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Ever increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese are imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration

By Stabroek staff | 38 Comments | Letters | Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Source - Stabroek News

Dear Editor,

Nigel Hughes should have started his press release of October 24 where he ended, proclaiming he is the proud descendant of a long line of field slaves. Lost in the current black reality in multi-ethnic Guyana, he finds it easier to resort to irrelevant historical analogues.

The recorded history of black people in Guyana is one of struggle and more struggle in the ranks of the PPP, leaving an incredible legacy of commitment and sacrifice.

All this makes his characterisation of the ever-growing progressive black body politic offensive.

Worse yet, he fails to denounce the historically inept representation and the visionless leadership that bedevilled Afro-Guyanese post Independence.

Like his mentors in the AFC, he duplicitously espouses non-racial politics while disparaging Jagdeo and the PPP, whose track record in promoting ethnic diversity is legend and resonates in the Guyana of today. His explicit contentions about the lack of recognition of his legal prowess are revealing.

Unlikely as it seems, past exhortations have failed to secure his commitment to recognise the mores of the fraternity and society.

The agony of the Hughes of Guyana is rooted in the awareness of their irrelevance and the forward march of ever-increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration.

The broad rejection of their racial sentiments forces them to speak to themselves and an increasingly small, blind collection of extremists.

Maybe like Saul, Hughes would see the light, abandon racial extremism and try to be a more functional part of Guyanese society.

Yours faithfully,

Roger Luncheon
Presidential Secretariat

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Like his mentors in the AFC, he duplicitously espouses non-racial politics while disparaging Jagdeo and the PPP, whose track record in promoting ethnic diversity is legend and resonates in the Guyana of today. *Roger Luncheon

Honorable Dr, you had the chance of a lifetime to make THIS EXACT CASE in Court quite recently . . . and you failed miserably!

What are we then to make of the above nonsense excerpted from your letter to the Press?

This obsequious, EMPTY sloganeering on behalf of Jagdeo and 'his' PPP is the kind of thing you expect from the likes of 'Albert' and the low IQ crew posting for pay in service to one Dr Misir.

Sadly, by bending this low to kiss Jagdeo’s (horribly tarnished) ring, currency is given to the very same "irrelevant historical analogues" you seek to discount.
Nigel Hughes carries a baggage that's a big turn off to those who long to live in peace and cannot do so because of politicians and lawyers like himself who rush to the aid of criminals for purely political reasons. Hughes unethical and dangerous behavior at a time when our nation was almost pushed into an ethnic war will not be forgotten. The nation watched in disbelief when men like Nigel Hughes and Basil Williams openly embraced the crime society of the Gulf in Buxton and tampered with evidence to frustrate the police and courts from prosecuting effectively cases of political murders at the hands of the infamous African Freedom Fighters. Don't ask the Guyanese people to forget about Buxton or Lusignan or Bartica. Hughes has been on a tirade blasting the gov't of Bharrat Jagdeo practicing a form of racism tantamount to that of the deposed apartheid regime of South Africa. One has to be insane to believe such non-sense.

Moses does not want to be sleeping next to a dog like Hughes. He will wake up itching.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Jagdeo put his foot in his mouth and caused such serious political damage to Ramotar and the PPP that Luncheon and Odinga are forced to clean up the mess, hence earn their own keep. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. The evidence is now more than convincing that Jagdeo has been using his position to discriminate and penalize those who do not agree with his politics. His presidency has been seriously compromised and he is desperate to cover his trail by November 29, 2011. His day of reckoning with God and the nation will soon come.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Jagdeo put his foot in his mouth and caused such serious political damage to Ramotar and the PPP that Luncheon and Odinga are forced to clean up the mess, hence earn their own keep. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. The evidence is now more than convincing that Jagdeo has been using his position to discriminate and penalize those who do not agree with his politics. His presidency has been seriously compromised and he is desperate to cover his trail by November 29, 2011. His day of reckoning with God and the nation will soon come.

