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Former Member

It is not strange to see a cop flag down a mini bus, and the driver of the mini bus is well acquained of the runnings, one $5,000 note in the drivers licence, the police gets it, the driver gets back his licence and all is well......leaving passengers to see how corruptions work in the PPP/C Guyana. Another day and another story to tell as a passenger who traverse regularly.

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Road use and corruption

March 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

If one were to conduct a survey of the people who drive on the roads, one would find a series of things. One of them is that the people who operate what passes for public transport are semi-literate, have a short attention span and are very intolerant of other road users.
Another thing that the survey would uncover is the large number of people who acquired their driver’s licence through means other than the official way. The person with money got his and then recommended others. The result is that inexperienced drivers are on the roads and it is a wonder that some of them last survive the initial road hassle to actually become experienced.
Another observation is that Guyana does not have the volume of road for the number of accidents that the country records. If one were to check one would find for the greater part the roads are all one long stretch leading to some waterway. Most of the accidents and road fatalities occur along these stretches.
The police have already concluded that speeding is responsible. What happens is that the inexperienced on the long stretches simply drive faster than they should. They also do not pay attention to the other road users. Just this past week we had a driver who killed a child who was standing on the parapet waiting on her brother to go to school.
The solution rests with police patrols or with the police being stationed at specific locations along the road. Indeed, this would force the motorists to slow down and as everyone knows, less speed less likelihood of a major accident.
There was a time when the police presence on the road along the eastern corridor, was more intense that in any other part of the country.  That was also the time when very few accidents occurred in West Berbice.
Georgetown is a different kettle of fish. For one, it has many roads and streets but the vast majority is so potholed that motorists avoid them. There are those with street lights. These two features cause many vehicles to crowd the roads where the drivers feel that there would be no hindrances.
Of course, when just about everyone tries to do the same thing then the congestion will occur. Place a few inexperienced drivers in this mix and one can understand why there are so many accidents in the city. People do not heed traffic signs and create even more accidents.
Perhaps, the solution rests with the court. The fines are ridiculously low so that people do not really feel as though they are penalized. Indeed, there are arguments against hiking the fines. Given the level of corruption in the country one’s view is that the police would simply become judge, jury and executioner.  They are going to demand sums from drivers who commit infractions.
Some months ago, there was a group of policemen who pulled over a man and demanded $5,000 with the explanation that the fine in court would have been twice as much. They did not bargain for the man making a complaint to higher authorities. The money was returned but there was no further sanction.
This is only one case. We have grown accustomed to seeing people other than the traffic ranks setting up roadblocks and demanding money.  And the hierarchy of the police knows of this trend and actually allows it to happen for a variety of reasons. They tell themselves that the policeman is poorly paid, that some of them actually benefit from the illegal proceeds and that in any case, the people from whom the bribe is demanded do not complain.
Once this casual approach to traffic matters continues more people are going to die on the roads. Of course the wider society can actually save lives. The Ministry of Home Affairs has set up a system that allows people to report when they pay a bribe. So far this has not been used as effectively as people should, although thousands of dollars have changed hands on the roads

Originally Posted by asj:

It is not strange to see a cop flag down a mini bus, and the driver of the mini bus is well acquained of the runnings, one $5,000 note in the drivers licence, the police gets it, the driver gets back his licence and all is well......leaving passengers to see how corruptions work in the PPP/C Guyana. Another day and another story to tell as a passenger who traverse regularly.

ASJ, you are a dame ignorant FOOL, I am not a supporter of the PPP but what does the government has to do with that, it's the duty of the citizens to obey the law and report the bribery, every kid has a cell phone in Guyana so why the passenger do not video the bribery, the driver can mount dash board camera and caught these culprit. Make suggestions, don't say the crap that's in your brain.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by asj:

It is not strange to see a cop flag down a mini bus, and the driver of the mini bus is well acquained of the runnings, one $5,000 note in the drivers licence, the police gets it, the driver gets back his licence and all is well......leaving passengers to see how corruptions work in the PPP/C Guyana. Another day and another story to tell as a passenger who traverse regularly.

ASJ, you are a dame ignorant FOOL, I am not a supporter of the PPP but what does the government has to do with that, it's the duty of the citizens to obey the law and report the bribery, every kid has a cell phone in Guyana so why the passenger do not video the bribery, the driver can mount dash board camera and caught these culprit. Make suggestions, don't say the crap that's in your brain.

Thanks David. These guys can only spew hot air about corruption. I know that there is corruption in the police force. However, they need to show hard evidence that the ministers steal. Until then they should zip it.

Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by asj:

It is not strange to see a cop flag down a mini bus, and the driver of the mini bus is well acquained of the runnings, one $5,000 note in the drivers licence, the police gets it, the driver gets back his licence and all is well......leaving passengers to see how corruptions work in the PPP/C Guyana. Another day and another story to tell as a passenger who traverse regularly.

ASJ, you are a dame ignorant FOOL, I am not a supporter of the PPP but what does the government has to do with that, it's the duty of the citizens to obey the law and report the bribery, every kid has a cell phone in Guyana so why the passenger do not video the bribery, the driver can mount dash board camera and caught these culprit. Make suggestions, don't say the crap that's in your brain.

David you are an ass w hole, sit down in the comfort of your home, or the back of a keyboard and pimping your nonsense on GNI makes you a bigger fool, you do not live in Guyana, so you are not up to date with the runnings,

so shut your skont and stay quiet, go pimp on some other post. I do not care who you support that is your friggin dead, but when I see corruption/s I will point it out.


Dummy, the government has a lot to do with Police Corruptions, who controls the Police? you papa? or you


Which citizens would want to go and report bribery and corruptions? it does not happen in Guyana, as that citizen would leave himself/herself to a lot of unnessary headache. In Guyana, the corrupt PPP/C makes it to be in such a way, that you have the Police checking on the Police. Do I as a Guyana Citizen want to go and get myselt into problems of wasting money and time, for Police harassing mini bus operators? Do I look stupid to you?  You have to be an ignar to think so, if you do.


Your next point is that every kid has a cell phone in Guyana, you gotta be a friggin mad man to believe that, and even if they do, why should they get into the business of photographing harassed mini bus driver and corrupt cops? No one has the time to waste here. 


You next point of driver can mount camera on dash board, is good, but I do not see that happening in Guyana.


Why should I use my brains and make suggestions to a Corrupt Government, I do not get paid for that, the government is being paid to do a job, let them do their job, so next time you want to tell me what to do, think carefully if you do not want me to tell you go **** yourself. 




quote skeldon_man  "Thanks David. These guys can only spew hot air about corruption. I know that there is corruption in the police force. However, they need to show hard evidence that the ministers steal. Until then they should zip it."unquote


Skelly wipe that boo boo out of your eyes and stop being a another skonthole, read what you write here "I know that there is corruption in the police force." 


You know that there is corruptions, but yet you want me!!! to get evidence for the Minister. You need me to cuss your silly ass morning noon and night, take my advise buddy "Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

quote skeldon_man  "Thanks David. These guys can only spew hot air about corruption. I know that there is corruption in the police force. However, they need to show hard evidence that the ministers steal. Until then they should zip it."unquote


Skelly wipe that boo boo out of your eyes and stop being a another skonthole, read what you write here "I know that there is corruption in the police force." 


You know that there is corruptions, but yet you want me!!! to get evidence for the Minister. You need me to cuss your silly ass morning noon and night, take my advise buddy "Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?"

I am not going to call you names here. I will not stoop to your level. I hope you have matured beyond your juvenile years. Typical you. Why don't you stick to cut and paste mosques of the world?

"I know that there is corruption in the police force." 

You know that there is corruptions. Where is the ignorance here?

I can be a real skoont heh? Show me where I mentioned a minister being corrupt? You need to get a brain scan and have the doctors wipe the the dead matter from your brain. Stay away from the name calling and behave like a grown man; not an immature juvenile. I thought you have matured beyond that.

If you feel that cussing someone morning, noon and night satisfies your ego, feel free to do so.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by asj:

It is not strange to see a cop flag down a mini bus, and the driver of the mini bus is well acquained of the runnings, one $5,000 note in the drivers licence, the police gets it, the driver gets back his licence and all is well......leaving passengers to see how corruptions work in the PPP/C Guyana. Another day and another story to tell as a passenger who traverse regularly.

ASJ, you are a dame ignorant FOOL, I am not a supporter of the PPP but what does the government has to do with that, it's the duty of the citizens to obey the law and report the bribery, every kid has a cell phone in Guyana so why the passenger do not video the bribery, the driver can mount dash board camera and caught these culprit. Make suggestions, don't say the crap that's in your brain.

Correct me if I am wrong but are police officers not public servants employed and paid for by the government? Isn't it that he who pays the piper, pulls the strings?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

quote skeldon_man  "Thanks David. These guys can only spew hot air about corruption. I know that there is corruption in the police force. However, they need to show hard evidence that the ministers steal. Until then they should zip it."unquote


Skelly wipe that boo boo out of your eyes and stop being a another skonthole, read what you write here "I know that there is corruption in the police force." 


You know that there is corruptions, but yet you want me!!! to get evidence for the Minister. You need me to cuss your silly ass morning noon and night, take my advise buddy "Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?"

