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Exclusive – Petition circulated for Jagdeo to be PM candidate

Feb 5, 2015

Guyana Mosquito has learned that a formal petition has been made to have Bharrat Jagdeo serve as the Prime  Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party in the upcoming elections.  The petition to the party’s central and committees recommends Jagdeo as PM with “direct responsibilities for Agriculture and Natural Resources.”


While Jagdeo has been out of the public light for the past few months, speculation about his exact participation in the upcoming polls has been fueled by the PPP’s failure so far to name a replacement for current PM Sam Hinds who has served in that capacity since 1992 with brief stints as President, by leaks of fragmentation within the PPP between Jagdeo and Ramotar, and most recently by a legal motion filed challenging the constitutional term limits which currently prevent Jagdeo from contesting the Presidency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Expert input is needed here. When Clement Rohee said that Bharat Jagdeo will return to parliament, is this what he meant?


Leh abbe ask Da Grandfaddah fuh his "expert" analysis on the implications of this on the Guyanese Vice-Presidency


Bro, even the speaker of the national assembly had trouble understanding the constitution of Guyana. That's why many people have different interpretations. There are loop holes in many constitution to wiggle your way in and out.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bro, even the speaker of the national assembly had trouble understanding the constitution of Guyana. That's why many people have different interpretations. There are loop holes in many constitution to wiggle your way in and out.


This pretty straight forward. Demolish the term limits amendment. Get appointed PM.


And I can very well see how a judge could agree with the Jagdeo position that the term limits amendment is unlawful as it did not pass with a required referendum as is required to alter the fundamental rights article. A reasonable judge could rule both in favor or against Jagdeo. In this I agree with you.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bro, even the speaker of the national assembly had trouble understanding the constitution of Guyana. That's why many people have different interpretations. There are loop holes in many constitution to wiggle your way in and out.

Those idiots in parliament are more familiar with the local form of English, rather than the Queen's English, in which the Constitution was written. Any UK based Guyanese lawyer should have no problem with understanding what is in the Constitution. No interpretation is required. It's Queen's English. Plan and simple.


A country destined to decline into anarchy. First, we had Jagan, then he love the Soviet so much that the Americans gave us Burnham. Then the Americans gave us back Jagan ahead of all the anti-PNC leaders in Guyana. Then this fool Jagan died leaving an unstructured PPP, whereby thieves took over the People's Progressive Party. So far, a bully, then an idiot and now the bully is hoping to get idiot elected and then govern him.


The PPP men and women have lost their baltzs. I wonder why they frighten young Stalin.


The only salvation for Guyana was Burnham rigged election, Indians are too racists to want decent government.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

Right now he is the President. Ramo is just his puppet.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.


You don't see anything wrong with what is essentially the butchering of an already undemocratic constitution to suit the whims of one man?


This Jagdeo lawsuit basically hinges on the PPP/C Attorney General and the PPP/C Judge.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bro, even the speaker of the national assembly had trouble understanding the constitution of Guyana. That's why many people have different interpretations. There are loop holes in many constitution to wiggle your way in and out.

Those idiots in parliament are more familiar with the local form of English, rather than the Queen's English, in which the Constitution was written. Any UK based Guyanese lawyer should have no problem with understanding what is in the Constitution. No interpretation is required. It's Queen's English. Plan and simple.

I often said Guyana need a constitutional scholars specially elected/selected to interpret the constitution. The high court is the guardian of Guyana's constitution and that's where the buck stop. Most people think the court's interpretation is right (or) wrong based on their individual belief.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

you think a couple of months will make a difference after election these ass going to jail

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

Right now he is the President. Ramo is just his puppet.

Mith, that's an everyday item that people refuse to buy. Jegdeo is a PPP central committee member, and he does play a role in the best interest of the PPP party. However, he's not a puppet master.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

Right now he is the President. Ramo is just his puppet.

Mith, that's an everyday item that people refuse to buy. Jegdeo is a PPP central committee member, and he does play a role in the best interest of the PPP party. However, he's not a puppet master. The opposition is afraid to see him in parliament and to be apart of the party's ticket.


Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

Right now he is the President. Ramo is just his puppet.

Mith, that's an everyday item that people refuse to buy. Jegdeo is a PPP central committee member, and he does play a role in the best interest of the PPP party. However, he's not a puppet master.


The PPP Ministers don't seem to think so in their private convos. They regard him as "Boss"

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

Right now he is the President. Ramo is just his puppet.

Mith, that's an everyday item that people refuse to buy. Jegdeo is a PPP central committee member, and he does play a role in the best interest of the PPP party. However, he's not a puppet master.

dummy he will never go into parlament the amount of question he will have to answer will prove kissoon right

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.


You don't see anything wrong with what is essentially the butchering of an already undemocratic constitution to suit the whims of one man?


This Jagdeo lawsuit basically hinges on the PPP/C Attorney General and the PPP/C Judge.

Bhai, if that is legal by Guyana standard and accepted by the opposition, I can't do anything about it. Then you will have to question the opposition for allowing such slackness on legal grounds.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Another thing to beware of is if something should happen to Donald Ramotar, (PM) Bharat Jagdeo will automatically be president.

