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caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Sunil posted:

Many of the Guyanese living in the San Felix, El Callao area have returned along with most of the Amerindians in the Tucupita and Roraima areas. In the 80's the Venezuelan gov had estimated around 150,000 Guyanese were living in Southern Venezuela. 

It is interesting that we are even considering the possibility of people, notably Guyanese running back to Guyana for economic reasons. That was not the case before Guyana was resurrected from the dead it experienced nearly three decades ago.

Guyanese began to flee to Venezuela under Burnham.  They continued under the PPP.

Ironically they will be forced to either return to Guyana under a PNC dominated regime, or claim refugee status in T&T. Only problem is that republic is sick and tired of Guyanese trying to remain illegally in that nation.

I get the impression that Sunil's observation above disagrees with your assertion that Guyanese continued fleeing to Venezuela under the PPP. Granted, there may have still be fleeing after 1992 but that would have been before Guyana recovered from the deathly state the PNC left it in. There came a time when Guyanese did not see the need to trek through jungles and backlands to escape Guyana's economic conditions because it had improved. I know many Guyanese who visit the US regularly but go back home because they are economically comfortable there.

Secondly, don't go giving credit to the PNC dominated "regime" credit for their return. They may just be in a worse situation in Venezuela than the current condition in Guyana and time is always of the essence. Remember also that you maintain that the PPP is responsible for Guyana's current economic condition. Maybe in a few years of Coalition's governance, the conditions may force Guyanese to flee again. For Guyanese sake, I hope not.

ksazma posted:

I get the impression that Sunil's observation above disagrees with your assertion that Guyanese continued fleeing to Venezuela under the PPP. Granted, there may have still be fleeing after 1992 but that would have been before Guyana recovered from the deathly state the PNC left it in. There came a time when Guyanese did not see the need to trek through jungles and backlands to escape Guyana's economic conditions because it had improved. I know many Guyanese who visit the US regularly but go back home because they are economically comfortable there.

Secondly, don't go giving credit to the PNC dominated "regime" credit for their return. They may just be in a worse situation in Venezuela than the current condition in Guyana and time is always of the essence. Remember also that you maintain that the PPP is responsible for Guyana's current economic condition. Maybe in a few years of Coalition's governance, the conditions may force Guyanese to flee again. For Guyanese sake, I hope not.

In 2002 there were 751k people living in Guyana. 10 years later the numbers dropped to 746k.  Guyana has a very youthful population so the rate of natural increase should be significant, as a large % of the population is in the child bearing ages.

So please explain to me why the population DECLINED by 5k during the 10 years, if there wasn't significant migration. 

Note that in that decade migration to the USA DECLINED, so clearly Guyanese were headed to points elsewhere.

Given that there was NOT an increased migration to Canada, it means that Guyanese were headed to other points.

Before I advance an argument, I always look to the FACTS, not what my "friends" are doing, as I am not arrogant enough to think that my personal exposures will be enough to uncover the truth.

Now debate amongst yourself, but evidently Guyanese, who refused to return from Venezuela during the PPP, will now be returning under a PNC regime.

Given that the vast majority of Guyanese in Venezuela are Indians, and given that the Indian population DECLINED under the PPP from around 360k to around 300k, it goes to show that there couldn't have been a significant return of these people during that era, otherwise, we would not have seen the Indo population drop.

You were wailing about woulda shoulda, when confronted with the evidence that there is no democratic Marxist nation. And a Cheddi regime would have gone full scale Marxist, given that it had already established ties with Castro, who in 1964 trained PYO elements to be terrorists, and supplied the PPP with guns.

You don't know what the coalition gov't will do, and yet you already predict that Guyanese will be refugees.


caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Sunil posted:

Many of the Guyanese living in the San Felix, El Callao area have returned along with most of the Amerindians in the Tucupita and Roraima areas. In the 80's the Venezuelan gov had estimated around 150,000 Guyanese were living in Southern Venezuela. 

It is interesting that we are even considering the possibility of people, notably Guyanese running back to Guyana for economic reasons. That was not the case before Guyana was resurrected from the dead it experienced nearly three decades ago.

