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Former Member


The latest AFC effort at re-packaging

IT’S too early for Christmas, so maybe it was intended to be a Mashramini gift, or rather grief of sorts to the nation.The AFC apparently thought it could have fooled Guyanese by re-packaging its ‘politricks of blackmail’ into a package of ‘compromise’.
The moment Old Kai read the term ‘compromise’ and the AFC’s name was not far behind, right then and there I knew it was another con-promise. These people are ‘Always Focused on Conning’ our people!
I am sure when most Guyanese read the headline about the AFC saying it was now ready for compromise and consensus with the government, they would have collectively sighed, ‘Finally’.
Old Kai’s question would have been: why did it take so many years for them to finally come to this position? Why could they have not approached politics in such a manner since 2012, and avoid the destruction they instigated, such as on the Agricola Public Road and in Linden; getting Guyana blacklisted; illegally cutting the budgets and trying to kill transformative projects which will directly benefit our citizens?
My next question would have been: does this mean that Nigel Hughes calls for ‘no peace’ in our country would be changed to ‘mo peace’? And the follow-up: can we take this to mean that our people and their future in Guyana are no longer considered ‘collateral damage’?
But all these questions and hundreds more are not necessary, as a closer look at what the AFC meant, rather than the big eye-catching headline confirmed that they were trying to pass a ‘6-for-9’ on the Guyanese people. Old Kai’s mammy remarked that they are no better than the ‘pickpockets’ at the bus parks.
The headline in the opposition mouthpiece read, ‘AFC compromises on Cabinet’s no-objection clause for PPC’, then the nice, flowery language followed by David Patterson, “We understand that the government has reservations about setting up the commission. We have indicated our willingness to compromise, and reach a mutually agreeable position that best satisfies the needs of the nation.”
Then compromise suddenly gave way to the blackmail politics again. “The AFC has said that it is willing to support the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Amendment Bill, provided that the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) is established.”
This is followed by the glaring contradiction of the headline, as Khemraj Ramjattan chimes in to reaffirm: “The Procurement Commission shall lie at the apex of the hierarchy. Cabinet, if it feels vexed about a certain award going to a certain person or corporate entity, can complain to the Procurement Commission, and whatever decision the Commission makes is binding.”
As usual, complete nonsense coming from Khemraj Ramjattan and the AFC. To take away the government’s ability to offer an objection or no objection to a project in the execution of their plans and policies for our nation–which they were elected to do–is a direct attack on the legitimacy of the State and its various arms, in this case, the administrative component.
Let us be reminded that this issue is about more than procurement, as it also serves to support Government’s policies, chief among them being national defence and security. Can you imagine! The Government moving to implement its security policy, but a project approved by the Public Procurement Commission does not meet its requirements! That all it can do is offer an objection! But according to the AFC, this can easily be overruled by the PPC.
So, where is the authority and autonomy of the administrative arm of the State in executing its functions in such a scenario? The PPC will now be in charge of dictating Guyana’s security and economic policy! This is what the opposition is hoping to foist on the nation, and is leading people to believe that the Government is being inflexible. The Government is acting in the interest of the future security of the entire State, and it has no alternative but to hold on to its current position.
Recently, we witnessed the opposition’s attacking efforts to map our resources in the New River Triangle area and what could be termed strategic support for Suriname, which has laid claim to that section of our territoty.
Government has indicated that it will continue to pursue efforts to map its resources in each and every part of our country, as other countries are trying to do. Not engaging in such an assessment would be like jumping on a boat and sailing out to sea without checking on your provisions to know how long they will last you.
If we had the AFC’s version of the PPC in place, well then, clearly they would have killed such a strategic move by our Government, and when the Cabinet would have raised an objection, quite possibly it would have been overruled.
Need I mention what would have also occurred with the Indian company which employed Khemraj Ramjattan to fight for it to be awarded a contract to build the Specialty Hospital? Clearly, that is not seen as corruption in the eyes of our Opposition.
A 2012 report by the Centre for Trade, Economics & Environment (CUTS) in India had this to say about the procurement system: “Public procurement is an activity not merely for meeting day-to-day functional requirements, but also for underpinning various services that are expected from the government, e.g. infrastructure, national defence and security, utilities, economic development, employment generation, social services and so on.”
It goes on to state: “Furthermore, government procurement activities and operations have a direct effect on market behaviour. Governments around the world utilize procurement and distribution activities to stimulate and promote local manufacturing and production capacities; set benchmark prices in essential goods and services; prevent artificial scarcities arising through hoarding and black-marketing; subserve socio-economic policies of governments through extension of preferences to disadvantaged sectors of the economy; sometimes even provide support to priority sectors for becoming more competitive and export oriented. The importance of the subject is becoming increasingly vital.”
With this in mind, you can begin to see the dangers of the current AFC proposal. Add this to the fact that this very party, with APNU, illegally slashed over $50B in Government public sector spending from the budget without offering any valid reasons for two consecutive years.
Clearly, it is their intention to use the Public Procurement Commission as another vehicle to execute their plan to cripple the local economy, simply to make the PPP/C Government look bad. No concern for our citizens, as when all the above-named sectors are affected, it is the average man and woman out there who will lose their jobs, and witness a decline in their standards of living.
The AFC clearly expects the Government will compromise the future economic security of our citizens by giving in to their demands and threats. Getting Guyana blacklisted is their latest attempt to play ‘Russian roulette’ with our nation’s economic well-being. The PPP and the PPP/C Government cannot let them win this dangerous game.
In closing, it is fitting for Old Kai to touch on the issue of State control over the procurement system, as a number of major countries have voiced their concerns about the local system we have in place, including the US Ambassador to Guyana.
This is what a 2003 report had to say about the procurement system of a particular country: “…the President is responsible for implementing procurement statutes and procurement authorization and appropriations. He establishes government-wide procurement policies and procedures through executive orders; makes political and management decisions relative to procurement programs; and appoints agency heads and other officials who have direct or indirect management control over procurement programs and procurement organization.”
Any guess to which country the report is referring in which the head of state exercises so much control over the Procurement System? It is the very United States of America.


