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Ex-Parliamentarian Earnest Elliot

replaces Jaipaul Sharma

April 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

To the surprise of many,  A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition is set to name former Region Four official and ex Parliamentarian Earnest Elliot as the replacement for Jaipaul Sharma. Sharma tendered his resignation last week following what he described as a verbal attack on him in the Assembly by Education Minister Priya Manickchand.

Ex-Parliamentarian Earnest Elliot

Ex-Parliamentarian Earnest Elliot

Elliot will be returning to the National Assembly come Monday much to the dissatisfaction of some active members of the Party who believe that the coalition has missed yet another opportunity to expose a member from its younger generation to parliamentary and representative politics. Sharma’s resignation was accepted, paving the way for Elliot’s return. Kaieteur News understands that several influential members of APNU’s hierarchy had made a case for a seasoned politician like former PNC General Secretary Aubrey Norton to return to the House or for the nod to be given to younger activists like Shondel Hope or Ryan Belgrave. Sharma’s resignation came after “unsavoury” heckling by the Education Minister in Parliament, Priya Manickchand who indirectly attacked the APNU member’s father during his colleague, Volda Lawrence’s presentation on rape. An apology was demanded from the Minister who was also warned by House Speaker Raphael Trotman that it was likely that she would be banned from speaking during the Budget debate unless she apologised for the display which was described by many as “unprofessional and distasteful.”  The senior Sharma faces an upcoming High Court trial for statutory rape The ban was however lifted on the very day that Sharma announced his resignation and on Friday Manickchand was allowed to make her presentation. She was silenced however, when APNU members banged their desks demanding Manickchand’s apology. The proceedings had to be prematurely suspended. Elliot told Kaieteur News yesterday that he is “enthusiastic about returning to serve the people.” Elliot sat in the Ninth Parliament alongside former legislators Tony Vieira, Norton and Dave Danny. All were excluded from the final list for the current Parliament. Norton’s exclusion had caused some amount of angst in both the PNC and APNU ranks. Elliot is the only one so far asked to serve again. Elliot said he is always willing to serve the people and has his eyes set on tackling major issues such as the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, Local Government Elections and reform as well as Public Works, especially the roads networks. The APNU member also mentioned his concern on the issue of corruption and overspending of State funds since he previously sat on the Public Accounts Committee, where he witnessed firsthand the arbitrary spending of public funds. Elliot said that he is “comfortable and happy for another appointment.”

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I will not be a political football for

Government – Jaipaul Sharma

April 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Jaipaul Sharma, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament who quit in a simmering row with Education Minister Priya Manickchand, yesterday took to the airwaves to vent his anger over what took place in the House last week and to explain to a plethora of callers his decision.


Jaipaul Sharma

Jaipaul Sharma


Sharma expressed to his viewers on the popular Voice of the People television show that he was tired of being the target of Manickchand and opined that there was an underlying reason for her attacks. Sharma also used the airtime to call for a speed up in his father, Chandra Narine (CN) Sharma’s High Court rape cases, while expressing discontent with the ruling of House Speaker Raphael Trotman in allowing Manickchand to deliver her Budget speech with APNU’s alleged agreement to allow the Minister to do so. Sharma told the nation that even if the Minister apologised to his father for insinuations made that he (CN) is a rapist, he was not looking for an apology for his father but for himself since “She (Manickchand) embarrassed a sitting MP.” The younger Sharma said that Manickchand’s statement was prejudicial since his father’s rape matter is before the court and she would have made her own pronouncements on the issue, especially when she took to social media to justify her behaviour in the Assembly. Sharma described the Speaker’s ruling as “dissatisfying and wrong” adding that he should withdraw his ruling and demand an apology from the Minister for her statement. He said further that he believes that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) will continue to use his father’s rape case against him and he did not believe APNU should have to lose votes for it.  “I wanted to speak on rape, it was part of my Budget speech, but Priya would say ask ya father. She will say I am a rapist.” Sharma made it clear that he is still an executive member of the Justice for All Party but refuses to be a “football” for the Government. The Education Minister was allowed to make her Budget presentation on Friday but was however silenced when Opposition members banged their desks, demanding an apology to Sharma.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU again chose to by pass Aubrey Norton.  They shall punish for this decision.

What is so special about him? His ability to utilise many concubine women? And a compulsive gambler?


This is the reason why I proclaim the need for the replacement of the bunch of politicians.


Instead of appointing new blood, they choose a spent force.


The behaviour of the Minister of Education, is typical of whoooores fighting infront of the Whooore house. In this particular case, the Whooore House is parliament and the whoores are the house whip and minister and the other whooores of the PPP applauding them on in the cuss down.


When is President Donald Ramotar going to replace all these misfits that Jagdeo saddled him with. Come on Mr. President, please. You have a family and if that doan count think of Jagan ghost watching ur moves. 


Sometimes, I wonder if the Nadira is still talking to Ramotar or Jagdeo forbade it.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

another PNC OLD FOOGIE - Elliot is 68 years old.

The average AGE of the PNC /APNU team is 64 years.


The PPP  - 42 years.


AFC  - 51 years.

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC will lose it's indian support in berbice but will regain their afro support in demerara.  This is good news for the PPP.  The AFC is becoming a black party.

Uncle RamaKant_P like Baseman, do you support De New PPP

with Kwame, Lamumba, Bynoe, Hamilton, Witticka or Edgehill .......

as "De Special Chosen Leaders or Pundit" to lead the Indian Supporters in

Berbice, Essequibo, East Coast, West Coast or East Bank Demerara. (Jalil)


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