Guyanese began to flee to Venezuela under Burnham.  They continued under the PPP.

Ironically they will be forced to either return to Guyana under a PNC dominated regime, or claim refugee status in T&T. Only problem is that republic is sick and tired of Guyanese trying to remain illegally in that nation.

Let then come back to Guyana.  Jagdeo will ensure they and taken care of in their homeland!!

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

Not sure what you getting at.  For many Blacks of the Caribj mindset, Indians of Guyana don't deserve equal rights.  Indians are being ethnically cleansed and will become minority.  The aim is to make Indians politically extinct where the Indian political leadership cease seeking national aspiration but stick to community politics!  Truth of the matter, Guyanese Indians might feel more valued and wanted in Venezuela than their homeland of Guyana!!

What's this nationalism one should have when we were chased away to other nations in droves by the racist Afro politicals in Guyana?  The PPP made Guyana livable again where Guyanese came for vacation and returned home.  Even the US embassy said Guyanese are not violating their visas.  Yet these racists PNC Afros today talk as though the PPP and Indians played and have no role in Guyana and have embarked on their old agenda of racist persecution and ethnic cleansing!

Sorry, baseman sees the PNC today as the PNC yesterday.  Their color have not changed, no pun intended!!  These are the same people who brought so much unhappiness and destruction to Indians of Guyana!!  The celebration or May 26th is not of Independence, but of Afro dominance over the Indian masses!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

Not sure what you getting at.  For many Blacks of the Caribj mindset, Indians of Guyana don't deserve equal rights.  Indians are being ethnically cleansed and will become minority.  The aim is to make Indians politically extinct where the Indian political leadership cease seeking national aspiration but stick to community politics!  Truth of the matter, Guyanese Indians might feel more valued and wanted in Venezuela than their homeland of Guyana!!

What's this nationalism one should have when we were chased away to other nations in droves by the racist Afro politicals in Guyana?  The PPP made Guyana livable again where Guyanese came for vacation and returned home.  Even the US embassy said Guyanese are not violating their visas.  Yet these racists PNC Afros today talk as though the PPP and Indians played and have no role in Guyana and have embarked on their old agenda of racist persecution and ethnic cleansing!

Sorry, baseman sees the PNC today as the PNC yesterday.  Their color have not changed, no pun intended!!  These are the same people who brought so much unhappiness and destruction to Indians of Guyana!!  The celebration or May 26th is not of Independence, but of Afro dominance over the Indian masses!!

My objection was in doing the numbers. If Guyana through Venezuelan refugees influx were to outnumber Guyanese 3-1, Guyana would have a difficult time avoiding being transformed to a Venezuelan identity. The only way to prevent that from happening would be to keep those migrants in perpetual refugee status. Only Israel with our blessings have been able to get away with that. 

caribny posted:

In 2002 there were 751k people living in Guyana. 10 years later the numbers dropped to 746k.  Guyana has a very youthful population so the rate of natural increase should be significant, as a large % of the population is in the child bearing ages.

So please explain to me why the population DECLINED by 5k during the 10 years, if there wasn't significant migration. 

Note that in that decade migration to the USA DECLINED, so clearly Guyanese were headed to points elsewhere.

Given that there was NOT an increased migration to Canada, it means that Guyanese were headed to other points.

Before I advance an argument, I always look to the FACTS, not what my "friends" are doing, as I am not arrogant enough to think that my personal exposures will be enough to uncover the truth.

Now debate amongst yourself, but evidently Guyanese, who refused to return from Venezuela during the PPP, will now be returning under a PNC regime.

Given that the vast majority of Guyanese in Venezuela are Indians, and given that the Indian population DECLINED under the PPP from around 360k to around 300k, it goes to show that there couldn't have been a significant return of these people during that era, otherwise, we would not have seen the Indo population drop.

You were wailing about woulda shoulda, when confronted with the evidence that there is no democratic Marxist nation. And a Cheddi regime would have gone full scale Marxist, given that it had already established ties with Castro, who in 1964 trained PYO elements to be terrorists, and supplied the PPP with guns.

You don't know what the coalition gov't will do, and yet you already predict that Guyanese will be refugees.


