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Ex-army chief, Mark Phillips, tipped as PPP’s PM candidate

Former Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, will likely be the Prime Ministerial candidate for the Opposition- People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

Tipped: Former army chief, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips.

While stopping short of saying that Phillips is the candidate, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, was loud in praise yesterday of the former head of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).
This week, Phillips appeared alongside the party’s presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali, in a circulated video, discussing security.
For many, it appeared to be the curtain-raiser and confirmation that the party has endorsed Phillips for general elections scheduled for early March.

Early elections were brought on by a shocking no-confidence motion carried in December last year which rocked the country after court battles which reached to the Caribbean Court of Justice.
During a press conference at his Church Street office, Jagdeo was asked whether the Brigadier is being considered for the party’s PM candidate.
He confirmed reports that Phillips was welcomed to be on the list of candidates contending the March 2020 elections for the PPP, and vouched for his integrity.
“I believe he is a great person…I know of his skills in terms of finance and his security credentials, and I’ve heard a lot about his integrity,” Jagdeo said.

He revealed that he had met with Phillips and indicated that he would welcome him on to the team that will contest the election.
Jagdeo noted, however, that candidates have not been nominated yet for the party’s PM-hopeful post.

“Let me say, I’ve outlined, first of all, a process that we intend to follow in order to select the prime ministerial candidate. I’ve made it clear that that person will come from the civic component of our party. I met with Mark Phillips and I said to him that we would welcome him on our team that is going to contest the elections. And he would be a welcome addition to our team. I made it clear to him the process that we would follow. I don’t know if anyone of our members will nominate him.”
Jagdeo said that it’s very likely that his name could be nominated too because members of the Central Committee and the Members of Parliament or anyone could nominate a person.

“…and we will treat each name on its merit and then make a decision. I said we cannot promise anything but there is a space for you in the team and he said, ‘I have no expectation, I know the process and I want to be part of the team going forward’.”

Jagdeo, during the press conference yesterday, made it clear that the prime ministership is not the only thing that the party is looking for.
“Let me make it clear. We are not trading positions. We’re not going to do like what AFC and PNC (R) [are] doing now to say, ‘oh you hold on to this ministry and we hold on to this one, which one got a bigger budget, so we could hustle more, etc.’”
He said that the PPP will go into these elections making no commitments.

“We are working on a platform that is inclusive. We want progress for all Guyanese, regardless of their race, their religion, wherever they live, we want to make sure that our people are safe in their homes, good quality education, our oil resources work for everyone. We believe there are lots of people who have great skills within our ranks and who will be part of our team, through the civic, and many individuals out there who we’d have to tap for their skills in the new government because there’d be huge opportunities. Right now, we’re talking about thousands of young professionals trained to manage, to create a national core of managers for the oil and gas sector.”
According to Jagdeo, it is expected that nominations for the post will be in January, “…so we will address this issue towards the end of November.”

Brigadier Phillips was commissioned into the Guyana Defence Force as a Second Lieutenant in February 1982, after graduating from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst in the United Kingdom He was also trained in Brazil and the United States, and was appointed the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force in September 2013, retiring in October 2016.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

“We are working on a platform that is inclusive. We want progress for all Guyanese, regardless of their race, their religion, wherever they live, we want to make sure that our people are safe in their homes, good quality education, our oil resources work for everyone. We believe there are lots of people who have great skills within our ranks and who will be part of our team, through the civic, and many individuals out there who we’d have to tap for their skills in the new government because there’d be huge opportunities. Right now, we’re talking about thousands of young professionals trained to manage, to create a national core of managers for the oil and gas sector.”

A far cry from the dictatorial PNC practices. I hope he does what Judas and Drunkie did for the PNC.


I am the one who said that Mark Phillips may the PPP (PM) candidate after he was seen among Jagdeo and his cronies a couple of months ago.

Could this be gameplay to set up Mark Phillips to join the PPP to get inside information and help the PNC? As I recall, Garry Best did a #2 on the PPP in a similar manner. This is why I am asking how Skeldon_man/Baseman can trust a Blackman who is also a former soldier like Granger. Coolie stupid fuh days.  

Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Prince posted:

I am the one who said that Mark Phillips may the PPP (PM) candidate after he was seen among Jagdeo and his cronies a couple of months ago.

Could this be gameplay to set up Mark Phillips to join the PPP to get inside information and help the PNC? As I recall, Garry Best did a #2 on the PPP in a similar manner. This is why I am asking how Skeldon_man/Baseman can trust a Blackman who is also a former soldier like Granger. Coolie stupid fuh days.  

Just like I trusted Sam Hinds. Looks like you are stupid for life.

Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there

Maybe. But it would be a big deal if the PPP selects an Indian instead because it will scream that the PPP is the Coolie people party.

If I was a betting person, I would bet that Granger is on the verge of selecting a black person to be the PM candidate. And my guess is that Granger and all his supporters will argue that that is no big deal. 

Nehru posted:

We Indians always hold our Politician to HIGHER standards and that is fine, the PPP has morality, integrity and a vast amount of humanity. Cannot say the same for the PNC!!!


yuh got plenty jokes


Gentlemen, historically, the PPP/PNC has always selected someone from the opposite race for PM candidate to attract voters from both sides. The question is: Can you trust a soldier to join the PPP rather than a civilian Afro-Guyanese? Garry Best is another soldier who went against the PPP after Jagdeo did much good for him. Granger has a great relationship with X-GDF and offered them jobs in government when he got elected. Yall forget that Granger fired all them coolies neemakarams in govt ministeries and replace them with army men? Where is the honorable Skeldon_man?

Prince posted:

Gentlemen, historically, the PPP/PNC has always selected someone from the opposite race for PM candidate to attract voters from both sides. The question is: Can you trust a soldier to join the PPP rather than a civilian Afro-Guyanese? Garry Best is another soldier who went against the PPP after Jagdeo did much good for him. Granger has a great relationship with X-GDF and offered them jobs in government when he got elected. Yall forget that Granger fired all them coolies neemakarams in govt ministeries and replace them with army men? Where is the honorable Skeldon_man?


You are incorrect about “ historically PNC always had a PM from the opposite race... I will give you an opportunity to reflect and correct. 

don’t come back and say the Afro man is a Indians, as some did on this site. 

a hint ... Hamilton Green and Desmond Hoyte  is a blackman . 

Dave posted:
Prince posted:

Gentlemen, historically, the PPP/PNC has always selected someone from the opposite race for PM candidate to attract voters from both sides. The question is: Can you trust a soldier to join the PPP rather than a civilian Afro-Guyanese? Garry Best is another soldier who went against the PPP after Jagdeo did much good for him. Granger has a great relationship with X-GDF and offered them jobs in government when he got elected. Yall forget that Granger fired all them coolies neemakarams in govt ministeries and replace them with army men? Where is the honorable Skeldon_man?


You are incorrect about “ historically PNC always had a PM from the opposite race... I will give you an opportunity to reflect and correct. 

don’t come back and say the Afro man is a Indians, as some did on this site. 

a hint ... Hamilton Green and Desmond Hoyte  is a blackman . 

Don't forget Ptolemy Reid. 

All PPP Prime Ministers have were blacks.

And the current fools profess to be the one love group. 

Prince posted:

Gentlemen, historically, the PPP/PNC has always selected someone from the opposite race for PM candidate to attract voters from both sides. The question is: Can you trust a soldier to join the PPP rather than a civilian Afro-Guyanese? Garry Best is another soldier who went against the PPP after Jagdeo did much good for him. Granger has a great relationship with X-GDF and offered them jobs in government when he got elected. Yall forget that Granger fired all them coolies neemakarams in govt ministeries and replace them with army men? Where is the honorable Skeldon_man?

Time fuh ketch and hogtie you skoant with you cunny with gorilla tape. it will make the journey to Canje mad House a lot easier. I am not sure if Sheik is for hire.

skeldon_man posted:
Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

The good news is that the Good Guys don't need black votes to win the elections. They just need the wicked PNC to resist their tendencies to rig it.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

The good news is that the Good Guys don't need black votes to win the elections. They just need the wicked PNC to resist their tendencies to rig it.

60% of the population isnt Indo and the PPP isnt getting every Indo vote, so yes the PPP needs to get some of the black/mixed vote.

