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Former Member

Every time AFC leaders open their mouths (or don’t) they expose themselves for the hypocritical frauds they are. It started with their declaration of what they were supposed to be all about: to end ‘race’ politics with their rotating leadership structure. So in our famous ‘land of six peoples’, how do they deliver fairness (assuming it can be ‘delivered’ so mechanistically) by rotating (gyrating?) between Indian and African Guyanese only?

Their latest foot-in-mouth excursion was rebuffed by no other than their bedmate-in-deceit, PNC/APNU. Ramjattan and other leaders had been crowing about the need for the procurement commission to be in place. The parties were supposed to inform the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) about their nominees.

The AFC boasted they’d long done so and that the PPP and APNU were lax. But guess what? No other than the chairman of the PAC Carl Greenidge just bitch-slapped Ramjattan and declared neither he nor the PAC has received any such AFC names. Turns out that Ramjattan had told the ‘press’ (actually ‘Dem boys seh&rsquo that he desired Christopher “Suspenders” Ram and Anand “Publicity Hound” Goolsaran.

And these are the men that want to run this country. They’ll ‘run’ it all right…right into the ground, that is. Ramjattan and his sidekick Nagamootoo spent decades in Parliament – courtesy of the PPP, which they stabbed in the back because they were not made into presidential candidates – and they didn’t know that they had to submit the names to the committee?

This is the kind of slackness the PPP had to put up with for so long. These fellas think that Parliament is like that place they habitually frequent – to indulge in ‘rum shop’ talk. You can just mouth off on any subject under the sun (and the moon) and claim it makes sense. Have you ever heard them deliver a harangue from the floor of the assembly?

That’s why even today Nagamootoo hasn’t apologised to the nation for his (in)famous confession in Parliament that he’d tongue lashed his grandson by screaming: “Shut-yuh-so-and-so-mouth”!! One can only shudder as one considers what the ‘so-and-so” stood for! But back to the matter of the nominees for the procurement committee (PC).

If the AFC is serious about development for Guyana, it has to stop grandstanding. Has “Suspenders” and “Publicity Hound” ever shown they’re interested in anything but their personal aggrandisement? Get real, wankers, or it’ll be more bitch-slapping.

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