Woulda, coulda, shoulda is used rhetorically to refute a person's argument of what would, could have happened when the actual record clearly disputes that argument. Using that argument for future forecast is perfectly normal as there is no record to refute it. In the case of the current government, there is an actual record from their predecessor to support such an argument and that trend is slowly showing in the current government.

Regarding Guyana's population, you skillfully omitted people dying right in Guyana. Guyanese  in the old days used to have many children. Nowadays they don't have as many so the growth from new births do not replace the loss from deaths. Even without migration, Guyana's population is bound to decrease as people don't live as long as they do in the US. So your assumption that the population was affected because of migration only is incorrect and misleading.

Lastly, even if Guyana was not the best place to live between your 2002 and 2012 window, it was still way better than the graveyard that the PPP found it in 1992. People migrate all the time for wherever is a better opportunity/standard of living for them and their families. Just take a road trip on any highway in America and see how many moving trucks go in both directions. Guyanese would be no different. But the reality is that more Guyanese were choosing to live in Guyana because their economic condition was better than trekking through jungles to go anywhere that was not Guyana. Peoples' attitude in the 80's was to region 11. Region 11 was anywhere that was not Guyana. That attitude changed after 1992. I know people who lived on ground provisions in the 80's who have two, three cars in their household today.

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

More than that, we already have precedent in Guyana. In the 18th century, Laurens Storm van Gravesande was Dutch Governor of Essequibo and Demerara. With noble intention, Gravesande invited English planters from Barbados to settle in Essequibo and Demerara and offered them generous plots of land. It did not take long for those Englishmen to outnumber Dutchmen, so when English warships arrived they were welcome by their countrymen. By 1803 when a British warship was spotted off the Demerara River mouth, the Dutch Governor Antony Meertens realized it was a lost cause to resist and he surrendered, paving the way for what was later called British Guiana. In my view, if in 1803 there were more Dutchmen than Englishmen in Essequibo and Demerara, Governor Meertens might have been emboldened to repel that single British warship commanded by a man named Kingston.

Now, Venezuela has a population of 30.9 million. Assuming that only 0.5 million desperate Venezuelans barge into Essequibo, that would pose a danger to Guyana's territorial integrity. Remember, if the Maduro regime collapses, a right-wing government will still maintain Venezuela's claim over Essequibo. From Guyana's standpoint, those 0.5 million refugees would easily become fifth-columnists for the Venezuelan cause. 

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

More than that, we already have precedent in Guyana. In the 18th century, Laurens Storm van Gravesande was Dutch Governor of Essequibo and Demerara. With noble intention, Gravesande invited English planters from Barbados to settle in Essequibo and Demerara and offered them generous plots of land. It did not take long for those Englishmen to outnumber Dutchmen, so when English warships arrived they were welcome by their countrymen. By 1803 when a British warship was spotted off the Demerara River mouth, the Dutch Governor Antony Meertens realized it was a lost cause to resist and he surrendered, paving the way for what was later called British Guiana. In my view, if in 1803 there were more Dutchmen than Englishmen in Essequibo and Demerara, Governor Meertens might have been emboldened to repel that single British warship commanded by a man named Kingston.

Now, Venezuela has a population of 30.9 million. Assuming that only 0.5 million desperate Venezuelans barge into Essequibo, that would pose a danger to Guyana's territorial integrity. Remember, if the Maduro regime collapses, a right-wing government will still maintain Venezuela's claim over Essequibo. From Guyana's standpoint, those 0.5 million refugees would easily become fifth-columnists for the Venezuelan cause. 

Exactly. Just like how many of us still have our hearts in Guyana decades after migrating elsewhere, those Venezuelans will always be aligned with Venezuela.

On another note, it is probably good the British took over or we would have ended up with a funny sounding language.

ba$eman posted:

Let then come back to Guyana.  Jagdeo will ensure they and taken care of in their homeland!!

They are broke. Jagdeo will do a working tour, skin up his face, and then ignore them.

To be liked by Jagdeo one has to be both rich, and Indian.  Those fleeing from Venezuela aren't rich.  Look at how Jagdeo was trying to con rice farmers to ship rice to Venezuela, even as this would mean them not getting paid.

ba$eman posted:

For many Blacks of the Caribj mindset, Indians of Guyana don't deserve equal rights. !!

