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Former Member

President and Cabinet should have resigned immediately, caretaker gov’t now in place – Ram

Legally illiterate claptrap by Christopher Ram . . . made up stuff

typical of a GT newspaper culture of lazy permissive ignorance, allowing the Ralph Ramkarrans and Chris Rams of Guyana to get away with intellectual murder . . . no questions asked

the agenda is to rob the incumbent Gov't of time! . . . the fear is that, for all their incompetence, the coalition will actually get it right

but OIL ah come . . . the 'positioning' is in full effect

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"Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran pointed out in a recent column in the Stabroek News, that the inclusion of paragraphs (6) and (7) in Article 106 was to insert in the Guyana Constitution, the convention inherited from the UK regarding no confidence motions. He should know, he was the Chairman of the Constitution Reform Commission (CRC)"

Chris Ram says all this with a straight face . . . like he hadn't read Ralph's November 26 'advice' to the PPP

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"What is certain is that the country’s embrace of democracy is once again being tested and that while this is being played out, the Venezuelan President would be looking on with interest"

this from the idiot who sucked his teeth and hollered that the modest 2019 monies budgeted to equip the GDF were a waste . . . citing that eminent NEPS authority on budget matters, 'Captain' Gerry Gouveia

jokers with agendas . . . smfh

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

President and Cabinet should have resigned immediately, caretaker gov’t now in place – Ram

Legally illiterate claptrap by Christopher Ram . . . made up stuff

typical of a GT newspaper culture of lazy permissive ignorance, allowing the Ralph Ramkarrans and Chris Rams of Guyana to get away with intellectual murder . . . no questions asked

the agenda is to rob the incumbent Gov't of time! . . . the fear is that, for all their incompetence, the coalition will actually get it right

but OIL ah come . . . the 'positioning' is in full effect

No lawyer here...but "made up stuff" sounds like the fuzzy math by Nigel Hughes also...all dem GT playas riding the same ship...

ronan posted:

President and Cabinet should have resigned immediately, caretaker gov’t now in place – Ram

Legally illiterate claptrap by Christopher Ram . . . made up stuff

typical of a GT newspaper culture of lazy permissive ignorance, allowing the Ralph Ramkarrans and Chris Rams of Guyana to get away with intellectual murder . . . no questions asked

the agenda is to rob the incumbent Gov't of time! . . . the fear is that, for all their incompetence, the coalition will actually get it right

but OIL ah come . . . the 'positioning' is in full effect

Except that Chris Ram was among those extremely helpful in getting credibility for the Coalition. Like many he is disappointed by them. He just has less to lose with the restoration of the PPP ethnocracy.  For obvious reasons.

caribny posted:
ronan posted:

President and Cabinet should have resigned immediately, caretaker gov’t now in place – Ram

Legally illiterate claptrap by Christopher Ram . . . made up stuff

typical of a GT newspaper culture of lazy permissive ignorance, allowing the Ralph Ramkarrans and Chris Rams of Guyana to get away with intellectual murder . . . no questions asked

the agenda is to rob the incumbent Gov't of time! . . . the fear is that, for all their incompetence, the coalition will actually get it right

but OIL ah come . . . the 'positioning' is in full effect

Except that Chris Ram was among those extremely helpful in getting credibility for the Coalition. Like many he is disappointed by them. He just has less to lose with the restoration of the PPP ethnocracy.  For obvious reasons.

correct about Chris Ram

i don't mean him when i speak of "positioning"

but isn't that the issue? . . . the fallout doesn't really affect him

his problem is the same as David Hinds and Freddie Kissoon . . . personal shyte married to massive ego

i find these kinds of behaviors to be politically immature and irresponsible

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