So keep on screaming that no relative of yours will "disgrace" the family by marrying a black person and see how this helps the PPP. Every time you bleat your Indo KKK self you further impress in the minds of most blacks of the nest of racist anti black vipers it is.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

The good news is that the Good Guys don't need black votes to win the elections. They just need the wicked PNC to resist their tendencies to rig it.

60% of the population isnt Indo and the PPP isnt getting every Indo vote, so yes the PPP needs to get some of the black/mixed vote.

So keep on screaming that no relative of yours will "disgrace" the family by marrying a black person and see how this helps the PPP. Every time you bleat your Indo KKK self you further impress in the minds of most blacks of the nest of racist anti black vipers it is.

I’m glad you accept that without Indian votes, PNC cannot win!

Some Duglas vote PPP, so does a small % of Afros. The majority of the others vote PPP.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

The good news is that the Good Guys don't need black votes to win the elections. They just need the wicked PNC to resist their tendencies to rig it.

60% of the population isnt Indo and the PPP isnt getting every Indo vote, so yes the PPP needs to get some of the black/mixed vote.

So keep on screaming that no relative of yours will "disgrace" the family by marrying a black person and see how this helps the PPP. Every time you bleat your Indo KKK self you further impress in the minds of most blacks of the nest of racist anti black vipers it is.

Banna, do you suffer from some kind of female rejection syndrome? Why is man/woman relationship always necessary in your comments? You should see a doctor for this problem because people suffering from rejection usually end up putting a gun to their head. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Amral posted:

Putting a blackman in such a position is just a show. To appease the blacks. Just like Hinds. No big deal there. 

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more visible than Hinds. Might make a difference. Does this negate Shuman's effect with the PNC if it ever comes to fruition?

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

The good news is that the Good Guys don't need black votes to win the elections. They just need the wicked PNC to resist their tendencies to rig it.

60% of the population isnt Indo and the PPP isnt getting every Indo vote, so yes the PPP needs to get some of the black/mixed vote.

So keep on screaming that no relative of yours will "disgrace" the family by marrying a black person and see how this helps the PPP. Every time you bleat your Indo KKK self you further impress in the minds of most blacks of the nest of racist anti black vipers it is.

I’m glad you accept that without Indian votes, PNC cannot win!

Some Duglas vote PPP, so does a small % of Afros. The majority of the others vote PPP.

The banna's arguments don't correspond with PNC actions because if the PNC knew as Cribby argues that they have the numbers, why do they always rig the elections? Unless, rigging is ingrained in their DNA.  

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more v

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

The good news is that the Good Guys don't need black votes to win the elections. They just need the wicked PNC to resist their tendencies to rig it.

60% of the population isnt Indo and the PPP isnt getting every Indo vote, so yes the PPP needs to get some of the black/mixed vote.

So keep on screaming that no relative of yours will "disgrace" the family by marrying a black person and see how this helps the PPP. Every time you bleat your Indo KKK self you further impress in the minds of most blacks of the nest of racist anti black vipers it is.

Banna, do you suffer from some kind of female rejection syndrome? Why is man/woman relationship always necessary in your comments? You should see a doctor for this problem because people suffering from rejection usually end up putting a gun to their head. 

You notice, he sees race through the prism of man-woman relationship. Indian women nah sleep with Black means Indians are racist!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

60% of the population isnt Indo and the PPP isnt getting every Indo vote, so yes the PPP needs to get some of the black/mixed vote.

So keep on screaming that no relative of yours will "disgrace" the family by marrying a black person and see how this helps the PPP. Every time you bleat your Indo KKK self you further impress in the minds of most blacks of the nest of racist anti black vipers it is.

Banna, do you suffer from some kind of female rejection syndrome? Why is man/woman relationship always necessary in your comments? You should see a doctor for this problem because people suffering from rejection usually end up putting a gun to their head. 

You notice, he sees race through the prism of man-woman relationship. Indian women nah sleep with Black means Indians are racist!

My guess is that the banna gets rejection from much more than just Indian women. By his own admission, it seems Indian women will allow him to suck them though. After all, at some point, they need to have their parts cleaned too. 