Furnish proof of this please.

Of course I don't allow you to get away with your racist attitude about blacks (you even justify police shootings), so you want me to be seen as a bigot equivalent to you.

You have FAILED to furnish proof of my racism, even though I have asked you to do so NUMEROUS times!

ksazma posted:


Woulda, coulda, shoulda is used rhetorically to refute a person's argument of what would, could have happened when the actual record clearly disputes that argument. Using that argument for future forecast is perfectly normal as there is no record to refute it. In the case of the current government, there is an actual record from their predecessor to support such an argument and that trend is slowly showing in the current government.

Regarding Guyana's population, you skillfully omitted people dying right in Guyana. Guyanese  in the old days used to have many children. Nowadays they don't have as many so the growth from new births do not replace the loss from deaths. Even without migration, Guyana's population is bound to decrease as people don't live as long as they do in the US. So your assumption that the population was affected because of migration only is incorrect and misleading.

Lastly, even if Guyana was not the best place to live between your 2002 and 2012 window, it was still way better than the graveyard that the PPP found it in 1992. People migrate all the time for wherever is a better opportunity/standard of living for them and their families. Just take a road trip on any highway in America and see how many moving trucks go in both directions. Guyanese would be no different. But the reality is that more Guyanese were choosing to live in Guyana because their economic condition was better than trekking through jungles to go anywhere that was not Guyana. Peoples' attitude in the 80's was to region 11. Region 11 was anywhere that was not Guyana. That attitude changed after 1992. I know people who lived on ground provisions in the 80's who have two, three cars in their household today.

The actual record shows that in 1964 the PPP was already in bed with Fidel Castro. They received guns from Castro, who also trained PYO militants to commit terrorism.  These are FACTS.

Further FACTS show the open embrace and involvement of the PPP with the USSR and Cuba, and the fact that its constitution described it as a Marxist Leninist party.

Given the fact that in 1966 the Cold War was at its peak, clearly any involvement with the PPP and the USSR/Cuba would have resulted in Guyana become the 2nd staging point for the Soviet Union in the Americas.

Now you wish to tell us that the PPP didn't become Marxist in 1992.  How could they when the USSR no longer existed, Cuba was flat broke as a result, and it was the ABC nations which installed the PPP, and would have rapidly starved it of assistance if the PPP tried to implement their communism.

Do you think that it is a coincidence that the ABC nations waited until the end of the Cold War, before forcing Guyana to have free and fair elections/ Why do you think that they didn't insist on that in the 80s, when the USSR/Cuba were still busy trying to introduce communism into the Americas?


Now as to your ignorance of demographics.  Guyana continues to have a birth rate that is ABOVE the replacement rate. More babies are born than old people die.  Guyana has the MOST youthful population in the English speaking Caribbean.  It is the ONLY one where the age distribution is in a pyramid shape. All of the others now have ageing populations, meaning that their distribution is barrel shaped.

Guyana's population declined in the decade following 2002, because there was massive emigration.  And this occurred when there was declining migration to North America, due to more stringent controls. Guyanese were fleeing to neighboring countries.

Note that in other Caribbean nations, their populations increased, even though their birth rates are way below that of Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

The actual record shows that in 1964 the PPP was already in bed with Fidel Castro. They received guns from Castro, who also trained PYO militants to commit terrorism.  These are FACTS.

Further FACTS show the open embrace and involvement of the PPP with the USSR and Cuba, and the fact that its constitution described it as a Marxist Leninist party.

Given the fact that in 1966 the Cold War was at its peak, clearly any involvement with the PPP and the USSR/Cuba would have resulted in Guyana become the 2nd staging point for the Soviet Union in the Americas.

Now you wish to tell us that the PPP didn't become Marxist in 1992.  How could they when the USSR no longer existed, Cuba was flat broke as a result, and it was the ABC nations which installed the PPP, and would have rapidly starved it of assistance if the PPP tried to implement their communism.