Right now he is the President. Ramo is just his puppet.

Mith, that's an everyday item that people refuse to buy. Jegdeo is a PPP central committee member, and he does play a role in the best interest of the PPP party. However, he's not a puppet master. The opposition is afraid to see him in parliament and to be apart of the party's ticket.


Why would he want to demote himself to PM when he is living life like an Emperor? Currently he is able to travel the world for free. The next PM have to be able to bring the PPP/C the much needed black man votes to stave them off from an imminent defeat on May 11th.


Who are these undersigned 'residents' of region 6, when there is so much dislike for the PPP ?

Some ass writing a petition, don't represent the people of R6.


Jagdeo is the worse con man in Guyana.

I can see Jagdeo screwing with the constitution and  becoming the PM, then puppet Ramotar will find a way to resign and Jagdeo takes  over the OP.

There is no democracy in Guyana, jus conman for power and greed.

All his talk about no third term, is just dog crap.       

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Exclusive – Petition circulated for Jagdeo to be PM candidate

Feb 5, 2015

Guyana Mosquito has learned that a formal petition has been made to have Bharrat Jagdeo serve as the Prime  Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party in the upcoming elections.  The petition to the party’s central and committees recommends Jagdeo as PM with “direct responsibilities for Agriculture and Natural Resources.”


While Jagdeo has been out of the public light for the past few months, speculation about his exact participation in the upcoming polls has been fueled by the PPP’s failure so far to name a replacement for current PM Sam Hinds who has served in that capacity since 1992 with brief stints as President, by leaks of fragmentation within the PPP between Jagdeo and Ramotar, and most recently by a legal motion filed challenging the constitutional term limits which currently prevent Jagdeo from contesting the Presidency.


Jagdeo is the AFC's worst nightmare.


He is feared by the AFC to this day and he will be campaigning to exterminate his political opponents.


In politics, you need to demolish your political opponent so that they will never raise their ugly heads to bite the hands that once fed them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Exclusive – Petition circulated for Jagdeo to be PM candidate

Feb 5, 2015

Guyana Mosquito has learned that a formal petition has been made to have Bharrat Jagdeo serve as the Prime  Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party in the upcoming elections.  The petition to the party’s central and committees recommends Jagdeo as PM with “direct responsibilities for Agriculture and Natural Resources.”


While Jagdeo has been out of the public light for the past few months, speculation about his exact participation in the upcoming polls has been fueled by the PPP’s failure so far to name a replacement for current PM Sam Hinds who has served in that capacity since 1992 with brief stints as President, by leaks of fragmentation within the PPP between Jagdeo and Ramotar, and most recently by a legal motion filed challenging the constitutional term limits which currently prevent Jagdeo from contesting the Presidency.


Jagdeo is the AFC's worst nightmare.


He is feared by the AFC to this day and he will be campaigning to exterminate his political opponents.


In politics, you need to demolish your political opponent so that they will never raise their ugly heads to bite the hands that once fed them.

Jagdeo was a blessing in disguise to AFC in the last election. His rent a crowd backfired.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Exclusive – Petition circulated for Jagdeo to be PM candidate

Feb 5, 2015

Guyana Mosquito has learned that a formal petition has been made to have Bharrat Jagdeo serve as the Prime  Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party in the upcoming elections.  The petition to the party’s central and committees recommends Jagdeo as PM with “direct responsibilities for Agriculture and Natural Resources.”


While Jagdeo has been out of the public light for the past few months, speculation about his exact participation in the upcoming polls has been fueled by the PPP’s failure so far to name a replacement for current PM Sam Hinds who has served in that capacity since 1992 with brief stints as President, by leaks of fragmentation within the PPP between Jagdeo and Ramotar, and most recently by a legal motion filed challenging the constitutional term limits which currently prevent Jagdeo from contesting the Presidency.


Jagdeo is the AFC's worst nightmare.


He is feared by the AFC to this day and he will be campaigning to exterminate his political opponents.


In politics, you need to demolish your political opponent so that they will never raise their ugly heads to bite the hands that once fed them.

Jagdeo was a blessing in disguise to AFC in the last election. His rent a crowd backfired.

Good idea if he get back into politics. The voters already see thru all his lies and conman deceit. His stupid cuss-down will be good for change in Guyana, where all races are treated equally by the AFC.   

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Exclusive – Petition circulated for Jagdeo to be PM candidate

Feb 5, 2015

Guyana Mosquito has learned that a formal petition has been made to have Bharrat Jagdeo serve as the Prime  Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party in the upcoming elections.  The petition to the party’s central and committees recommends Jagdeo as PM with “direct responsibilities for Agriculture and Natural Resources.”


While Jagdeo has been out of the public light for the past few months, speculation about his exact participation in the upcoming polls has been fueled by the PPP’s failure so far to name a replacement for current PM Sam Hinds who has served in that capacity since 1992 with brief stints as President, by leaks of fragmentation within the PPP between Jagdeo and Ramotar, and most recently by a legal motion filed challenging the constitutional term limits which currently prevent Jagdeo from contesting the Presidency.

Say what?


Who bruk up Guysuco again - Jagdeo.


Look you all haul you backside from the place.