Extracted from the Guyanachronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP is repackaging their legacy or rapacious corruption with slight of hand tricks to distract the people from seeing the truth. Is that not what you do here daily?


You are concerned with GR now yet earlier you called him a crook and an exploiter. It is not going to help. The people just saw the society of the have and have nots in the Jagdeo medical escapade. He got diarrhea and he took a private jet to foreign shores t at their expense with his buddy who supplies pharmaceuticals to the hospitals exclusively at double normal rates.






The PPP has fully recovered from incumbency  fatigue, and would not be a victim of their own success at the next elections, the party stand the better chance of securing a majority at the polls.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP has fully recovered from incumbency  fatigue, and would not be a victim of their own success at the next elections, the party stand the better chance of securing a majority at the polls.

Tell us when the are recovered from the habit of being crooks.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A self proclaimed Atheist voice may not be heard,in a country such as Guyana whose deeply religious.

If so religious, why all the murder and other crimes?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A self proclaimed Atheist voice may not be heard,in a country such as Guyana whose deeply religious.

The PPP's base are Hindus..a henotheistic group so go suck on your thumb. Those old communists...atheists all depended on that to be viable today.
 The entire crop of PPPite corroborators  are unbelievers so suck on that. Christians know who are the sons and daughters of vipers.


Last edited by Former Member

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

If the opposition members on this board are so concerned and have all the answers for resolving Guyana's problems, they can quit their jobs and run for offices in Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

If the opposition members on this board are so concerned and have all the answers for resolving Guyana's problems, they can quit their jobs and run for offices in Guyana.

Didn't realize you prefer a system where people aren't allowed to voice their opinions....

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

If the opposition members on this board are so concerned and have all the answers for resolving Guyana's problems, they can quit their jobs and run for offices in Guyana.

Didn't realize you prefer a system where people aren't allowed to voice their opinions....

That's not true.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.


The AFC/PNC coalition will become Baigan and Tomato Choka at the next election.




