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Every Indian Guyanese should learn the lesson of the election results in India


If Rahul Gandhi was elected Prime Minister of India, it would have been four generations of the same family that would have governed India since Independence sixty-seven years ago. It is called dynasty. A dynasty can never bring freedom to a country and for one basic reason – the dynasty does not have to do anything for the country since the country belongs to the dynasty.

It is the exact replica in Guyana with the PPP. You could be the most learned scholar in the world, but you would not be able to reject the following argument using any kind of brilliant analysis; only one explanation is valid. Why since 1992, has the PPP not sanctioned either in a court of law or the court of the PPP, any of its hierarchical members who have committed horrible sins involving moral depravities and financial theft on a grand scale?

I repeat, only one valid factor can be found. The PPP knows that it will get away with its brazen and sickening cover-up because it will not cause the loss of support among rural Indians. Translated in psychological terms, it is invincible and doesn’t have to go the extra mile to placate or mollify or explain anything to anyone.
It is the same with the Indian people whom the Gandhi dynasty thinks it owns. Once Rahul began to grow up, he was told that he must get himself into the Congress Party because his natural role is to lead India. Rahul didn’t have to do anything. Just wait until he grows up, and he will inherit the throne. This is the doctrine Rahul and his sister Priyana grew up with.
Priyana began cultivating a physical appearance like her grandmother, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

The Gandhi dynasty has lost the elections but make no mistake, Rahul Gandhi and his sister Priyana will not stop. They will bide their time over the next four years and they will strike again. And they will do so for the essential reason that they happily embrace that India belongs to the Gandhi legacy.  Priyana and her brother will take over the Congress Party in the next two years relieving their aged mother of the leadership. And come next election, Priyana will enter the arena or Rahul will try again.
And they will try and try because their psychology tells them that the Gandhi dynasty has a divine right to rule.

It is the same sordid situation in Guyana. The Gandhi dynasty lost in the elections. India will not have a Gandhi as Prime Minister. India will not have a Congress Party Government. Guyana came close to having in 2011 what occurred last week in India. Only the terrible Burnham constitution prevented it. The PNC leadership has to live with mental torture every day.
If it were not for the Burnham constitution that prevents parties from forming coalitions, the PPP would have become a footnote in Guyanese history.

The ordinary villagers by their millions ignored the influence of the Gandhi dynasty and voted them out. Those villagers in their humble ways knew that the Congress Party has been taking them for granted long, long ago, with Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter Indira and her two sons children Sanjiv and Rajiv, then Rajiv, and now Rajiv’s two children.
It was time to break the shackles of the Gandhi dynasty and the Congress Party that thought they owned the people of India. The East Indians of Guyana must follow the pattern of those hundreds of millions of Indians who finally saw the light.

It is interesting to note that the dynastic son, Rahul Gandhi, who won his seat the last time by over 300,000 votes, barely made it this time.
The magic and deception and ownership have come to an end in India. It simply boggles the mind to know why a generation of Guyanese Indians born after 1990 would want to see the PPP as the saviour of Guyana.
It simply boggles the mind to know how Guyanese Indians can embrace a party that has not exposed two or three or four but not one of its greedy, corrupt officials. Surely, they must know that such a party is too barefaced to be trusted.

It simply confuses the psychology of any observer to know why after twenty-two years in power, a party can have leaders involved in some of the most horrible acts of immoral misconduct and yet these people are not shipped off to a post on Monkey Mountain, but retained in some of the most powerful positions within the state; one of them was even made into an ambassador posted to one of the most powerful counties in the world. Maybe the results of the Indian election will finally awaken the Guyanese East Indian.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana came close to having in 2011 what occurred last week in India. Only the terrible Burnham constitution prevented it. The PNC leadership has to live with mental torture every day. If it were not for the Burnham constitution that prevents parties from forming coalitions, the PPP would have become a footnote in Guyanese history.


And Dear Freddie, who will Indian Guyanese put. We have Nagamootoo, Ram Karran and Ramjattan who came out of the PPP and under the tutorship of CBJ. And these gentlemen were quiet while the Jagans corrupted the democracy of Guyana. They are no different. Their minds cannot adapt anything new.


Then we have the PNC. Dem bruddahs playing the game of name changes. The Indoes know they are sheep in wolves clothing.


In India, Narendra Modi was selected by the BJP as their leadership candidate. That is a far fetched possibility of the entire flock of the modern Guyanese politicians. They enjoy the PPP and in return theyenjoy their privilizes.


So, we are screwed.

Originally Posted by seignet:

And Dear Freddie, who will Indian Guyanese put. We have Nagamootoo, Ram Karran and Ramjattan who came out of the PPP and under the tutorship of CBJ. And these gentlemen were quiet while the Jagans corrupted the democracy of Guyana. They are no different. Their minds cannot adapt anything new.


Then we have the PNC. Dem bruddahs playing the game of name changes. The Indoes know they are sheep in wolves clothing.


In India, Narendra Modi was selected by the BJP as their leadership candidate. That is a far fetched possibility of the entire flock of the modern Guyanese politicians. They enjoy the PPP and in return theyenjoy their privilizes.


So, we are screwed.

If you follow Ghandi before India you would see your comments about Moses Nagamootoo being a part of the early PPP in a different light. That Cheddi/Janet party was not as homogenous as one may think.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Freddie is clearly wrong.


He said  "It is the exact replica in Guyana with the PPP."


What happen in India cannot happen in Guyana once we have the PNC around.

You are an interesting person. You want PNC supporters to risk bullets because of your tirade against the PPP.  And now you justify the PPP because of the PNC.


Black people who too busy scrounging for food in this Indian dictatorship to have time to fight your battles.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Freddie is clearly wrong.


He said  "It is the exact replica in Guyana with the PPP."


What happen in India cannot happen in Guyana once we have the PNC around.

Guyana is not India.  In India they vote for progress, in Guyana Indians vote for survival and to prevent re-enslavement.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Freddie is clearly wrong.


He said  "It is the exact replica in Guyana with the PPP."


What happen in India cannot happen in Guyana once we have the PNC around.

Guyana is not India.  In India they vote for progress, in Guyana Indians vote for survival and to prevent re-enslavement.

The problems with these kinds of lies are multitude. Firstly, it reveals you are  shallow and driven by the received toxic messages by the self appointed"leaders" of Indians in the PPP.


On its face the lies is that Indians were never slaves and if they ever suffered something close to slavery it was at the hands of those who transplanted them to the colonies. Africans on the other hand were indeed slaves many times longer than Indians ever existed here.


If the PNC were the classic dictators they did not have democracy for black people. I do not see the historical evidence of Black rise to over lords in the society. Maybe you and the PPP indians Live in your head which abstracted to much of the PPP lies and is made excessively paranoid unnecessarily.


If the PPP fear blacks the reciprocal is the case so sensible people would not try to maintain one or the other position but seek to change it. Imagining that you are to be made slaves and simply seeking to "enslave others ( if your argument is to hold) is clearly the ignorant way forward.


Instead of setting up a case for worshiping sacred victimization you need to began to craft a new theology that does not make victims of anyone. The Present PPP is corrupt, racist and seek to maintain that position with its religion  where the  PNC are the personification of Satan. They, in doing so is creating false gods.



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