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Originally Posted by asj:

Obama has the right to kill any American with a drone

Is not alyuh bai.  He said he will close Gitmo. end wars, be transparent, bring honor to the WH, unclench the fist to the muslim world.


Ok, he gave us Obamacare, but how many understand what we got.  I met a woman who needs hip surgery, she said she waiting for Obamacare to kick in then get it for "free".  I hope the kick she will get don't bruk the other side.


That banna is waan hoakster.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

Kudos to Obama. Whatever it takes to keep us safe from the terrorists and their supporters.

Kudos to Bush for taking out the terrorists in Afganistan with whom Obama has now "unclenched" the fist.  I guess he was being truthful about the unclenched fist!

Bush was a bumbling loser. The man went to Iraq looking for the 9/11 perps and WMD's while Osama was pulling his escape at Bora Bora. Wasted a couple trillion of taxpayers' money doing it too. 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

Kudos to Obama. Whatever it takes to keep us safe from the terrorists and their supporters.

Kudos to Bush for taking out the terrorists in Afganistan with whom Obama has now "unclenched" the fist.  I guess he was being truthful about the unclenched fist!

Bush was a bumbling loser. The man went to Iraq looking for the 9/11 perps and WMD's while Osama was pulling his escape at Bora Bora. Wasted a couple trillion of taxpayers' money doing it too. 

Bush is a man of character, made mistakes in gist and knee-jerk.  Obama make his mistakes after time and careful calculation.

What will be Obama's legacy?  A Taliban/Al-Qaeda controlled Afanistan and same in Syria?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

Kudos to Obama. Whatever it takes to keep us safe from the terrorists and their supporters.

Kudos to Bush for taking out the terrorists in Afganistan with whom Obama has now "unclenched" the fist.  I guess he was being truthful about the unclenched fist!

Bush was a bumbling loser. The man went to Iraq looking for the 9/11 perps and WMD's while Osama was pulling his escape at Bora Bora. Wasted a couple trillion of taxpayers' money doing it too. 

Bush is a man of character, made mistakes in gist and knee-jerk.  Obama make his mistakes after time and careful calculation.

What will be Obama's legacy?  A Taliban/Al-Qaeda controlled Afanistan and same in Syria?

Bush may be a man of character but also a bumbling idiot. He wrecked this nation in his eight years in office. Do you think that he would be able to eradicate the Taliban from Afghanistan? Get real. He tried for years before he left office and he didn't do it. The US cannot continue this war indefinitely and any solution has to include peace talks with the Taliban. The only way to get rid of them completely would be to drop a few nukes and level the place. 


Is Obama responsible for the civil war in Syria? 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

Kudos to Obama. Whatever it takes to keep us safe from the terrorists and their supporters.

Kudos to Bush for taking out the terrorists in Afganistan with whom Obama has now "unclenched" the fist.  I guess he was being truthful about the unclenched fist!

Bush was a bumbling loser. The man went to Iraq looking for the 9/11 perps and WMD's while Osama was pulling his escape at Bora Bora. Wasted a couple trillion of taxpayers' money doing it too. 

Bush is a man of character, made mistakes in gist and knee-jerk.  Obama make his mistakes after time and careful calculation.

What will be Obama's legacy?  A Taliban/Al-Qaeda controlled Afanistan and same in Syria?

Bush may be a man of character but also a bumbling idiot. He wrecked this nation in his eight years in office. Do you think that he would be able to eradicate the Taliban from Afghanistan? Get real. He tried for years before he left office and he didn't do it. The US cannot continue this war indefinitely and any solution has to include peace talks with the Taliban. The only way to get rid of them completely would be to drop a few nukes and level the place. 


Is Obama responsible for the civil war in Syria? 

Obama is a smiling snake, just ask Snowden.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

YES. I love to have more rights...

In an age with information to every human on the planet accessible in an instant everyone is spied on by someone or another. America would do well to consolidate its data collection tools into a uniform whole before others and do it better. Google knows your life. Facebook, is getting there and if you have a cell phone your daily movements are being cataloged. You banks know your financing and they are owned by some nameless faceless corporate entity who may be distributed across the globe. Blaming America for you freely giving up your information is a fools complaint. If you do not want to be "spied" on, live off the grid. It means getting off the net, throwing off your electronic tools, abandoning modern conveniences like TV that are connected and going into a cave in the mountains.


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