Do you think that it is a coincidence that the ABC nations waited until the end of the Cold War, before forcing Guyana to have free and fair elections/ Why do you think that they didn't insist on that in the 80s, when the USSR/Cuba were still busy trying to introduce communism into the Americas?


Now as to your ignorance of demographics.  Guyana continues to have a birth rate that is ABOVE the replacement rate. More babies are born than old people die.  Guyana has the MOST youthful population in the English speaking Caribbean.  It is the ONLY one where the age distribution is in a pyramid shape. All of the others now have ageing populations, meaning that their distribution is barrel shaped.

Guyana's population declined in the decade following 2002, because there was massive emigration.  And this occurred when there was declining migration to North America, due to more stringent controls. Guyanese were fleeing to neighboring countries.

Note that in other Caribbean nations, their populations increased, even though their birth rates are way below that of Guyana!

Cheddie Jagan was leader of Guyana in some capacity for most of the time between 1953 and 1964. Was there any brutal dictatorship then? NO. 1964 saw a free and fair election where Jagan won but looses the seat of government when the PNC and UF combined their seats. The very next election was in 1968 which was not free and fair and that trend continued until the PNC were forced to conduct a proper election in 1992 when Jagan was elected President. Now that trend of free and fair elections continued until the PPP looses the seat of government in 2015 aothough the 2016 LGE were also free and fair. The actual record shows that the only time Guyana experienced that form of dictatorship was during those 28 years of PNC rule. When Jagan had another opportunity to be a brutal dictator, he did not. The trouble is that your woulda, coulda, shoulda scenario was usurped by Burnham's wickedness when he through his brutishness denied the Guyanese people the very freedom they got through their independence just two years earlier.

Jagan has proven you wrong because when he had the chance whether it was before 1964 or after 1992, he did not rule as a brutal dictator as Burnham did. That is the record bai. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:


Cheddie Jagan was leader of Guyana in some capacity for most of the time between 1953 and 1964. Was there any brutal dictatorship then? NO. 1964 saw a free and fair election where Jagan won but looses the seat of government when the PNC and UF combined their seats.

Is it that you are ignorant?

The head of the govt of BRITISH Guiana was the governor, so Cheddi couldn't do what he wanted, nor did he, or Burnham for that matter, have the power to rig the elections in 1957, 1961, or 1964.

What Cheddi did in fact do is wage a pattern of violence, once the date of the 1964 elections was announced. This in a vain attempt to have the elections canceled.  This being the only power he had.  He did this as he feared a post election PNC UF coalition, which would have evicted him from office.

The PNC and UF, having engaged in violence in 1962/63 to destabilize the PPP, then advocated peace, once the election date for the 1964 elections was announced.  NOT because they were choir boys, but because they saw this as an opportunity to constitutionally unseat the PPP.

Cheddi was a Marxist, who already had ties with Castro and the USSR.  This was the Cold War.  Come independence in 1966, the PPP would have advanced into Marxist Leninist governance.  In fact there would have been no 1968 election, because the USSR and Cuba would have instructed otherwise.

And don't scream that the PPP wasn't a supplicant of the communist world. When the communists decided that Marxist Leninist parties should begin to cooperate with other left wing groups, suddenly the PPP evolves into CONSTRUCTIVE engagement with the PNC, hoping to build an alliance.

I asked you about whether a democratic Marxist regime existed, and you couldn't name any.

Please stop embarrassing yourself! 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted: 

Cheddie Jagan was leader of Guyana in some capacity for most of the time between 1953 and 1964. Was there any brutal dictatorship then? NO. 1964 saw a free and fair election where Jagan won but looses the seat of government when the PNC and UF combined their seats.

Is it that you are ignorant?

The head of the govt of BRITISH Guiana was the governor, so Cheddi couldn't do what he wanted, nor did he, or Burnham for that matter, have the power to rig the elections in 1957, 1961, or 1964.

What Cheddi did in fact do is wage a pattern of violence, once the date of the elections was announced. This in a vain attempt to have the elections canceled.  This being the only power he had.  He did this as he feared a post election PNC UF coalition, which would have evicted him from office.