I am not going to call you names here. I will not stoop to your level. I hope you have matured beyond your juvenile years. Typical you. Why don't you stick to cut and paste mosques of the world?

"I know that there is corruption in the police force." 

You know that there is corruptions. Where is the ignorance here?

I can be a real skoont heh? Show me where I mentioned a minister being corrupt? You need to get a brain scan and have the doctors wipe the the dead matter from your brain. Stay away from the name calling and behave like a grown man; not an immature juvenile. I thought you have matured beyond that.

If you feel that cussing someone morning, noon and night satisfies your ego, feel free to do so.

Yes you can be a real skont, so I would just ignore your silly ass, and let you wallow in your stupidity.


Being a headmaster in the wee hours of your life on WD makes you a dunce as well, as your stint was really pathetic, was a joy for the community to see a real skont like you go when you took up residence in Canada, student of your school had nothing to show for their attendance, shows how impotent you were/are.

Have you considered suing your brains for non-support?


Now go and suck some ganda eggs and keep away from my face. 

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

quote skeldon_man  "Thanks David. These guys can only spew hot air about corruption. I know that there is corruption in the police force. However, they need to show hard evidence that the ministers steal. Until then they should zip it."unquote


Skelly wipe that boo boo out of your eyes and stop being a another skonthole, read what you write here "I know that there is corruption in the police force." 


You know that there is corruptions, but yet you want me!!! to get evidence for the Minister. You need me to cuss your silly ass morning noon and night, take my advise buddy "Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?"

I am not going to call you names here. I will not stoop to your level. I hope you have matured beyond your juvenile years. Typical you. Why don't you stick to cut and paste mosques of the world?

"I know that there is corruption in the police force." 

You know that there is corruptions. Where is the ignorance here?

I can be a real skoont heh? Show me where I mentioned a minister being corrupt? You need to get a brain scan and have the doctors wipe the the dead matter from your brain. Stay away from the name calling and behave like a grown man; not an immature juvenile. I thought you have matured beyond that.

If you feel that cussing someone morning, noon and night satisfies your ego, feel free to do so.

Yes you can be a real skont, so I would just ignore your silly ass, and let you wallow in your stupidity.


Being a headmaster in the wee hours of your life on WD makes you a dunce as well, as your stint was really pathetic, was a joy for the community to see a real skont like you go when you took up residence in Canada, student of your school had nothing to show for their attendance, shows how impotent you were/are.

Have you considered suing your brains for non-support?


Now go and suck some ganda eggs and keep away from my face. 

Shows your intolerance and immaturity for a difference of opioions. Blabbering you ignorance is your trademark.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

quote skeldon_man  "Thanks David. These guys can only spew hot air about corruption. I know that there is corruption in the police force. However, they need to show hard evidence that the ministers steal. Until then they should zip it."unquote


Skelly wipe that boo boo out of your eyes and stop being a another skonthole, read what you write here "I know that there is corruption in the police force." 


You know that there is corruptions, but yet you want me!!! to get evidence for the Minister. You need me to cuss your silly ass morning noon and night, take my advise buddy "Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?"

I am not going to call you names here. I will not stoop to your level. I hope you have matured beyond your juvenile years. Typical you. Why don't you stick to cut and paste mosques of the world?

"I know that there is corruption in the police force." 

You know that there is corruptions. Where is the ignorance here?

I can be a real skoont heh? Show me where I mentioned a minister being corrupt? You need to get a brain scan and have the doctors wipe the the dead matter from your brain. Stay away from the name calling and behave like a grown man; not an immature juvenile. I thought you have matured beyond that.

If you feel that cussing someone morning, noon and night satisfies your ego, feel free to do so.

Yes you can be a real skont, so I would just ignore your silly ass, and let you wallow in your stupidity.


Being a headmaster in the wee hours of your life on WD makes you a dunce as well, as your stint was really pathetic, was a joy for the community to see a real skont like you go when you took up residence in Canada, student of your school had nothing to show for their attendance, shows how impotent you were/are.

Have you considered suing your brains for non-support?


Now go and suck some ganda eggs and keep away from my face. 


Well now if the goverment pay people to go out and catchthe bribe collectors that will just open another avenue for the more bribing cause then the police and other bribe collectors will be getting a bribe not to report the bribe collecting police and other ministry officials is going to be more of a pass down system in Guyana the national assembly opens with the mantra long live bribe go out today and collect more bribe, bribe is the way in Guyana and when the bribe die down they create more red tape to ensure that the bribe keep rolling in, if them cut the red tape then we may have a chance to cut the bribe, then that puts the con men back in action I see it as a one way street.  


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