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The Energy Forum

Exxon Mobil has not released any gas discovery figures for the Stabroek block of Guyana despite FPSOs indicating future gas production.

Using a comparison with other blocks, along with the FPSO specifications, cash flow could be a minimum of 10% higher on Liza Phase 1 and increase thereafter.

There are a number of reasons the company could be doing this including negotiations with the Guyanese government.

This could be an exciting development, I recommend investors pay close attention.


Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) is a major oil producer, the second-largest publicly traded one in the world after the now public Saudi Aramco (ARMCO). As one of the largest producers, the world takes notice when the company succeeds, as it has recently in offshore Guyana. Here, the company arrived in an area where no one had previously found significant oil and found what is currently estimated at more than 6 billion barrels of oil.

This is despite the company only investigating a small portion of its potential plays here. I recommend reading more about the company’s Guyana assets in my previous article here. The point of this article is to discuss a recent article Kaieteur News Online has published, discussing how Exxon Mobil seems to be hiding the size of its Guyana gas finds and what that could mean for the company and investors.

Exxon Mobil Statements

To start our analysis of Exxon Mobil’s Guyana gas, let’s take a look at what the company has had to say about it. To date, Exxon Mobil has said nothing about gas discoveries in the Guyana fields besides the fact that it’s part of the company’s oil and gas exploration program in the region.

However, the company has stated, “it has informed the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that between 30 to 50 million cubic feet per day of Natural Gas (NG) can be made available for electricity generation in Guyana.” That’s not much. At current market rates in the United States, it’s about $90 thousand/day at the midpoint or almost $40 million/year.

 However, given that Guyana is a nation of three-quarters of a million people, the question becomes, is the company, which hasn’t discussed any gas discoveries, not finding any gas and avoiding the topic, or finding major gas but only sharing the minimum information possible - i.e., that we have enough gas to generate electricity for your current small population.

As we’ll see, I expect it’s the latter.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Even as oil use wanes, Gas is expected to grow.  Trump knew why he pushed for a Gas deal with China.  When I lived in India, many commercial vehicles were required to be LNG in Mumbai.  In the US, LNG has replaced Coal.  Same will happen in China.


Liquid natural gas is the future but it is very dangerous to handle.  It needs lots of capital to invest in specialized equipment needed at handle the LNG.  Something is not right with this non disclosure here. I have a feeling that Exxon either does not know or is not interested in natural gas.

ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

ksazma posted:

Doesn’t really matter because no matter how much money Exxon gives to those fools in Guyana they will still find ways to squander it. Is like giving money to a drug addict.

Harmon said that he thought the $18 mil was a gift to the PNC.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

When I turn the TV in the morning there's a banner that makes my day and brings music to my ears. The banner says, "THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD J TRUMP".

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

When I turn the TV in the morning there's a banner that makes my day and brings music to my ears. The banner says, "THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD J TRUMP".

When I turned on TV this morning the banner was Mnuchin working on the next Trump initiative to further boost economic growth.  They are also talking of skilled labor shortages due to low unemployment.

So ayuh could continue to be the Circus clown.  Well, it’s a job I guess.

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

When I turn the TV in the morning there's a banner that makes my day and brings music to my ears. The banner says, "THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD J TRUMP".

When I turned on TV this morning the banner was Mnuchin working on the next Trump initiative to further boost economic growth(at he expense of destroying mankind and the earth).  They are also talking of skilled labor shortages due to low unemployment.

So ayuh could continue to be the Circus clown.  Well, it’s a job I guess.

Guess who is the head clown? Money is not everything. When all the water is poisoned, all the trees are dead, all the insects and animals are gone, all you would have left is your money. Will you eat your riches?

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

America still importing coal. It is the cheapest energy source.

Last edited by Prashad
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

When I turn the TV in the morning there's a banner that makes my day and brings music to my ears. The banner says, "THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD J TRUMP".

When I turned on TV this morning the banner was Mnuchin working on the next Trump initiative to further boost economic growth(at he expense of destroying mankind and the earth).  They are also talking of skilled labor shortages due to low unemployment.

So ayuh could continue to be the Circus clown.  Well, it’s a job I guess.