This was the winning 2013 Calypso in Guyana and the Guyana Government BANNED it from radio along with all of the other songs from the finals claiming that they were all Anti Government...





Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

When did we ever have squalid squatting areas and places like Plastic city? That harkens to the era of colonialism. These fellows are spending four times the PNC, our population remains the same and our people are more poor. Only the PPP and their family and friends get rich. Burnham never had Pradovilles reserved for his ministers. These fellows are so nakedly corrupt that they do not care to mask their obscene wealth. Jadeo is presently sitting in his dacha on the Miami coast after being shuttled out by private aircraft and in retrospect the PPP screamed bloody murder when Burnham once hired a jet to take a planeload of Guyanese to a conference. Therein lies the difference. Abuse of the nation's funds is so relentless and vast that the hiring of a private jet to ferry one person with a little diarrhea out of the country becomes a normal thing. That he is squatting on a second home is not even a worthy mention.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

When did we ever have squalid squatting areas and places like Plastic city? That harkens to the era of colonialism. These fellows are spending four times the PNC, our population remains the same and our people are more poor. Only the PPP and their family and friends get rich. Burnham never had Pradovilles reserved for his ministers. These fellows are so nakedly corrupt that they do not care to mask their obscene wealth. Jadeo is presently sitting in his dacha on the Miami coast after being shuttled out by private aircraft and in retrospect the PPP screamed bloody murder when Burnham once hired a jet to take a planeload of Guyanese to a conference. Therein lies the difference. Abuse of the nation's funds is so relentless and vast that the hiring of a private jet to ferry one person with a little diarrhea out of the country becomes a normal thing. That he is squatting on a second home is not even a worthy mention.

The rumor that you are a white man is given further credence by your lack of knowledge about Guyana. If you don't remember the vast squatting areas under the PNC then you must not be Guyanese.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quarelling on GNI won't help the opposition.  The truth is more powerful. The people have a better life today and they will ensure that it remains secured by voting in record numbers against the opposition.

When did we ever have squalid squatting areas and places like Plastic city? That harkens to the era of colonialism. These fellows are spending four times the PNC, our population remains the same and our people are more poor. Only the PPP and their family and friends get rich. Burnham never had Pradovilles reserved for his ministers. These fellows are so nakedly corrupt that they do not care to mask their obscene wealth. Jadeo is presently sitting in his dacha on the Miami coast after being shuttled out by private aircraft and in retrospect the PPP screamed bloody murder when Burnham once hired a jet to take a planeload of Guyanese to a conference. Therein lies the difference. Abuse of the nation's funds is so relentless and vast that the hiring of a private jet to ferry one person with a little diarrhea out of the country becomes a normal thing. That he is squatting on a second home is not even a worthy mention.

The rumor that you are a white man is given further credence by your lack of knowledge about Guyana. If you don't remember the vast squatting areas under the PNC then you must not be Guyanese.

I am sure I traveled the length and breadth of the nation in my time there and never once seen the similar squalid conditions as exist presently in plastic city. You tell us where .

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Railroad embankment, Chateau Margot, Lusignan, Annandale, Cummings Lodge. In fact after the PPP took office, a survey revealed 186 squatting areas.

I can post a picture of your goadee before you can post a copy that survey.


1) Guyanese are pooer today than they were under the PNC

2) Only PPP ministers have accumulated wealth

3) The Guyanese are living in plastic cities and slums which means no housing program for the ordinary man

4) Wages are lower under the PPP today

5) Crime is higher and is orchestrated the by PPP

6) Only PPP leaders seek medical services abroad

7 ) Housing schemes are built only for PPP leaders


These are some of  the lies being peddled by the PNC and the AFC. Danyael, the long time sage on GNI is now a lobbyist for APNU and the AFC.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Govt. must justify Jagdeo’s medivac as cost effective

February 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


… this must be of concern to the taxpayers of the country – Greenidge

“One would expect that the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Shamdeo Persaud and/or the Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, or whoever’s medical advice was sought, would be able to justify as cost effective, the decision to charter a jet from Florida to Guyana and back, to medivac former President, Bharrat Jagdeo for treatment. The Government

