banna, cut the nonsense.  You don’t just create jobs by building plants.  You need to create demand.

i always expected the repatriated funds to pay down debt and return stock.  E.g. MS has $200 bil overseas and $90bil in debts in the USA!   How would you expect they will use the funds?

I saw the tax cuts as a job creator, so does reduced regulations and so does the infrastructure bill.   Oh, and that big wall would have created thousands of jobs!  And I’m not a fan of tariffs.



Baseman posted:

Banna, cut the nonsense.  You don’t just create jobs by building plants.  You need to create demand.

i always expected the repatriated funds to pay down debt and return stock.  E.g. MS has $200 bil overseas and $90bil in debts in the USA!   How would you expect they will use the funds?

I saw the tax cuts as a job creator, so does reduced regulations and so does the infrastructure bill.   Oh, and that big wall would have created thousands of jobs!  And I’m not a fan of tariffs.

Microsoft has been great to me. Next week we'll meet Bill Gates again.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, cut the nonsense.  You don’t just create jobs by building plants.  You need to create demand.

i always expected the repatriated funds to pay down debt and return stock.  E.g. MS has $200 bil overseas and $90bil in debts in the USA!   How would you expect they will use the funds?

I saw the tax cuts as a job creator, so does reduced regulations and so does the infrastructure bill.   Oh, and that big wall would have created thousands of jobs!  And I’m not a fan of tariffs.

Microsoft has been great to me. Next week we'll meet Bill Gates again.

I don’t believe any woman appreciates a Micro Soft man!!

Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, cut the nonsense.  You don’t just create jobs by building plants.  You need to create demand.

i always expected the repatriated funds to pay down debt and return stock.  E.g. MS has $200 bil overseas and $90bil in debts in the USA!   How would you expect they will use the funds?

I saw the tax cuts as a job creator, so does reduced regulations and so does the infrastructure bill.   Oh, and that big wall would have created thousands of jobs!  And I’m not a fan of tariffs.

Microsoft has been great to me. Next week we'll meet Bill Gates again.

I don’t believe any woman appreciates a Micro Soft man!!

Micro Soft infected with a Virus.



D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

The market reacted to Apple warning and the weakening economic indicators from the USA and China!  

Trump will tweet on Sunday and it will go up next week!

He has been tweeting and blaming Powel and not the fact his trade war has everyone confused as to outcome.   I do not know any person who can say definitively what the hell is happening except there is underlying apprehensions with Trump market and  foreign policies.

The feds are a big part of the issue.  Last sitting he had an aggressive posture and the market plummeted.  Today he was more measured and promised to be sensitive to the markets and its up 800.  

It’s not the only story, but a big part.  Of course, lacking any fed news, The trade dispute and economy comes into focus.  I hope Trump throws a tantrum over the weekend and send it down on Monday. 


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