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Meridien and Marriott:
The disclosure that a Marriott Hotel will be built in Guyana was made early in the year 2011. Indeed, a few months prior to the November 2011 elections, there was a public sod-turning event at the proposed site, which was published in all the newspapers, and aired on television. No public criticism came from the A.F.C. 


As the elections were approaching, Robert Badal, the owner of the Pegasus Hotel, made public his association with the A.F.C. I have no doubt that this association came with great financial benefits.


It is not rocket science for anyone to quickly realize that a Marriott Hotel, in close proximity to the Pegasus Hotel, would pose significant competition in that realm of the hotel industry in which the Pegasus Hotel enjoys an almost absolute monopoly.


Almost immediately after Badal’s association with the A.F.C. was consummated, the party launched a sustained and vitriolic campaign against every aspect of the Marriott Hotel project, casting every conceivable reason as a basis for it to not materialize. But again, not for one moment during this sustained attack did the A.F.C. disclose, or even concede, that the party has a close and politically consanguine relationship with the Pegasus Hotel.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Meridien and Marriott:
The disclosure that a Marriott Hotel will be built in Guyana was made early in the year 2011. Indeed, a few months prior to the November 2011 elections, there was a public sod-turning event at the proposed site, which was published in all the newspapers, and aired on television. No public criticism came from the A.F.C. 


As the elections were approaching, Robert Badal, the owner of the Pegasus Hotel, made public his association with the A.F.C. I have no doubt that this association came with great financial benefits.


It is not rocket science for anyone to quickly realize that a Marriott Hotel, in close proximity to the Pegasus Hotel, would pose significant competition in that realm of the hotel industry in which the Pegasus Hotel enjoys an almost absolute monopoly.


Almost immediately after Badal’s association with the A.F.C. was consummated, the party launched a sustained and vitriolic campaign against every aspect of the Marriott Hotel project, casting every conceivable reason as a basis for it to not materialize. But again, not for one moment during this sustained attack did the A.F.C. disclose, or even concede, that the party has a close and politically consanguine relationship with the Pegasus Hotel.

You can rightly speculate on Badal but how about speculating spending the nations money in advance of investors investing but for investors!....pure magical thinking all she way to the PPP fat cats pockets. As for sanguination....we know who bleeds...the poor in plastic city who cannot get even drinking water  or in the wasteland of tiger bay.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Meridien and Marriott:
The disclosure that a Marriott Hotel will be built in Guyana was made early in the year 2011. Indeed, a few months prior to the November 2011 elections, there was a public sod-turning event at the proposed site, which was published in all the newspapers, and aired on television. No public criticism came from the A.F.C. 


As the elections were approaching, Robert Badal, the owner of the Pegasus Hotel, made public his association with the A.F.C. I have no doubt that this association came with great financial benefits.


It is not rocket science for anyone to quickly realize that a Marriott Hotel, in close proximity to the Pegasus Hotel, would pose significant competition in that realm of the hotel industry in which the Pegasus Hotel enjoys an almost absolute monopoly.


Almost immediately after Badal’s association with the A.F.C. was consummated, the party launched a sustained and vitriolic campaign against every aspect of the Marriott Hotel project, casting every conceivable reason as a basis for it to not materialize. But again, not for one moment during this sustained attack did the A.F.C. disclose, or even concede, that the party has a close and politically consanguine relationship with the Pegasus Hotel.



August 23, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo. Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many. We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you. We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country.THE HEIST OF GUYANA Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration. If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years. Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, β€˜If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’. Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.



Written by HARRY GILL

Monday, 19 August I Guyana Chronicle

IN Part 1 of my letter (published in the Chronicle on Sunday Aug 18), I wrote about the unethical behaviour of Nigel Hughes as it relates to the Lusignan massacre trial. I will now focus on how he manages his affairs as a delinquent tax- payer. In 2012, The Guyana Revenue Authority(GRA), obtained two judgements against Harvest Company Ltd., a company owned by Nigel Hughes. According to the details of the judgements: 


* On October 7, 2011 (Action No. 814/CD 2011) judgement was granted for the sum of $621,967 (being PAYE principal in the sum of $468,183, penalties in the sum of $106,814 and interest in the sum of $46,970) for the periods January - August 2010.