I do not understand jagdeo’s Intention if it is to have Phillips as the PM candidate. He has not been politically active nor does he have a base in any section of the Guyanese population. Additionally, he will not bring any Afro-Guyanese votes to the PPP/C. Jagdeo needs to think out of the box, if that is possible for him. Now that Shuman is thinking of going to APNU, he needs to have a female Amerindian to lock in the Amerindian vote to take the PPP/C over the top. It is unlikely that he will get much Afro-Guyanese support in the elections. To be inclusive, he can then announce and  bring in Afro-Guyanese in the VP and ministerial positions and then reaching out to APNU supporters after the election. 

Zed posted:

I do not understand jagdeo’s Intention if it is to have Phillips as the PM candidate. He has not been politically active nor does he have a base in any section of the Guyanese population. Additionally, he will not bring any Afro-Guyanese votes to the PPP/C. Jagdeo needs to think out of the box, if that is possible for him. Now that Shuman is thinking of going to APNU, he needs to have a female Amerindian to lock in the Amerindian vote to take the PPP/C over the top. It is unlikely that he will get much Afro-Guyanese support in the elections. To be inclusive, he can then announce and  bring in Afro-Guyanese in the VP and ministerial positions and then reaching out to APNU supporters after the election. 

I doubt the PPP/BJ have a War Room where they discuss strategy.  Even if they do, seems Jagdeo still do as Jagdeo pleases. 

I agree, catering to the Afros brings marginal, if any, benefits. Harper never made a difference!

Baseman posted:
Zed posted:

I do not understand jagdeo’s Intention if it is to have Phillips as the PM candidate. He has not been politically active nor does he have a base in any section of the Guyanese population. Additionally, he will not bring any Afro-Guyanese votes to the PPP/C. Jagdeo needs to think out of the box, if that is possible for him. Now that Shuman is thinking of going to APNU, he needs to have a female Amerindian to lock in the Amerindian vote to take the PPP/C over the top. It is unlikely that he will get much Afro-Guyanese support in the elections. To be inclusive, he can then announce and  bring in Afro-Guyanese in the VP and ministerial positions and then reaching out to APNU supporters after the election. 

I doubt the PPP/BJ have a War Room where they discuss strategy.  Even if they do, seems Jagdeo still do as Jagdeo pleases. 

I agree, catering to the Afros brings marginal, if any, benefits. Harper never made a difference!

I don't thing Harper could have overcome the 'vote like a boss' campaign. That said, it didn't take long for those voters to realize that they actually voted for the ass. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If the PPP did not have an Afro-guyanese PM they would have come under attack for being racist.  

Yet all indications are that Granger intends to select a black PM candidate and he is not expected to come under any criticism because blacks have grown comfortable to using claims of racism to advance their racist agenda and others have been duped into accepting those claims of racism to aid blacks in using claims of racism to advance their racist agenda.

Look, with all the PNC shenanigans for nearly the past year, people are giving Granger passes while chastising Jagdeo for Granger's behavior.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted

I agree. Just like the PNC did for the coolies. They are all vote-getters. However, this army man is more v

Black people read what you and other PPP supporters call them, "stink,nasty, lazy, ugly and criminal".

The PPP might as well pick an Indo because this Afro PM thing doesn't work.  How many votes did Sam Hinds or Elisabeth harper bring in?

Its Granger vs. Jagdeo and blacks don't want Jagdeo back.  This Irfaan thing is a joke.

Banna, do you suffer from some kind of female rejection syndrome? Why is man/woman relationship always necessary in your comments? You should see a doctor for this problem because people suffering from rejection usually end up putting a gun to their head. 

You notice, he sees race through the prism of man-woman relationship. Indian women nah sleep with Black means Indians are racist!

Cribby sounds like he shit in his pants walking around the place saying something stinks around here. Go figure.


Guyana is moving into the realm of poverty and affluence. The masses poor and stricken. The god-like few affluent, chosen among the political elites of the PPP and PNC. It will be as Putin's Russia, the PPP and the PNC killing each other with new party faithfuls in replacement on the roster.

Oil brings on a new direction for Guyana, the haste to have only one political entity, something like the Saudies, the late Saddam Hussein, the Sultans and those corrupt regimes in Africa.

There was once a Beautiful Place men called El Dorado.  


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