No damage has been done.. people are still flocking to the PPP. We have the best action plan......The PNC said so..
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Ever increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese are imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration

By Stabroek staff | 38 Comments | Letters | Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Source - Stabroek News

Dear Editor,

Nigel Hughes should have started his press release of October 24 where he ended, proclaiming he is the proud descendant of a long line of field slaves. Lost in the current black reality in multi-ethnic Guyana, he finds it easier to resort to irrelevant historical analogues.

The recorded history of black people in Guyana is one of struggle and more struggle in the ranks of the PPP, leaving an incredible legacy of commitment and sacrifice.

All this makes his characterisation of the ever-growing progressive black body politic offensive.

Worse yet, he fails to denounce the historically inept representation and the visionless leadership that bedevilled Afro-Guyanese post Independence.

Like his mentors in the AFC, he duplicitously espouses non-racial politics while disparaging Jagdeo and the PPP, whose track record in promoting ethnic diversity is legend and resonates in the Guyana of today. His explicit contentions about the lack of recognition of his legal prowess are revealing.

Unlikely as it seems, past exhortations have failed to secure his commitment to recognise the mores of the fraternity and society.

The agony of the Hughes of Guyana is rooted in the awareness of their irrelevance and the forward march of ever-increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration.

The broad rejection of their racial sentiments forces them to speak to themselves and an increasingly small, blind collection of extremists.

Maybe like Saul, Hughes would see the light, abandon racial extremism and try to be a more functional part of Guyanese society.

Yours faithfully,

Roger Luncheon

Presidential Secretariat

This BS talk make Iman dead wit laff.
Originally posted by redux:
Like his mentors in the AFC, he duplicitously espouses non-racial politics while disparaging Jagdeo and the PPP, whose track record in promoting ethnic diversity is legend and resonates in the Guyana of today. *Roger Luncheon

Honorable Dr, you had the chance of a lifetime to make THIS EXACT CASE in Court quite recently . . . and you failed miserably!

What are we then to make of the above nonsense excerpted from your letter to the Press?

This obsequious, EMPTY sloganeering on behalf of Jagdeo and 'his' PPP is the kind of thing you expect from the likes of 'Albert' and the low IQ crew posting for pay in service to one Dr Misir.

Sadly, by bending this low to kiss Jagdeo’s (horribly tarnished) ring, currency is given to the very same "irrelevant historical analogues" you seek to discount.

This is exactly why Iman deadin with laff here. Lunchman of all people saying this, HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Ever increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese are imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration

By Stabroek staff | 38 Comments | Letters | Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Yours faithfully,

Roger Luncheon
Presidential Secretariat

Yet when asked about specific instances of PPP racism Luncheon's response. "I dont know".
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Rama, PPP is now desperate as there are strong signs that the party will win less than 51% of the votes. The AFC seems to be making inroads in traditional PPP strongholds. Thanks to the crazy power-drunk behaviour of Jagdeo.

spice girl whats your read of buxton in terms of who they are supporting...or if they will bother to vote.

My sources in Gtwn claim the election is a huge snore and people seemed fatalistically imbued with the notion that the PPP is bound to win sop why vote. Dont know whether they are sophisticated enough to understand that a PPP win with less than 50% is a loss.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Rama, PPP is now desperate as there are strong signs that the party will win less than 51% of the votes. The AFC seems to be making inroads in traditional PPP strongholds. Thanks to the crazy power-drunk behaviour of Jagdeo.

spice girl whats your read of buxton in terms of who they are supporting...or if they will bother to vote.

My sources in Gtwn claim the election is a huge snore and people seemed fatalistically imbued with the notion that the PPP is bound to win sop why vote. Dont know whether they are sophisticated enough to understand that a PPP win with less than 50% is a loss.

