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Hamilton Green, Mayor with a differencePDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS  
Sunday, 13 January 2013 21:02

I HAVE captioned my discourse "Hamilton Green, Mayor with a difference" for obvious reasons. He is of unique personality and might very well have entered the Guinness Book of world records as the "longest serving mayor in the world of rubbish."

Georgetown stinks to the high heavens - there is no doubt about that - the evidence is all around you, little hillocks of rubbish in every conceivable corner of the city. And with the last Christmas season being a wet one the filthy surroundings are appalling; there was floating Styrofoam containers, paper and plastic everywhere. The waterways were ever so often clogged due to the non- biodegradable floating debris. The overburdened drainage channels are constantly backing up making a bad situation worse. Frankly speaking, we are floating in rubbish. City Hall, or what's left of it, has fallen apart to the extent that the wooden structures are all rotted away and broken down. Whatever salvageable parts that remain there is a painful memory of Hamilton Green. His disgraceful legacy smothering anything valuable that ever existed there. Green's City Hall pales into oblivion what this grand historical landmark had been. I doubt whether the architecture can be restored or even come close to its former glory days when Green disgracefully leaves. This man has done irreparable damage to Georgetown. While all of this is going on, Green can be seen from time to time writing in the press or joining protest groups, talking garbage as usual. The latest move of his was a protest gathering agitating for the erection of the 1823 monument on the Parade Ground, another manifestation of an empty, despicable man. Indeed, he has the gall to ask for such a sacred monument to be established in the midst of stinking, rat-infested, garbage- filled, Georgetown. Isn't this sacrilege at its worst? Most certainly it is! Instead of Green doing something to lift the state of the city over which he presides, he is out doing what he knows best, talking garbage. That monument is a sacred embodiment of what all decent, peace- loving peoples of African decent are looking forward to. It represents what our ancestors fought and died for, hence, its sacredness. So, with great significance we take the mounting of this monument, moreso its location. On a larger scale, its erection would attract international visitors to our shores. They would want to know more of our rich ancestral history, they are coming to see and take photographs of that monument among other interesting things about Black History in this part of the globe. For them to come into the filth that is Georgetown certainly constitutes a criminal act and a slap in the face of all the descendants of Africans. Either Green is delusional, or clearly out of what is left of his sick mind, that he would think that this monument is to be placed in the midst of filth. While I am proud and honoured to be a Black Man, coupled with the fact that this monument would be set up as a remembrance of Black struggles, I would appreciate that it be placed where the authorities are siting it. There is no way I would, and can safely say of all peoples of African lineage can ever support Green on this one. It is high time for Green to go. He is a sorry excuse for a Black Man

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