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

needs to justify this.” This was the assertion of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s, Financial Spokesperson, Carl Greenidge, who has been one of the fiercest critics of the open-ended nature of the Former President’s Benefits (and other Amenities) Act. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Jagdeo contracted dengue and it is for this reason he was flown overseas for medical treatment. When he was flown out of Guyana on Friday evening last, Jagdeo was reportedly suffering from persistent fever, vomiting and diarrhea. “Surely the cost of the overseas trip for the former President must be of concern to the taxpayers of the country, as it is they who would be footing the Bill!” Greenidge exclaimed. He declined however to comment on where a private person would want to seek treatment for whatever ailment they may have, but reiterated that since it is tax dollars being used, the resort to overseas treatment must be defensible. Greenidge again drew reference to the fact that it is not the individual that the opposition has a problem with, but rather the open-ended nature of the law. He noted as an example that the President can adopt how many persons he wants after he would have demitted office and that they too would become eligible for benefits under the Law, all of which would have to be paid for with taxpayers’ dollars. Efforts to contact CMO, Dr Persaud, yesterday proved futile, however Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran is on record saying that the Former President, Jagdeo, is a private citizen and can choose to seek medical help wherever he wants. Asked repeatedly about the fact that it is the State that would have to foot the bill for Jagdeo’s treatment, the Minister maintained that it is a ‘private matter’.

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

Asked whether the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), could not have dealt with Jagdeo’s fever, vomiting and diarrhea, the Minister said that this is possible, but was adamant that he was unaware of what was afflicting the former President and as such could not offer an informed comment. He said that like any private citizen, Jagdeo is entitled to choose wherever he wants to seek medical attention. Jagdeo was flown to a Florida Hospital, Friday evening and accompanying him was Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, who was described as his best friend. How long Jagdeo has had this condition is still to be ascertained. A privately-owned Lear jet out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) shortly after 21:00 hours Friday night to medivac Jagdeo to the United States. His entourage, comprising Dr. Ramroop and his security detail arrived at the airport at 22:00 hours that night. The aircraft took off for Florida at 22:30 hours. This publication understands that the chartering of a Lear Jet, from Florida to Guyana and back for a medivac, would cost between US$35,000 ($7M) and US$40,000 ($8M). This would be in addition to the thousands more that would be used to pay the hospital bill and other expenditure related to his illness. In May 2009, then President Jagdeo assented to the controversial Former Presidents (Benefits and Facilities) Bill bringing it into law.

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Under that Act, he and his successors would receive free medical attention and medical treatment, paid for by the state, or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by them for the medical attention or treatment of themselves and the dependant members of their family.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Govt. must justify Jagdeo’s medivac as cost effective

February 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


… this must be of concern to the taxpayers of the country – Greenidge

“One would expect that the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Shamdeo Persaud and/or the Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, or whoever’s medical advice was sought, would be able to justify as cost effective, the decision to charter a jet from Florida to Guyana and back, to medivac former President, Bharrat Jagdeo for treatment. The Government

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

needs to justify this.” This was the assertion of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s, Financial Spokesperson, Carl Greenidge, who has been one of the fiercest critics of the open-ended nature of the Former President’s Benefits (and other Amenities) Act. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Jagdeo contracted dengue and it is for this reason he was flown overseas for medical treatment. When he was flown out of Guyana on Friday evening last, Jagdeo was reportedly suffering from persistent fever, vomiting and diarrhea. “Surely the cost of the overseas trip for the former President must be of concern to the taxpayers of the country, as it is they who would be footing the Bill!” Greenidge exclaimed. He declined however to comment on where a private person would want to seek treatment for whatever ailment they may have, but reiterated that since it is tax dollars being used, the resort to overseas treatment must be defensible. Greenidge again drew reference to the fact that it is not the individual that the opposition has a problem with, but rather the open-ended nature of the law. He noted as an example that the President can adopt how many persons he wants after he would have demitted office and that they too would become eligible for benefits under the Law, all of which would have to be paid for with taxpayers’ dollars. Efforts to contact CMO, Dr Persaud, yesterday proved futile, however Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran is on record saying that the Former President, Jagdeo, is a private citizen and can choose to seek medical help wherever he wants. Asked repeatedly about the fact that it is the State that would have to foot the bill for Jagdeo’s treatment, the Minister maintained that it is a ‘private matter’.