I expect APNU to win the majority since it has organizers (PNC and WPA) there. With good organization, AFC could also do very well. Nigel Hughes message would resonate strongly with Buxtonians, especially those in the south. Ramjattan and Trotman would do better in the north, which still has pockets of Indians and where you find more moderates and conservatives. If Jagdeo stop bleeding PPP, it could pick up a significant number of votes. The restoration of Tipperary Hall by funds provided by Jagdeo's administration is highly appreciated by most villagers. It is also widely believed that the village has benefitted more from this administration than any other, e.g. extensive road upgrade and new schools. The guy who could significantly turn PPP's fortunes around in Buxton is Roopchand, but I don't know if he is so politically alligned even though he holds a senior post in the govt. He is adored by all.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Rama, PPP is now desperate as there are strong signs that the party will win less than 51% of the votes. The AFC seems to be making inroads in traditional PPP strongholds. Thanks to the crazy power-drunk behaviour of Jagdeo.

The meetings indicate otherwise. They got less than 100 people, half of them children, in attendance.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Ever increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese are imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration

By Stabroek staff | 38 Comments | Letters | Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Source - Stabroek News

Dear Editor,

Nigel Hughes should have started his press release of October 24 where he ended, proclaiming he is the proud descendant of a long line of field slaves. Lost in the current black reality in multi-ethnic Guyana, he finds it easier to resort to irrelevant historical analogues.

The recorded history of black people in Guyana is one of struggle and more struggle in the ranks of the PPP, leaving an incredible legacy of commitment and sacrifice.

All this makes his characterisation of the ever-growing progressive black body politic offensive.

Worse yet, he fails to denounce the historically inept representation and the visionless leadership that bedevilled Afro-Guyanese post Independence.

Like his mentors in the AFC, he duplicitously espouses non-racial politics while disparaging Jagdeo and the PPP, whose track record in promoting ethnic diversity is legend and resonates in the Guyana of today. His explicit contentions about the lack of recognition of his legal prowess are revealing.

Unlikely as it seems, past exhortations have failed to secure his commitment to recognise the mores of the fraternity and society.

The agony of the Hughes of Guyana is rooted in the awareness of their irrelevance and the forward march of ever-increasing numbers of Afro-Guyanese imbued with the vision of the PPP/C administration.

The broad rejection of their racial sentiments forces them to speak to themselves and an increasingly small, blind collection of extremists.

Maybe like Saul, Hughes would see the light, abandon racial extremism and try to be a more functional part of Guyanese society.

Yours faithfully,

Roger Luncheon
Presidential Secretariat
Ia this not the good house slave who sought refuge in subterfuges as a lapse of memory or ignorance when asked before the courts to explain the absence of afro Guyanese in key administrative positions in the society? Well, what can you say "massa, we happy!"
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
I expect APNU to win the majority since it has organizers (PNC and WPA) there. With good organization, AFC could also do very well. Nigel Hughes message would resonate strongly with Buxtonians, especially those in the south. Ramjattan and Trotman would do better in the north, which still has pockets of Indians and where you find more moderates and conservatives. If Jagdeo stop bleeding PPP, it could pick up a significant number of votes. The restoration of Tipperary Hall by funds provided by Jagdeo's administration is highly appreciated by most villagers. It is also widely believed that the village has benefitted more from this administration than any other, e.g. extensive road upgrade and new schools. The guy who could significantly turn PPP's fortunes around in Buxton is Roopchand, but I don't know if he is so politically alligned even though he holds a senior post in the govt. He is adored by all.

Who is Roopchand?

Hmmm. Just as I thought.

1. AFC focus on message and not on follow through. So APNU will win.

2. PPP will pick up more soup votes than some might think. It wasnt the PPPs money whcih rebuilt Tipperary. It was taxpayers. Clearly largesse to repair the damage when the PPP demonized Buxtonians has led some to have short memories. Did people feel the same in 2005? hardly likely.

As I expected the PPP will focus on rural blacks, nor urban, as the small size of the villages will render their largesse to be more visible and therefore will have a higher return in votes. Gtwn will remain neglected as it will be harder to bribe voters just before elections. Too much will have to be spent to have the same impact.

This is why a PPP win in region 4 isnt impossible. What if Gtwn stays home?

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