Guess who is the head clown? Money is not everything. When all the water is poisoned, all the trees are dead, all the insects and animals are gone, all you would have left is your money. Will you eat your riches?

Where did I mention money.  There is a difference between money and livelihood.  So go back in the logee.

Why you even in America?  This is a CAPITALIST country.  Get over it!

I hope he rolls back some more draconian rules.

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

So why derass Trump still deh pon a coal kick?

His way of conning the coal mining communities.

Hillary said to mine owners, we will put you out of business.  She did not think of the miners out of work.

Trump spoke to the miners saying I’ll get you back to work. So he rolled back some regulations which reopened some coal power plants.... for now.  Now he’s urging new skill for next generation to wean them off of coal.

That the difference.  It will end the same way eventually.

Hillary just put her foot in her mouth for an intelligent person.

When I turn the TV in the morning there's a banner that makes my day and brings music to my ears. The banner says, "THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD J TRUMP".

When I turned on TV this morning the banner was Mnuchin working on the next Trump initiative to further boost economic growth(at he expense of destroying mankind and the earth).  They are also talking of skilled labor shortages due to low unemployment.

So ayuh could continue to be the Circus clown.  Well, it’s a job I guess.

Guess who is the head clown? Money is not everything. When all the water is poisoned, all the trees are dead, all the insects and animals are gone, all you would have left is your money. Will you eat your riches?

Where did I mention money.  There is a difference between money and livelihood.  So go back in the logee.

Why you even in America?  This is a CAPITALIST country.  Get over it!

I hope he rolls back some more draconian rules.

Trump is a PRICK. His days are numbered. If he rolls back the rules, the next democrat president will chop everything he did. Who knows, Cuomo might name the street that his hotel is on "Barack H Obama Way". That would drive him in the madhouse instantly.
Why are Sanders, Warren, Styer and the rest in America? Why do you ask me why I am in America? Are you the Emperor of America? I am not here to live off of anyone. Never did and never will.
I spoke my peace.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

When I turn the TV in the morning there's a banner that makes my day and brings music to my ears. The banner says, "THE IMPEACHMENT 

When I turned on TV this morning the banner was Mnuchin working on the next Trump initiative to further boost economic growth(at he expense of destroying mankind and the earth).  They are also talking of skilled labor shortages due to low unemployment.

So ayuh could continue to be the Circus clown.  Well, it’s a job I guess.

Guess who is the head clown? Money is not everything. When all the water is poisoned, all the trees are dead, all the insects and animals are gone, all you would have left is your money. Will you eat your riches?

Where did I mention money.  There is a difference between money and livelihood.  So go back in the logee.

Why you even in America?  This is a CAPITALIST country.  Get over it!

I hope he rolls back some more draconian rules.

Trump is a PRICK. His days are numbered. If he rolls back the rules, the next democrat president will chop everything he did. Who knows, Cuomo might name the street that his hotel is on "Barack H Obama Way". That would drive him in the madhouse instantly.
Why are Sanders, Warren, Styer and the rest in America? Why do you ask me why I am in America? Are you the Emperor of America? I am not here to live off of anyone. Never did and never will.
I spoke my peace.

Ayuh two jackass heroes Jagan and Burnham cuss the Great Satan and bruk up Guyana with their shit.  And all ayuh run heh hungry belly and white mouth and now cussing at the Great Satan.  Gwan suh.

I like Trump and (many) of his polices.  Great President who will be re-elected by a larger landslide!  Guh cry in a corner!

Obama was good. He days done, Hillary will be never, Biden never, Warren never, Sanders never. Buttageig good guy, maybe 2024.  


Skelly, you will holler holler and cry when Congress kicks down the Democrat Fake Hoax. Trump will buss Biden balls regarding Hunter Biden. All you going to see a repeat of Crooked Hillary loss. Tek time, buss balls coming soon. 

Baseman posted:

I like Trump and (many) of his polices.  Great President who will be re-elected by a larger landslide!

Haaa haaa haaaa....

Records show that the Democratic Party led by Hillary Clinton gained more votes that the Republican Party led by Donald Trump.


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