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

Asked whether the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), could not have dealt with Jagdeo’s fever, vomiting and diarrhea, the Minister said that this is possible, but was adamant that he was unaware of what was afflicting the former President and as such could not offer an informed comment. He said that like any private citizen, Jagdeo is entitled to choose wherever he wants to seek medical attention. Jagdeo was flown to a Florida Hospital, Friday evening and accompanying him was Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, who was described as his best friend. How long Jagdeo has had this condition is still to be ascertained. A privately-owned Lear jet out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) shortly after 21:00 hours Friday night to medivac Jagdeo to the United States. His entourage, comprising Dr. Ramroop and his security detail arrived at the airport at 22:00 hours that night. The aircraft took off for Florida at 22:30 hours. This publication understands that the chartering of a Lear Jet, from Florida to Guyana and back for a medivac, would cost between US$35,000 ($7M) and US$40,000 ($8M). This would be in addition to the thousands more that would be used to pay the hospital bill and other expenditure related to his illness. In May 2009, then President Jagdeo assented to the controversial Former Presidents (Benefits and Facilities) Bill bringing it into law.

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Under that Act, he and his successors would receive free medical attention and medical treatment, paid for by the state, or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by them for the medical attention or treatment of themselves and the dependant members of their family.

Did Carl Greenidge express his concern when Nigel Hughes went abroad for medical treatment a the taxpayers' expense?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Govt. must justify Jagdeo’s medivac as cost effective

February 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


… this must be of concern to the taxpayers of the country – Greenidge

“One would expect that the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Shamdeo Persaud and/or the Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, or whoever’s medical advice was sought, would be able to justify as cost effective, the decision to charter a jet from Florida to Guyana and back, to medivac former President, Bharrat Jagdeo for treatment. The Government

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

needs to justify this.” This was the assertion of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s, Financial Spokesperson, Carl Greenidge, who has been one of the fiercest critics of the open-ended nature of the Former President’s Benefits (and other Amenities) Act. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Jagdeo contracted dengue and it is for this reason he was flown overseas for medical treatment. When he was flown out of Guyana on Friday evening last, Jagdeo was reportedly suffering from persistent fever, vomiting and diarrhea. “Surely the cost of the overseas trip for the former President must be of concern to the taxpayers of the country, as it is they who would be footing the Bill!” Greenidge exclaimed. He declined however to comment on where a private person would want to seek treatment for whatever ailment they may have, but reiterated that since it is tax dollars being used, the resort to overseas treatment must be defensible. Greenidge again drew reference to the fact that it is not the individual that the opposition has a problem with, but rather the open-ended nature of the law. He noted as an example that the President can adopt how many persons he wants after he would have demitted office and that they too would become eligible for benefits under the Law, all of which would have to be paid for with taxpayers’ dollars. Efforts to contact CMO, Dr Persaud, yesterday proved futile, however Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran is on record saying that the Former President, Jagdeo, is a private citizen and can choose to seek medical help wherever he wants. Asked repeatedly about the fact that it is the State that would have to foot the bill for Jagdeo’s treatment, the Minister maintained that it is a ‘private matter’.