Cheddi was a Marxist, who already had ties with Castro and the USSR.  This was the Cold War.  Come independence in 1966, the PPP would have advanced into Marxist Leninist governance.  In fact there would have been no 1968 election, because the USSR and Cuba would have instructed otherwise.

And don't scream that the PPP wasn't a supplicant of the communist world. When the communists decided that Marxist Leninist parties should begin to cooperate with other left wing groups, suddenly the PPP evolves into CONSTRUCTIVE engagement with the PNC, hoping to build an alliance.

I asked you about whether a democratic Marxist regime existed, and you couldn't name any.

Please stop embarrassing yourself! 

Funny that you think I am embarrassing myself when you are the one resorting to woulda, coulda, shoulda arguments. The record doesn't support your desired argument. Cheddie has proven that as leader of Guyana, he did not become a brutal dictator like Burnham. Burnham was wicked and couldn't help himself. Thankfully for Guyanese, death was still an option. Even the ground got spared a year of Burnham's wicked body.

ksazma posted:

The record doesn't support your desired argument. .

The record does back my points. Cheddi was NOT allowed to win a free and fair election during the Cold War, so followed the USSR instructions to support the Burnham regime!  He couldn't because there is no way that the ABC nations would have tolerated a 2nd Cuba in the Americas. So no pressure was brought to the PNC to hold free and fair elections until the end of the Cold War.

You seem too dumb to understand this.

Funny it was the WPA which openly confront Burnham.  Cheddi was too busy congratulating Burnham, as he nationalized the economy, which he did only to increase his stranglehold.

Curious for you to indicate when did Cheddi object to Burnham's centralization of the economy.  It was THAT which destroyed Guyana, and then led to Burnham becoming a dictator in order to retain power in a crumbling nation.

Also at what point did he object to the Castro regimes' brutality against ordinary Cubans.  And why did Cheddi endorse the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, as well as the involvement of the Soviets in the brutal regimes of Ethiopia and Somalia.

Want an indication of what the PPP would have been if they led Guyana into independence  Just analyze who they supported during the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Thank GOD they weren't permitted to do so, because you and I would have not been able to flee Guyana, because Janet would have locked Guyana as tightly as Castro did to his people, and as the USSR also did!

You can repeat PPP dogma, like a parrot, and thereby embarrassing yourself!

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The record doesn't support your desired argument. .

The record does back my points.


Only in your dreams bai.

Not in my dreams. It is an established fact that any analyst of the Cold War era knows.

But continue to eat the toxins that the PPP feeds you.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Not in my dreams. It is an established fact ......

So something that never happened is now an established fact.

What. That the PPP called itself a Marxist Leninist party, and endorsed the invasion by the USSR into Afghanistan, and crowned Castro a hero and a model of governance?

Now why would the PPP endorse actions that they wouldn't have implemented, had they had the chance.

Did the PPP ever condemn how the communists were treating their own people in the USSR? Or in Cuba?  They had loads to say about the USA in Puerto Rico.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Let then come back to Guyana.  Jagdeo will ensure they and taken care of in their homeland!!

They are broke. Jagdeo will do a working tour, skin up his face, and then ignore them.

To be liked by Jagdeo one has to be both rich, and Indian.  Those fleeing from Venezuela aren't rich.  Look at how Jagdeo was trying to con rice farmers to ship rice to Venezuela, even as this would mean them not getting paid.

The PPP just have to come to NY, we the US "coolies" will pony up to help them resettled and they will take it from there!  If BJ comes knocking for that purpose, he will get a following!

Don't let the welfare of a few coolies by your problem!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Not in my dreams. It is an established fact ......

So something that never happened is now an established fact.

What. That the PPP called itself a Marxist Leninist party, and endorsed the invasion by the USSR into Afghanistan, and crowned Castro a hero and a model of governance?


No. That Jagan was not a brutal dictator like Burnham. Go back to my initial comment. All you have done since that comment is woulda, coulda, shoulda.

ksazma: Carib sir, was Jagan ever a brutal dictator like Burnham?

Carib: Jagan had the belief which.......

ksazma: Sir, yes or no, was Jagan ever a brutal dictator like Burnham?

Carib: er er er er er ........ 

ksazma: I rest my case!!!

Last edited by Former Member

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