* On June 24, 2009 (Action No. 105/CD 2009) judgement was granted for the sum of $7,236,032 (being PAYE principal in the sum of $2,337,110.00, penalties in the sum of $2,692,231 and interest in the sum of $2,206,691) for the periods August 2005 - December 2005, July 2006 - December 2006 and January 2007 - December 2007.


* On January 7, 2010 Section 44 Certificate was filed for the sum of $1,439,644 (being VAT in the sum of $942,803 and interest thereon in the sum of $496,841) for the periods April 2007 - July 2007 and December 2007; January - June, September and November 2008; January 2009, February 2009 and April - July 2009.


* On October 13, 2011, a Writ of Summons was filed in the High Court to recover $4,429,450 (being PAYE in the sum of $1,230,727 and interest and penalties thereon in the sum of $3,198,723) for the periods January - December 2008 and July - December 2009.


As a result of failing to make payments toward his liabilities, a Writ of Execution was filed on May 22, 2012 to recover Hughes’s indebtedness to the state treasury which totalled over $13.7 million. This is the same man who has been pontificating that the administration is misusing state funds for their own aggrandizement, and using taxpayers’ monies irresponsibly. By not paying his taxes, Hughes is making sure that his money is not among the lot.


But Harvest Company Ltd is not the only company owned by Nigel Hughes that has not been paying the GRA taxes due. Hughes is company secretary for 12 local companies/businesses, and is director of five others. Eight of his companies are delinquent with their registration, which is an indication that those businesses have defaulted on their taxes.


Among those is the Sidewalk CafΓ© which still operates, and is therefore in contravention of the Companies Act and GRA’s tax laws. Other delinquent businesses associated with Nigel Hughes are: Kwazimoto Fashions; Kwazimoto Art Work; Hadfield Foundation; CN Lumber Sales (registered under Hughes and Lloyd London); Jazz Works; Sidewalk CafΓ© & Jazz Club; and Gini Global Services (Guyana) Inc, of which Hughes is both director and company secretary. Ethical questions are also being raised as to how Nigel Hughes gained possession of the Ariantze Hotel, but I would leave this for β€œDem Boys” to investigate.


The underlying aim of the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act of 2010 makes it very clear that a lawyer should at all times conduct him/herself in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and efficiency of the legal system and profession: β€œHonesty, honour and reliability are the fountainheads of integrity.” This Act also rules that: β€œNeither in his private nor in his professional activities shall there be dishonest conduct on the part of the attorney-at-law.”
Withholding taxes from the GRA adversely impacts the credibility and integrity of Attorney Nigel Hughes.                                                                    


There is no doubt in my mind that the unethical behaviour of this attorney defies the Code of Conduct set out in the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2010. Referring to the recent disclosure that he is the company secretary for Amaila Hydro Inc, Nigel Hughes said, β€œI acknowledge there was a conflict of interest and I assume full responsibility for it.” (Kaieteur News, August 13). Here is what the Act says about Conflict of Interest: An attorney-at-law shall not devise or represent more than one interest in a matter, nor shall he act or continue to act in a matter where there is, or is likely to be a conflicting interest; which includes but is not limited to the financial interest of attorney-at-law or his associate and the duties and the loyalties of the attorney-at-law to any other client or prospective client, including the obligation to communicate information.


Nigel Hughes also clearly did not discharge his duty to the court of law and to his professional colleagues with integrity, when he remained silent as juror Vernon Griffith lied to Justice Navindra Singh to cover up a six-year-old client/attorney relationship he had with him. Had this trial been held in the United States, Hughes may have suffered the same fate of Roger Khan’s attorney, Robert Simmels, who was sentenced to 14 years behind bars and fined US$225,000 for witness-tampering.


As such, I call upon the attorney general; the director of public prosecutions; the chancellor of the judiciary and the Guyana Bar Association to recognise that Nigel Hughes has breached the rules of conduct as explicitly written in the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2010, and urge that he be given a reprimand and suspended from practice in order to restore public confidence in the judicial system.