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

Asked whether the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), could not have dealt with Jagdeo’s fever, vomiting and diarrhea, the Minister said that this is possible, but was adamant that he was unaware of what was afflicting the former President and as such could not offer an informed comment. He said that like any private citizen, Jagdeo is entitled to choose wherever he wants to seek medical attention. Jagdeo was flown to a Florida Hospital, Friday evening and accompanying him was Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, who was described as his best friend. How long Jagdeo has had this condition is still to be ascertained. A privately-owned Lear jet out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) shortly after 21:00 hours Friday night to medivac Jagdeo to the United States. His entourage, comprising Dr. Ramroop and his security detail arrived at the airport at 22:00 hours that night. The aircraft took off for Florida at 22:30 hours. This publication understands that the chartering of a Lear Jet, from Florida to Guyana and back for a medivac, would cost between US$35,000 ($7M) and US$40,000 ($8M). This would be in addition to the thousands more that would be used to pay the hospital bill and other expenditure related to his illness. In May 2009, then President Jagdeo assented to the controversial Former Presidents (Benefits and Facilities) Bill bringing it into law.

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Under that Act, he and his successors would receive free medical attention and medical treatment, paid for by the state, or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by them for the medical attention or treatment of themselves and the dependant members of their family.

Did Carl Greenidge express his concern when Nigel Hughes went abroad for medical treatment a the taxpayers' expense?

did the ppp charter a plane for him or a boat


Health Ministry medevac’s Nigel Hughes

Health Ministry medevac’s  Nigel Hughes

- CHI team monitoring his condition

Georgetown, GINA, March 17, 2013

The Ministry of Health early this morning medevaced, via Roraima Airways, Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Nigel Hughes from Aishalton, Region 9 after he suffered a cardiac arrest.

As soon as  Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran heard of the incident yesterday, he mobilised a regional health team from Region 9 to travel to the Marudi Mountains where Hughes was holding meetings.

Chairman of the Alliance For Change [AFC), Nigel Hughes being assisted out of a Roraima Airways aircraft with which he was airlifted from Aishalton, Region 9.

Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes being assisted out of a Roraima Airways aircraft with which he was airlifted from Aishalton, Region 9.

Hughes was then taken to Aishalton, the nearest place from which he could have been airlifted to the city. A team from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) travelled to Aishalton with the plane where they monitored him during the night and returned with him on the flight.

The CHI team was on duty during last night awaiting Hughes’ arrival.

Upon arriving at the Ogle Airport about 7:10hrs  this morning, he was whisked away in an ambulance to the CHI where routine checks were conducted by Dr Leonard Carpen, a Guyanese cardiologist and a good prognosis was issued, according to Minister Ramsaran.  He said Hughes did suffer a cardiac event,  but it was not life-threatening. Other tests are expected to be carried out, but in the meantime Hughes is being monitored by the team at CHI.

Roraima Airways Owner Captain Jerry Gouveia offering assistance to wheel AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes away from the aircraft and into a waiting ambulance. Also in photo is Hughes' wife Member of Parliament, Kathy Hughes.

Roraima Airways Owner Captain Jerry Gouveia offering assistance to wheel AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes away from the aircraft and into a waiting ambulance. Also in photo is Hughes’ wife Member of Parliament, Kathy Hughes.

The medevac is a Ministry of Health initiative in collaboration with Commodore Gary Best of the Guyana Defence Force   and Roraima Airways.

Hughes’ wife, Member of Parliament, Kathy Hughes and other members of the AFC were at the Ogle Airport when Hughes arrived.

The medevac service has been in operation for several years through the Ministry of Health and a few local air transport providers to airlift critically ill persons, from predominantly hinterland communities, to Georgetown for specialist attention.


The cost to medivac Nigel Hughes from the interior was borne by Roraima Airways. The local aircraft operators provide this service free of charge, many times helping out less fortunate interior residents to come to Georgetown for medical treatment. Hughes was critically ill suffering from cardiac arrest. Jagdeo's airlift and accommodation for him and his posse are being paid for by taxpayers. Also Jagdeo had a mild case of belly wuk which could have easily been cured by a local hospital. Or are you trying to tell me that the GPHC is not equipped to cure belly wuk.

Originally Posted by JB:

PPP will get 44% next election. Dont be too hopeful.

It will be very  difficult for the AFC to  get 10% of the National votes.
Opportunists have no place in Guyanese politrics. If the Indians vote for the AFC, they run the risk of going back to the PNC daze of 1968-1992.



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