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June 6,2022


Former Police Constable Shawnette Bollers has initiated a new private criminal charge against attorney Nirvan Singh, who she is accusing of assaulting her.

The new charge, under the guidance and supervision of Bollers’ attorney, Eusi Anderson, states that on March 20, 2022 at Middle and Cummings streets, Georgetown, Singh unlawfully and maliciously assaulted the woman, contrary to Section 21 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act.

The new charge is expected to be read in before Principal Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus in a Georgetown court on June 10, 2022.

Bollers previously lodged a private criminal charge against Singh, alleging that on March, 20, 2022 at Middle and Cummings streets, by means of words spoken in a public place, he willfully excited and or attempted to excite hostility and ill-will against her on the ground of her race as an Afro-Guyanese, by using words directed to her and published by him.

While Singh had pleaded not guilty and was released on $100,000 bail after that charge was read against him, the proceedings were subsequently discontinued by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack.

The DPP’s Chambers later defended the decision, saying that a charge under the Racial Hostility Act had not been made out

Bollers resorted to filing a private criminal charge as a result of silence by the police force on its investigation of her allegations against Singh.

Bollers has also filed a defamation suit against the attorney. In her statement of claim, she has said that while on duty at Retired Chancellor of the Judiciary Carl Singh’s Middle and Cummings streets, Georgetown residence on the night of March 20, his son (the Defendant), approached and chased her off the property. She said that the incident occurred at approximately 22:13 hrs that night and she was forced to immediately abandon her post and duties, having to walk for a couple of miles to another location “in the dark of night alone.”

Bollers also said that Singh in a “loud and aggressive” manner berated her for about quarter of an hour, then began using a series of defamatory words and racist expressions.

By way of a statement issued in April, Singh said that the racist conduct of which he has been accused in no way reflects his philosophy or personal values. “More importantly, it would be an indictment on my parents and elders, given their efforts to ensure that my upbringing would produce in me a person of the highest moral, ethical, and professional conduct,” his statement said.

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