It has been revealed that embattled Alliance of Change(AFC) chairman Nigel Hughes, was slated to receive US$3M in legal fees if the construction of the Amaila Falls Hydro Power plant went ahead.
An examination of the project documents revealed that Sithe Global, the company contracted to develop the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, embedded in its agreement with the government, legal fees amounting to US$5M to be paid and this is included in the overall price tag of US$858M.
The information is reflected in the Mercados Energeticos Consultores, Evaluation and Financial report for the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project.
The Argentine Based Company was hired by Sithe Global and the Guyana Government in 2009 to undertake a viability study for the project.
Under the cost analysis breakdown of the project, it was pointed out that US$2M out of the US$5M has been set aside for the Bank’s Legal Fees.

The remaining US$3M has been earmarked as the β€˜Legal Counsel’ fees for the Company and with
Hughes being the registered Company Secretary for Amaila Falls Hydro Inc most likely this will go towards him.


Just look at this Ugly Dunce Pat-a-cake...... Councie

coming here and display she pum-pum self.....


Fip collect US $15 Million....from Jagdeo

Fip could collect another US $12 Million....

If AFC & APNU did not step in and stop payment...


Contract states..

"De Pooja Man" would have to deliver

Hydro Project by Aug 1 2010

This Hydro should have been completed since 2010...

Why dem Crying Now....


Jagdeo cut US $30 Million.....from de Chinese....

De Rat Already investing De money with Bobby...


Brassington, Ashni & Donald cut.....

was not Included in Bharat package....

Dem too getting gooooood cut back from De Chinese....


Illegal Kickback to 5 persons over US $100 million

Kickback to these 5 over 12% of the Project....

and most already in their Foreign Bank Accounts....




to be paid..........

Less than 1/3 of One Percent of this Project




And this Jagabat Homan got de nerve....

fuh talk about Legal fees

Totaling less than 1/3 of One Percent....

which is an estimate... and not paid...

and will be shared by attorneys Involved .....


Let this Sissy tell us if Hughes got Paid...

and if he did....... How much... 


This Ugly Girl Councie .....

do not Know the Difference between...

A Corporate Lawyer...... and....... a Pooja Shop

Or....Legal Fees.....and...Kick Backs & Thiefing

Last edited by Former Member

Hughes and Hydro:
I have no doubt that the disclosure that Mr. Nigel Hughes functioned simultaneously as chairman for the Alliance For Change and the Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. is a shock from which many have not yet recovered. His decision to resign from the party rather than the company must have bewildered his supporters more than anything else. The fact that his leader disclaims knowledge of his dual role speaks volumes. To whom did he make his alleged disclosure that he is the company secretary for Amaila Hydro Electric Project Inc. when his leader is unaware, is indeed a million dollar question. Certainly, the disclosure was not made public and only that could have possibly dissipated the impregnable conflict of interest which he eventually admitted. Alas, this public disclosure is almost four years late.


Absolutely ...No Doubt....

Desmond Hoyte bust the bubble ......

Kwame is De PNC Garbage

and a Creature of the Black House of Isreal Thugs



This Ugly Girl Councie .....

do not Know the Difference between...

A Corporate Lawyer...... and....... a Pooja Shop

Or....Legal Fees.....and...Kick Backs & Thiefing



Let this Sissy tell us if Hughes got Paid...

and if he did get paid....... How much... 

because Jagbeo, Ramotar, Ashni & Brassington....

mouth Zip-up now......


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goons are at full throttle doing damage control for their political gathering,

the Guyana populace are no fools, the AFC cabal are heading to the political grave yard.


So....let us hear it from the Girls ....Now

Let this Sissy tell us if Hughes got Paid...

and if he did get paid....... How much... 

because Jagbeo, Ramotar, Ashni & Brassington....

mouth Zip-up now......

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goons are at full throttle doing damage control for their political gathering,

the Guyana populace are no fools, the AFC cabal are heading to the political grave yard.


So....let us hear it from the Girls ....Now

Let this Sissy tell us if Hughes got Paid...

and if he did get paid....... How much... 

because Jagbeo, Ramotar, Ashni & Brassington....

mouth Zip-up now......


Just watch how this Jagabat Homan

who representing Ramotar Govt....

watch how she....Dunce & Ugly too....


We want to know how much money

Nigel Hughes received from the Hydro Project so far....

if any...

