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Bachmann: ‘We Must Ban Falafel’ in School Lunches

Sep. 28, 2012


Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann courted controversy today by claiming that falafel and other "jihadi foods" should be banned from school lunches in the United States.

In an interview with local television station KSTP in Minneapolis, Bachmann explained that after visiting a local elementary school she was shocked to find that falafel - a fried vegetable patty popular in the Arab world - was being served as a option on the vegetarian menu.

Ostensibly in the studio to discuss her close race for reelection against Democratic challenger Jim Graves, Bachmann instead used the time to appeal for a nationwide movement against Arab cuisine.

Startled by the parochial nature of her statements, KSTP anchor Chris Johnson felt obliged to challenge her reasoning:

"I have to ask Ms. Bachmann, why is that a problem? I mean some children like the taste of falafel, what's wrong with that?"

"Chris, falafel is a gateway food," responded Bachmann, "It starts with falafel, then the kids move on to shawarma. After a while they say 'hey this tastes good, I wonder what else comes from Arabia?' "

"Before you know it our children are listening to Muslim music, reading the Koran, and plotting attacks against the homeland."

"We need to stop these terror cakes now, before they infiltrate any further."

God Hates Chick Peas

Bachmann stopped short of advocating a ban on all Arab food, saying that  "responsible adults can probably use Arab food safely in moderation."

However, she made clear that she was frightened by the pace at which the cuisine has permeated the U.S.:

"I have a friend in Texas who has to homeschool her children because her local public school forces students to eat hummus. Its everywhere now. This is really scary stuff."

Bachmann then intimated that the widespread use of Arab foods in American schools could be the sign of a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top:

"I have no proof that President Obama is forcing our children to eat Arab and Middle Eastern food. But it would certainly fit the pattern."

Bachmann has a history of controversial statements regarding Islam and the role of Muslims in America.

She says her first priority upon returning to congress will be to introduce a bill protecting America's children from the dangers of Muslim cooking:

"We must ban falafel and other jihadi foods in schools before its too late."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

She actually has a point. Americans started filling their car up with Arab oil. Then they branched out into regime change and anti muslim sentiments. The more you expose the Americans to Arab culture the more they'll become home grown terrorists.  

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Bachmann: ‘We Must Ban Falafel’ in School Lunches

Sep. 28, 2012


Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann courted controversy today by claiming that falafel and other "jihadi foods" should be banned from school lunches in the United States.

In an interview with local television station KSTP in Minneapolis, Bachmann explained that after visiting a local elementary school she was shocked to find that falafel - a fried vegetable patty popular in the Arab world - was being served as a option on the vegetarian menu.

Ostensibly in the studio to discuss her close race for reelection against Democratic challenger Jim Graves, Bachmann instead used the time to appeal for a nationwide movement against Arab cuisine.

Startled by the parochial nature of her statements, KSTP anchor Chris Johnson felt obliged to challenge her reasoning:

"I have to ask Ms. Bachmann, why is that a problem? I mean some children like the taste of falafel, what's wrong with that?"

"Chris, falafel is a gateway food," responded Bachmann, "It starts with falafel, then the kids move on to shawarma. After a while they say 'hey this tastes good, I wonder what else comes from Arabia?' "

"Before you know it our children are listening to Muslim music, reading the Koran, and plotting attacks against the homeland."

"We need to stop these terror cakes now, before they infiltrate any further."

God Hates Chick Peas

Bachmann stopped short of advocating a ban on all Arab food, saying that  "responsible adults can probably use Arab food safely in moderation."

However, she made clear that she was frightened by the pace at which the cuisine has permeated the U.S.:

"I have a friend in Texas who has to homeschool her children because her local public school forces students to eat hummus. Its everywhere now. This is really scary stuff."

Bachmann then intimated that the widespread use of Arab foods in American schools could be the sign of a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top:

"I have no proof that President Obama is forcing our children to eat Arab and Middle Eastern food. But it would certainly fit the pattern."

Bachmann has a history of controversial statements regarding Islam and the role of Muslims in America.

She says her first priority upon returning to congress will be to introduce a bill protecting America's children from the dangers of Muslim cooking:

"We must ban falafel and other jihadi foods in schools before its too late."

This woman has no shame!!!! Please ignore her. She is psychotic. She is from a red neck district in MN. It's election time and she needs the exposure. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

She actually has a point. Americans started filling their car up with Arab oil. Then they branched out into regime change and anti muslim sentiments. The more you expose the Americans to Arab culture the more they'll become home grown terrorists.  

Brader!!! This is a home run!!

How you doing?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Jihadi food?  I've never read anything more ridiculous than this. And this is coming from a congress woman?  Nice.

These are the people who acrewed up the great GOP.


"I have a friend in Texas who has to homeschool her children because her local public school forces students to eat hummus. Its everywhere now. This is really scary stuff."






Has this moron been consuming too much mad cow beef?


I know one poster who will agree with this bimbo...DaRevsta. He is just as smart as she,Palin and Bush.

Originally Posted by cain:

"I have a friend in Texas who has to homeschool her children because her local public school forces students to eat hummus. Its everywhere now. This is really scary stuff."






Has this moron been consuming too much mad cow beef?


I know one poster who will agree with this bimbo...DaRevsta. He is just as smart as she,Palin and Bush.

I think this psycho sister has CWD (chronic wasting disease). She contracted it from sister Sarah Palin. This is why she exhibits signs of a mad cow.


Ostensibly in the studio to discuss her close race for reelection against Democratic challenger Jim Graves, Bachmann instead used the time to appeal for a nationwide movement against Arab cuisine.

Hopefully, Jim Graves will replace her as the representative for constituency.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

She actually has a point. Americans started filling their car up with Arab oil. Then they branched out into regime change and anti muslim sentiments. The more you expose the Americans to Arab culture the more they'll become home grown terrorists.  

Brader!!! This is a home run!!

How you doing?

Chief, alles goed. But I am getting fat from all that good living the sudden wealth has given me. Maybe I should start eating dates and falafel and wash it down with low fat goat's milk . For exercise a few belly dancers would be just the Middle Eastern influence that Bachman would condemn.

Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

Amral, please ban TI for outright lawlessness. 

Sorry Wendy,

It's not what TI wrote; i'st how you interpret the statement. I know you're just kidding.


Anyone ever ate a falafel.


Interesting though a few weeks ago on TV Ontario there was a documentary on the Falafel.


David Ben Gurion arrived in Palestine and ate this remarkable pita. He wrote back to his father in Russia raving about the amazing taste of the sandwich.


Apparently, In Paris, ppl line up atleast an hour before the stall in opened for business.


Every thing is deep fried-bad for the health.


Too bad we Guyanese doan have a food like dat.


Ben Gurion must be dotish.

Falafel sold all over Israel. I always thought it was a Jewish dish, it is so prevalent in Jewish communities. It's also sold all over New York.  Guyana has dhall puri.

Originally Posted by seignet:


Every thing is deep fried-bad for the health.


Too bad we Guyanese doan have a food like dat.

You sounds like a wanna be Guyanese 

Like yuh neva hers about Pulouri, bara, etc.

BTW falafel does not absorb oil. like our Guyanes bare etc.


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