No one cares or want to know

anything about Julius....

how much Crab Louse infest she Crouch....

or why she got de itch....

or why Hoyte call her a Creature of "De Rabbai"


Why aya think dis Jagabat woman

 cannot answer de Question about ......

how much money Nigel receive from De Hydro Project.


Just watch how this Jagabat Homan

who representing Ramotar Govt....

watch how she....Dunce & Ugly too....


We still want to know how much money

Nigel Hughes received from the Hydro Project so far....

if any...

No one cares or want to know

anything about Julius....

how much Crab Louse infest she Crouch....

or why she got de itch....

or why Hoyte call her a Creature of "De Rabbai"


Why aya think dis Jagabat woman

 cannot answer de Question about ......

how much money Nigel receive from De Hydro Project????


Office of the President driver arrested with unlicensed gun, ammo

  • Thursday, 05 September 2013 11:27

Office of the President driver arrested with unlicensed gun, ammo

A driver of the Office of the President was Thursday arraigned for illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition and he was remanded to prison.
Kennard Jabur of Norton Street allegedly had in his possession one  9 MM pistol and four live bullets without being the holder of a license.
The prosecution told the court that Jabur was stopped and searched by a police mobile patrol on September 3 at John Street and Brickdam.
At the time, he was riding a motorcycle without a helmet.(He got caught by accident)
Prosecutor, Bharrat Magru objected to bail, saying that the offence was prevalent and serious. He said no special reasons were presented to justify the bail application.(Prosecutor Magru admit in court these Crab Louse are acting as if they are above the law.....and this offence was prevalent and serious)
Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry refused Jabur bail. The matter was transferred to  Court Three where Magistrate Judy Latchman told him to return to court on September 18
these @untymen arming themselves.....WHY???
Last edited by Former Member

Is Nigel Hughes claiming his employer Sithe Global clinched their bid through unfair methods?

(Eyewitness)We use the word β€œbarefaced” to describe the selection by the Alliance For Change (AFC) of Nigel Hughes to explain their position on the derailing of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project in their column most recent Kaieteur News Sunday column.



As a lawyer, Hughes would know that self-serving statements are β€œhearsay” and, therefore, to be disregarded by anyone interested in the truth about the AFC and his role in the scuttling of Amaila. But let’s deconstruct some of Hughes’ utterances to illustrate the depravity into which these fellow will sink to feather their nests. Hughes claims, β€œThe AFC believes that this project was handled badly from the inception.”


Well if Hughes was company secretary and legal advisor to the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc (AFHI), the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) established to execute the project, whose fault is it? Does Hughes believe Sithe Global, as majority and controlling partner in the venture, hired him for his looks?


When foreign companies invest in countries like Guyana, one of the first things they do is to hire local personnel who’re familiar with the terrain (in the widest possible meaning of the term). A β€œfixer” in other words. Hughes is therefore admitting he blew his high priced assignment. The funds set aside for legal fees were some US$5 million!! And Hughes now says the AFC is concerned about inflated β€œadvisory fees”!!


Developing the theme, Hughes says the opposition wasn’t given information by the government in a timely fashion. Well the government could only do so with the consent of the company who’d hired Hughes as legal advisor. Shouldn’t Hughes have advised his client of what was going down in the opposition ranks?


Then Hughes complains that β€œthere is no evidence of a formal and transparent tender process leading to the identification and selection of the project’s developers”. Well, excuse me, but is Hughes claiming that the β€œproject developer”, who was (is) his employer, clinched their internationally conducted bid through unfair methods? The U.S. laws are very clear – and draconian – on this type of behaviour by U.S. corporations. We hope Hughes is willing to testify in U.S. court on what basis he made this charge.


Finally Hughes says, β€œThe AFC is today rising in the conscience of the Guyanese people.” A feeling of revulsion against the AFC is what’s rising in their conscience.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Just watch how this Jagabat Homan

who representing Ramotar Govt....

watch how she....Dunce & Ugly too....


We still want to know how much money

Nigel Hughes received from the Hydro Project so far....

if any...

No one cares or want to know

anything about Julius....

how much Crab Louse infest she Crouch....

or why she got de itch....

or why Hoyte call her a Creature of "De Rabbai"


Why aya think dis Jagabat woman

 cannot answer de Question about ......

how much money Nigel receive from De Hydro Project????



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